Effective Hand Sanitizer to Make on Your Ow1 PDF

Title Effective Hand Sanitizer to Make on Your Ow1
Author Gabriel Brian
Course Kimia Dasar
Institution Universitas Indonesia
Pages 16
File Size 499.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Effective Hand Sanitizer to Make on Your OwnGabriel Brian IrawanMawar Sharon Christian SchoolRuth Damayanti B, S2019/Table of Content Title.................................................................................... Table of Content Preface Content ..............................................


Effective Hand Sanitizer to Make on Your Own Gabriel Brian Irawan

Mawar Sharon Christian School Ruth Damayanti B.Sc, S.Pd 2019/2020

Table of Content Title………………………………………………………………...……… 1 Table of Content ……………………………..……………..……….…… 2 Preface ……………………………………………..………….………..… 3

Content …………………………………………………...…,,,…..……… 4

A. Problem Based …………………...…………….………….. 4

B. Research Question ……………..………….….…………… 4

C. Background of Study…………….……….….…………….. 5

Data Analysis …………………………………………….,,…..…………. 7 Conclusion ………………………………………………….….………… 15 Reference ………………………………………………..….…………… 16

Preface First of all, thanks to God, the writer finished writing the paper entitled “Effective Hand Sanitizer to Make on Your Own” right on time. The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by the school. In arranging this paper, the writer truly gets lots of challenges and obstructions but with help of many individuals, those obstructions could pass. The writer also realized there are still many mistakes in the process of writing this paper. Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who help in the process of writing this paper. Thanks to Ms. Ruth Damayanti B.Sc, S.Pd for guiding me throughout the process of making this paper. Hopefully the writer realized that this paper was still imperfect in arrangement and the content. Then the writer hopes the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least hopefully, this paper can help the readers to gain more knowledge about Hand Sanitizers.

Surabaya, 4April 2020 Gabriel Brian Irawan

Chapter I The Coronavirus has been on an outbreak for the past few months and has a lot of impacts on our everyday life. Stuff such as social distancing and staying at home have been recommended for everyone to do. One of the other impacts that the virus has made is people overbuying goods from the grocery store. Panic buying over the Coronavirus pandemic has led to a variety of household products flying off the sleeves at the local grocery store. That includes staples, like bread and toilet paper, as well as one product that’s only been commercially available for a few decades, but which many people now view as a necessity which is hand sanitizer. As the spread of Coronavirus continues across the world, sales of hand sanitizer have drastically increased. The purchases of sanitizer has eventually caused shortages as people stockpile on family supplies, with the heightened demand mainly causing some shops to put in force limits on the quantity of hand sanitizers people can buy, at the same time as other stores have increased prices of the containers. Research question Based on that, the problems under concern can be formulated as follows: How to make your own hand sanitizer at home which fulfills the standard to kill viruses and bacteria.

Chapter II Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some causing respiratory illness in people and others circulating among animals. Least of the time, animal Coronaviruses can evolve and infect people and then spread between people, same with SARS and MERS. All of these 3 viruses have their origin within bats. Symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath are some of the indicators of the Coronavirus. Now that the new Coronavirus and COVID-19, the illness it causes, are spreading among communities in the United States and other countries, phrases such as “social distancing,” “self-quarantine” and “flattening the curve” are showing up in the media (Maragakis, L). Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth since our hands touch many surfaces and there is a chance it can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick. Things such as social distancing and self-quarantine can be done but other than that, keeping oneself clean is also recommended. Hand sanitizer is one of the products to maintain hygiene. Hand sanitizers weren't a thing at first. hand sanitizer sales did not start taking off until the 2000s. First of all, it wasn’t until 2002 that the CDC first revised its hand hygiene guidelines to recommend alcohol-based hand sanitizer as a possible alternative for both health care personnel and the average person looking to eliminate germs when soap and warm water are not available, or as a time-saving solution. Throughout the 2000s, hospitals around the world started the widespread practice of placing hand sanitizer pumps throughout medical facilities. Now, hand sanitizers are a must to have due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Chapter III

Drug identification number (DIN) or natural product number


Alcohol Product


Product name






Psp Rubbing











Rubbing Alcohol Compound; Exact Rubbing Alcohol Compound; Good & Kind Rubbing Alcohol Compound; Life Rubbing Alcohol Compound; London Drugs Rubbing Alcohol Compound; Medecine Centre Rubbing Alcohol

Compound; People First Rubbing Alcohol Compound; Pharmachoice Rubbing Alcohol Compound; Pharmasave Rubbing Alcohol Compound; Regal Rubbing Alcohol Compound; Rexall Rubbing A 00245097


Hibitane Skin


Chlorhexidine No



Canada Inc


Adasept Liq







Ethyl alcohol



Ltd 00357073


Alcool À Friction Laboratoire Composé

Atlas Inc.


Rb Health

Chloroxylenol No


(Canada) Inc. 00422029





Atlas Inc.


