EEET2449 Week 4 Lecture literature reviews PDF

Title EEET2449 Week 4 Lecture literature reviews
Author Bob Nguyen
Course Research Methods for Engineers
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 28
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Research Methods for Engineers EEET2449

Week 4 Lecture Literature Reviews: Purpose and Structure

Prof. Chun-Qing Li [email protected] RMIT Engineering

The Research Process Ø How to begin - Identify a problem (what) - Literature review to see ❏ this is a problem - significant (why) ❏ how similar problems are dealt with ❏ what basic knowledge is needed to solve the problem

- Design of research programme ❏ where, when, who, how much

- Research methods (how) ❏ hypothesis or assumption ❏ qualitative or quantitative ❏ experimental or theoretical RMIT Engineering


Literature Review Ø What is it - re, view, look at it again - survey of information on a topic/problem/concept - explore relationship in the topic/problem/concept

Ø Purpose - equip you with sufficient knowledge, state of the art - find out gaps, create new knowledge - don’t repeat what has been done or known

Ø Benefits of review - find new ideas, methods, tools - find new sources of data, information, etc. - increase confidence: the problem is worth studying RMIT Engineering


Literature Review Ø Sources of literature - libraries, RMIT, Vic State library, etc. - Internet, e.g., google - databases, e.g., Web of Science - personal contacts

Ø Journal rankings can be found in - Scimago - e.g., Q1, Q2,

Ø Journal Impact Factors can be found in - Journal Citation Reports

RMIT Engineering


How to Review Ø Three key steps in review - Identify: identify the key items and locate the literature - Analyse: analyse the relationship between or among identified items, the logic, etc. - Evaluate: select and critically assess the items identify or the literature Then write a review report.

RMIT Engineering


How to Review Ø Method of literature review -

keep a problem (subject, topic) in mind how the problem is described how the problem is dealt with what assumptions/definitions are used what theories are used how is the test designed and developed how to derive a relationship how to process data what conclusions are drawn

RMIT Engineering


How to Review Ø Method of literature review -

from books to papers read actively: search for what you want think critically: what, how and why keep notes: key points chase back references: whose work make comments: good, can be used, etc rank the paper: ***, **** Bookkeeping: folders, EasyCite, EndNote

RMIT Engineering


How to Review • There is an ‘art’ to reading • There is an ‘art’ to writing



Reduced Cost Photonic Instantaneous Frequency Measurement System Niusha Sarkhosh, Member, IEEE, Hossein Emami, Lam Bui, Member, IEEE, and Arnan Mitchell, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A wideband photonic instantaneous frequency measurement system is proposed and practically demonstrated. This system employs only a low-frequency inexpensive photodetector and thus the system cost is reduced. Index Terms—Frequency measurement, microwave photonics.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of an electrical IFM system.


• Elements to look out for: • Masthead and title block • Abstract (very short version of paper) • Key words (for searching) • Conclusions • Affiliations, date received, acknowledgements etc …

III. PHOTONIC IFM NSTANTANEOUS frequency measurement (IFM) is important for modern radar warning receivers, providing ini- The system of Fig. 1 exhibits direct current (dc) output which tial threat classification of incoming signals and suggesting fre- is proportional to the RF frequency to be measured. Photonics can enable a broad frequency detection range and low-cost phoquency ranges to focus processing resources. Traditional IFM receivers have been implemented simply todetectors could be used to reduce the total system cost. using interferometers formed from hybrid couplers and delay lines [1][2]. The bandwidth of such implementations can be A. Photonic IFM System Configuration limited due to unwanted radiation and dispersion occurring Fig. 2 shows the experimental setup of the proposed photonic inside radio-frequency (RF) devices [3], [4]. IFM system. An RF signal generator produces a single RF tone On the other hand, microwave photonics has been suggested which is divided equally into two portions using a Wilkinson as a means of increasing the bandwidth of signal processing sys- power divider feeding two arms of the IFM system. These two tems [5]–[8]. Broadband, low-noise optical modulators up-con- arms are labelled the optical path and the RF path on Fig. 2. The vert the RF signal to the optical domain where it is photonicallyRF tone in the optical path is input to a Mach–Zehnder moduprocessed and transmitted via optical fiber. Broadband photode-lator (MZM1) biased at quadrature . MZM1 modulates an tectors then down-convert it to the RF domain. optical carrier with wavelength of produced by a laser diode. Photonics could offer advantages for broadband IFM The modulated carrier then traverses a fiber patch cord and exsystems. A recent photonics IFM was demonstrated using periences an optical delay. The second portion of the RF tone in broadband high-performance photodetectors. However, banksthe RF path is delayed using a length of co-axial cable, and is of these devices would be prohibitively expensive [5]. input to a second modulator (MZM2) (biased at ) modulating In this letter, an alternate photonic IFM approach using low- the optical carrier a second time. The twice-modulated signal cost low-frequency photodetectors is proposed and practicallyis then detected by a photodetector. The output of the photodedemonstrated, measuring frequencies from 1 to 10 GHz. tector is then low-pass filtered and measured by a digital voltmeter. Having conceived a photonic IFM system configuration, we now develop a theoretical model to accurately predict the freII. IFM CONCEPT quency dependence of the dc term of the photodetector output. Fig. 1 shows a possible IFM system [1][2]. An RF tone is divided into two equal portions. One portion is delayed relative toB. Photonic IFM Model the other by time . The two RF tones are then multiplied to- An optical carrier with angular frequency and power can gether and the result is low-pass filtered. The output is a voltagebe represented as , where . Similarly, proportional to , which varies with input RF the RF signal with angular frequency and power exerts an frequency. This system can, therefore, be used to achieve a low-input voltage of , where cost wideband IFM receiver; however, practical implementationacross an input impedance of . For the system of Fig. 2, the of such a system would require broadband delays and mixers RF signal is divided 50 : 50 using a broadband Wilkinson power which can be challenging in the RF domain. divider; the input voltage to the modulator will thus be . The output of the modulator is


