EL Assignment Essay - I got 65% (credit) for it. Read it so yours can be better lol PDF

Title EL Assignment Essay - I got 65% (credit) for it. Read it so yours can be better lol
Author Charmaine J. Lopez
Course Enterprise Leadership
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 5
File Size 60.1 KB
File Type PDF
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I got 65% (credit) for it. Read it so yours can be better lol...


Name: Charmaine Lopez Student ID: 20175450

Enterprise Leadership Essay The global environment involves when businesses enter into the global scale and transactional interactions surface between countries (Cseh, M.B, Davis, E.E & Khilji, S 2013) . Due to this, enterprise leaders are exposed to a numerous amount of complex challenges. These challenges are always constantly changing and in order to handle them, enterprise leaders must execute their roles where they are able to adapt to them. Enterprise leaders are those who lead and guide the business to success such as leaders and managers. Leaders are people who can influence their team in order to accomplish their goals. Similarly, managers aim to achieve their goals but their role is more different as they coordinate and watch over the work of other people (Robbins, Bergman and Coulter, 2017). Although the terms are different in meaning and some people may use these words interchangeably (Simonet, D & Tett) , each of these roles focus on the success of the business (Nienaber, H 2010). Enterprise leaders should showcase and display their enterprise leadership in the global environment so they can thoroughly understand the surrounding events that they may have to undergo. Roles that enterprise leaders can adapt and attain is going through the seven seismic shifts especially the tactician and strategist shift (Watkins, MD 2012) and having the global mindset (Maranga, K & Sampayo, J 2015) that can help tackle these challenges. Challenges will always occur when facing the global environment. These challenges can range to external, including competitors and technological challenges (Cseh, M.B, Davis, E.E & Khilji, S 2013) .

The seven seismic shifts, as stated by Watkins, are functions that enable one to


become an enterprise leader. It includes the shift that is mostly aligned with coping with the global environment which is the tactician to strategist shift. There are three skills involved. Level shifting is an ability to smoothly transform and connect between focusing on the details and how to lead your way to the big picture. Pattern recognition is another skill that acknowledges important causal relationships and other vital occurrences in the business’ environment. Mental simulation is the ability to anticipate how external parties (competitors, regulators, the media, key members of the public) will respond to what you do,predict their actions and reactions in order to take the best course. Executing these skills properly can allow enterprise leaders to take on the challenges of analysing what the global environment does so that in return, they can deliver something that external parties can be satisfied with the desire to purchase it too. However, If they are not performing their role well, enterprise leaders may weaken their organisation’s efficiency in terms of sales and profit. For example: Harold, the name that Watson created for his article, he had to face an Asian competitor who introduced a product unit that was better than the company he works at. This was counted as a threat that may harm the company’s reputation. However in the end, he went with a decision that he did not desire, leading to his company having loss of market share (Watkins, MD 2012) . Questions that he could have thought about during that time which Watson (2012) mentioned was. “ Was the Asian company going to use this product to forge strong customer relationships and progressively offer a broader range? If so, what options should Harald do? How would the competitor respond?.” These questions are examples of ways that a tactician to strategist or enterprise leaders should consider when creating decisions while in order to prevent any losses occurring.


Based on the above paragraph, Harold faced challenges that succumbed his company to loss of the market share. These challenges were external challenges and they can come about everyday.. External challenges occur when elements that happen outside of the organisation’s reach (Cseh, M.B, Davis, E.E & Khilji, S 2013) .Technological advancements is another example of an external challenge (Cseh, M.B, Davis, E.E & Khilji, S 2013) . In today’s millennial generation, technology will always innovate and change. It affects the way we operate and function in our lives. Industries have been using smart technology in their business in order to create efficiency in their production for customer goods. For example: Mitsubishi Electric Japan uses a variety of robotic systems that help improve productivity in manufacturing their products (Tourism Accommodation Australia, 2018). Additionally, communication is also innovating during this generation as they become from verbal to electronic use such as emails and the internet. For example: Video chatting platforms are being used nowadays so that workers can join meetings at the convenience of their house. Gmail and other email platforms are utilised in order for employees to deliver their work to their employers (Azam, 2014).

To enable correct approaches to these global environment challenges, such as when products are being produced better than your business or when they have more advances in their production and services, enterprise leaders attain skills that can excel over these challenges such as the global mindset.The global mindset is a very complicated cognitive process that opens and adheres to multiple cultural and strategic


events on both the global and local levels. The global mindset includes three characteristics which are intellectual capital, social capital and psychological concept. Intellectual capital is the comprehension of the global business complexities and cultural awareness. The social capital is how enterprise leaders interact with other people and the meaning behind those relationships. Psychological capital is the positive attributes and passion when understanding the world around them (Maranga, K & Sampayo, J 2015). This global concept can allow enterprise leaders to take on the challenges of the global environment plus gaining the knowledge and the confidence through their learning experience. To integrate with the examples mentioned in the second paragraph, being aware of the occurrences can allow the leaders to have the drive to make decisions that are beneficial for the business. This includes implementing technology that assists in production making or the usage of the internet which allows interactions to fellow workers and the news and reports of international businesses. The usage of the internet can aid with teamwork as close relationships can be formed, leading to a successful direction

To take care of the challenges of the global environment, enterprise leaders should possess skills that will allow them to handle what comes ahead of them regardless of how complex or difficult it is. In the end, when they do achieve what these challenges have to offer, enterprise leaders can be rewarded with success and goal accomplishment of the business.

Reference List 1. Azam, M., 2014. Gmail Innovations Since Its Inception – Here’S How It Has




4. 5. 6.



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