Codex Bp;Eau




D'Hamamélis Codex Bp 00477400

Rubbing Alcohol



Pharma, a

Ethyl alcohol







division of Teva Canada Limited. 00499382

Tincture Of



Iodine 2.5%;

Pharma, a


Tincture Of

division of


Iodine 2.5%;

Teva Canada Iodure de

Tincture Of



Antiseptic Hand




Products Ltd Triclosan

Iodine 2.5% 00564311

Table 1. Hand Sanitizer Products & Ingredients

Image 1. Isopropyl Alcohol

Image 3. Essential Oil

Image 2. Aloe Vera Gel

Chapter IV

When it comes to preventing the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19, handwashing is the best method. But if water and soap aren’t available, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Due to the rapid spread of the novel Coronavirus, most retailers can’t keep up with the demand for hand sanitizer. Three ingredients to make your own hand sanitizer at home.

Ingredients needed: A. Isopropyl alcohol

Image 1. Isopropyl Alcohol

Image 4. Isopropyl alcohol structure

Isopropyl alcohol is mixed with water for use as a rubbing-alcohol antiseptic. It is also used in aftershave lotions, hand lotions, and other cosmetics. Rubbing alcohol is a natural bactericidal treatment. This means it kills bacteria, but doesn’t necessarily prevent their growth. Rubbing alcohol can also kill fungus and viruses.

A. Aloe Vera gel

Image 5. Aloe Vera Image 2. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel can be applied directly to your skin to address immediate skincare needs, such as sunburn, minor cuts, and skin irritation. It’s an excellent moisturizer for your face and hands and can provide a protective antibacterial barrier for minor wounds. It has antioxidant properties that may help protect your skin from the damaging effects of excessive sun exposure. Therefore, it’s commonly used to provide sunburn relief Aloe Vera gel is rich in unique polysaccharides, which are long chains of natural sugars that researchers believe give aloe its many skin-healing properties. What’s more, it’s rich in various vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and E, which can help promote wound healing and healthy skin.

The use of the Aloe Vera in the hand sanitizer is to help keep your hands smooth and to counteract the harshness of alcohol.

C. Essential Oil

Image 3. Essential Oil Oil

Image 3. Essential

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavor, or "essence," of their source. Optional for making hand sanitizer since it’s only used to apply aromatics. There are some procedures needed to follow in order to make the hand sanitizer as follows: 1. Prepare ¾ cup of isopropyl alcohol 2. Prepare ¼ cup of aloe vera gel 3. Prepare 10 drops of essential oil (Optional) 4. Pour all of the ingredients into a bowl

5. Mix with a stirrer or a spoon until everything dissolves perfectly 6. Prepare a spray bottle and pour the hand sanitizer inside the bottle

Hand sanitizer that is made at home is easy to make however it has some flaws by itself. Improper ingredients or proportions can lead to lack of efficacy which means that it may not effectively kill some or all microbes, skin irritation, and exposure to hazardous chemicals via inhalation. We shouldn’t worry about hand sanitizers being out of stock in stores since we can make it ourselves at home. As stated from the Bible from Matthew 6 verse 25 and 34: 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Chapter V Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered Coronavirus. COVID-19 is a pandemic disease which spreads all across the world, starting from Wuhan, China. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using alcohol based hand sanitizers frequently and not touching your face. According to the CDC, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that meets the alcohol volume requirement can quickly reduce the number of microbes on your hands. It can also help destroy a wide range of disease-causing agents or pathogens on your hands, including the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. You should carry hand sanitizer to everywhere you go outside the house during this pandemic. When hand sanitizers in stores are not present, we can make our own hand sanitizers at home by following the steps above.

References Maragakis, L. L. (n.d.). Coronavirus, Social and Physical Distancing and SelfQuarantine. Retrieved from: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-anddiseases/Coronavirus/Coronavirus-social-distancing-and-self-quarantine Ritschel, C. (2020). Coronavirus: How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer, According To Experts. Retrieved from: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/Coronavirushand-sanitiser-make-at-home-alcohol-diy-a9376111.html Mohammed, M. (March 15,2020). COVID-19: Not all hand sanitizers work against it – here’s what you should use. Retrieved from: https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2020/03/15/covid-19-not-all-hand-sanitizerswork-against-it-heres-what-you-should-use.html Simonne, A. (n.d.). Hand Hygiene and Hand Sanitizers. Retrieved from: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fy732 Huddleston, T. (March 28,2020). The history of hand sanitizer-how the Coronavirus staple went from mechanic shops to consumer shelves. Retrieved from: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/27/Coronavirus-the-history-of-hand-sanitizer-andwhy-its-important.html West, H. (September 30,2019). What are Essential Oils, and Do They Work? Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-are-essential-oils Taylor, C. (March 3, 2020). Sales of hand sanitizer are skyrocketing due to the Coronavirus, leading to rationing and price hikes. Retrieved from: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/03/Coronavirus-hand-sanitizer-sales-surge-leadingto-price-hikes.html

Shoemaker, S. (October 4, 2019). How to Make Aloe Vera Gel. Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-to-make-aloe-vera-gel Lindberg, S. (March 13, 2020). How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer. Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-make-hand-sanitizer#effectiveness https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-healthproducts/disinfectants/covid-19/hand-sanitizer.html https://www.rd.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/HANDYHINTS_041118_007e1570209104135.jpg https://www.farmaku.com/uploads/product/large/Apotek_Online_Farmaku_com_War dah_Aloe_Hydramild_Multifunction_Gel_100_1.jpg https://www.jakartanotebook.com/rtopr-pure-essential-oils-aromatherapy-diffusers10ml-lavender-zby2101...

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