Manuscript received April 2, 2008; revised May 28, 2008. The authors are with the Micro Electronics and Material Technology Center, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Austalia (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online where at bias voltage, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2008.927895

(1) and are the modulator insertion loss, dc and half-wave voltage, respectively. Substituting

1041-1135/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: RMIT University. Downloaded on November 8, 2009 at 18:16 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


How to Write a Review Ø Synthesis - Organise the literature - Extract information, e.g., items identified - Put together in a logic order

Ø Three core elements - Description: what is the paper about, describe the problem in your words - Analysis: logic of the paper, derivation correct?, findings make sense - Evaluation: assess and compare with others, any gaps found, what can be used for you RMIT Engineering


How to Write a Review Ø Example of review - As part of a paper - Example paper 1 - ASCE Journal of Eng. Mech. - 2011, 137 (11), 722 – 731

RMIT Engineering


RMIT Engineering


How to Write a Paper Ø What are quality papers? - Citation - Quality journals - Impact factors, SCI, SCIE, EI, etc. - Nature, Science, etc. - ASCE, J. St. Eng., J. Eng. Mech. - ACI Structural & Material Journals - Structural Safety, RESS

RMIT Engineering


How to Write a Paper Ø Essay plan: structure or outline - Introduction literature review, problem definition, statement of claim

- Main body of the paper: investigation hypothesis, method, results, analysis, discussion

- Other parts abstract, conclusion, references

- How much to write 10 A4 pages text, 10 pages others RMIT Engineering


How to Write a Paper Ø Example of Essay Plan - Introduction - Formulation of the problem - Derivation of the solution (or design of experiment) - Analysis of results - Development of models - Worked example - Conclusion

RMIT Engineering



How to Write a Paper Ø Introduction - background - what is the problem: statement - how significant is it - how is the problem dealt with by others - purpose of the paper - contributions - benefits RMIT Engineering


How to Write a Paper Ø Introduction - Example paper 2 - ASCE Journal of Structural Eng. 2004, 130 (10), 1570 – 1577

RMIT Engineering



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How to Write a Paper Ø Review paper - Example paper 3 - Structure 1. Introduction • background • problem statement • significant • Review • purpose of the paper • contributions RMIT Engineering



How to Write a Paper Ø Structure 1. Introduction 2. Basic parameters for mixed mode fracture

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How to Write a Paper Ø Structure 1. Introduction 2. Basic parameters for mixed mode fracture 3. Mixed mode fracture criteria

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How to Write a Paper Ø Structure 1. Introduction 2. Basic parameters for mixed mode fracture 3. Mixed mode fracture criteria 4. Experimental work on mixed mode fracture

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How to Write a Paper Ø Structure 1. Introduction 2. Basic parameters for mixed mode fracture 3. Mixed mode fracture criteria 4. Experimental work on mixed mode fracture 5. Determination of parameters for mixed mode fracture

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How to Write a Paper Ø Structure 1. Introduction 2. Basic parameters for mixed mode fracture 3. Mixed mode fracture criteria 4. Experimental work on mixed mode fracture 5. Determination of parameters for mixed mode fracture 6. Discussion and future work

RMIT Engineering



How to Write a Paper Ø Structure 1. Introduction 2. Basic parameters for mixed mode fracture 3. Mixed mode fracture criteria 4. Experimental work on mixed mode fracture 5. Determination of parameters for mixed mode fracture 6. Discussion and future work 7. Conclusion RMIT Engineering



What is next? Ø Select a topic Ø Find papers associated with your topic Ø Critically review the papers Ø Ask the following questions: 1. What is the paper about? 2. What are the key findings of the paper? 3. Does the evidence presented in the paper support the reported findings? 4. What are the gaps in understanding that still remain? 5. Is there any work that should be done following on from this paper? RMIT Engineering


Tutorial activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Literature search Literature review Structure of literature review Referencing Assignment 1

Dear Research Methods for Engineers (EEET2449) students This is your Assignment-1 (Literature Review), which should be submitted through Canvas as per the date below. Please choose a research topic from the files provided to you or come up with your own favorite research topic. Please use the provided template to prepare your 'Literature Review' Assignment. This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 2, and 3. RMIT University©2013

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Next Week Ø There is NO lectorial next week - no lectorial on week 5, 17/08/2020 Ø Assessment task 1: Literature review - due week 6, 30/08/2020, 11:59 pm

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