Elibility and Placement Flow chart PDF

Title Elibility and Placement Flow chart
Author Kyra Bentley
Course Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting for Early Childhood/Special Education
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 7
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Eligibility and Placement

Eligibility and Placement Flow chart/Essay

Grand Canyon university: ECS-425

Kyra James

May 15, 2021

Eligibility and Placement

Recognition: teacher notices that student exhibiting atypical needs compared to there peers

Pre-referral: the student is provided with interventions that are developed by the special education team assigned to the student, general education teacher, ELL teacher. Intervention is Successful, Intervention Continues, IEP Process stops

Interventions are not Successful, student moves on to a Referral

Referral: The teacher officially refers the student to be evaluated for special education services.

Evaluation: The parents must give consent for the student to be evaluated. The student will be evaluated with a variety of assessment and a variety of service providers, including speech, OT and general education teacher. Eligibility: the IEP team will make the determination if the student receives servies. The student must have a disablitlity that has has a negatively affected their education to receive special education services. If the student does not exhibit a disability that negatively affects their education services not required

The dermination has been made that disability is affecting their education. Student is referred for Sped services

IEP Meeting: IEP and LRE; the IEP team will meet to come with a individualized education plan for the student. The IEP will also decided the Least Restrictive Environment(LRE).

IEP Implementation: FAPE: the IEP team is responsible for making sure that the student IEP is implemented and followed by the al the adults tat work with that student. IEP Reevaluation: The IEP teem is required to meet annually to evaluate the current implementation of the IEP and to develop new goals for coming years IEP.

Eligibility and Placement

Eligibility and Placement Flow Chart

IEP or individualized Education Plan is made for students who are struggling academically, it helps them serves as a roadmap to help you support many students. This can be described as a individual student’s strengths and there services that they might need or support that school will provide. The IEP process has multiple steps that must be followed in order for students to get services. When an IEP is created for student, it can make a powerful impact on there education,

The first step in the IEP process is recognizing that the child has need for assessment and referring them for intervention. When comes to recognizing students who are struggling it is up to the teacher or parent. Depending on the age will sometimes depend on where it comes from. If a child is 4-5 (preschool age), school tend to rely on parent communication, if the parent is concerned about anything then a child find will be scheduled to evaluate the child. If the child is older, it is up the teacher to recognize signs of struggling in school. Some of those signs may be cognitive challenges, undiagnosed autism, speech impairment, emotional disorder and just struggling with academics.

Eligibility and Placement

If there is recognition that child is struggling in school and IEP is need then they are set for pre-referral. The pre-referral is an initial intervention to help student. Part of this process consists of documenting and explaining the child’s difficulties and challenges, test the effectiveness of classroom accommodations and modifications, assess the success of the athome or classroom interventions. The pre-referral activities are employed to screen children before the formal identification procedures are implemented. If the intervention is successful then intervention continues, and the IEP process stops. IF the intervention is not successful then they move forward with a referral to be evaluated.

Once the referral is request that means that the teacher has official referred the student for evaluation for special education services. Referrals come in different sources. “Young achildren who are at risk of having disabilities because of improper prenatal care, low birth weight, accident or trauma during infancy, or child abuse are referred for special services ( Latchet, unknown).” Once the referral is made then an evaluation is done. The evaluation is step in the IEP process is to determine whether a child has a disability or whether special education is required and what type is needed. Tests are conducted to determine child eligibility. To determine this eligibility there is multiple assessments that are done on the child to determine if they have is disability. If the child is preschool age this called a child find. Child find is typically where the child come in and plays with toys while different service providers

Eligibility and Placement

evaluate them. Some of those services providers are, speech, general early childhood teacher, OT, PT, and psychologist for social and emotional support.

After the referral and evaluation is done then it is determined if the child is eligible. “ After all the assessments are done and eligibility has been determined the IEP team can start to work on individual education plan for the student. To create effective IEP, parents, teachers, and other school staff, and often the student must come together to look closely at the students unique needs (National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities 2017).” IEP team will meet and make a determination if the student is eligible for education services. The student must have a disability that will negatively affect their education. If the student does not exhibit a disability that negatively affects their education, special education service are not required for that student. If the determination has been made that the child does have a disability is affecteding their education, student is referred for Sped services and an IEP is written.

When a child has been dertmined for eligibility of sped seriveces an IEP meeting is set with all providers and parent to put in play. The IEP team will meet and develop the indivualized education plan for student, the IEP will decide the Least restrictive environment for the student. They will come up with goals to help the student work towards. The IEP team will also come up with what services, when, and how long the services will be for that child. After the IEP meeting

Eligibility and Placement

the IEP is signed by the parents and implemented. The IEP team is responsible for making sure that all parties are implementing what is required for that student. Once some time has past that the IEP has been implemented then a Re-evaluation is done. A reevaluation is where the IEP team is required t meet annually to evaluate the services that are implemented and new goals are set.

Eligibility and Placement


Lachet , A. (n.d.). What is an IEP? Developmental Preschool ProgramMoscow School District #281. http://msd281developmentalpreschool.weebly.com/what-is-an-iep.html. Comprehensive Assessment and Evaluation of Students With Learning Disabilities. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ldonline.org/article/54711/ Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (2017, June 5). Retrieved from https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/osep/osepidea.html...

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