ENG1090 sample exam paper PDF

Title ENG1090 sample exam paper
Author Chern Han Khor
Course Engineering math
Institution Monash University
Pages 18
File Size 434.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Monash University Sample Examination Paper Faculty of Engineering EXAM CODE:





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2 Consider the two functions f ( x)  ln(1  x2 ) and g ( x)  1  x .


State the domains of both f and g , giving brief reasons for your answers.

X 2 marks


Identify the domain of the composite function ( f  g) , giving a reason for your answer, and determine an expression for ( f  g ) as a function of x .

X 2 marks  (iii) Determine the inverse function f 1 ( x) which has negative values over its domain,  and identify both the domain and range of f 1 , justifying your answer.

X 3 marks Page 2 of 18


Consider the periodic function h( x )  sin(  x )  3 cos( x ) .


State the period of the function h( x ) , giving a brief reason for your answer.

X 1 mark


Determine the amplitude A and phase angle  when the function h( x) is written as a single cosine function of that period. Show clearly all of the key steps in your working.

X 4 marks Page 3 of 18

(iii) Use your results to sketch the function h( x) over the domain 1  x 1 .

X 2 marks (c)

Sketch a graph of each of the following functions over the given domains: (i)

F (x ) 

x 1 for all x  1 x 1

X 2 marks


G( x)  1  e x for all x  0 .

X 2 marks Page 4 of 18


Show that sec2 x  1  tan2 x for all values of x , stating clearly any other results used.

X 2 marks




Consider the two complex numbers z1  cis (  34  ) and z2  1  3 i . (i)

Write z1 in Cartesian form.

X 2 marks


Determine the modulus and principal argument of z2 and write it in polar form.

X 3 marks

(iii) Determine the real and imaginary parts of 2 / z2 .

X 3 marks Page 5 of 18

(iv) Use De Moivre’s Theorem to determine ( z 1)4 , and then write it in Cartesian form.

X 2 marks


Determine all distinct fourth roots of z2 , writing them in exponential form.

X 6 marks

(vi) Show your answers for ( z 1) 4 and ( z2 )1/ 4 on an Argand diagram.

X 3 marks Page 6 of 18


Sketch the set {z : Im z  0 and z  1} on an Argand diagram.

X 1 mark




Consider the position vectors a  i  j  2 k and b  i  j  2 k . (i)

Determine a  b and a  2 b in terms of their Cartesian components.

X 2 marks


Find b , the unit vector bˆ and identify all of the direction angles of b .

X 4 marks Page 7 of 18

(iii) Find the scalar resolute of a in the direction of b .

X 2 marks

(iv) Find the projection (vector resolute) of a in the direction of b , in terms of its Cartesian components.

X 2 marks


Determine the remaining part a of a and show that it is perpendicular to b .

X 2 marks

Page 8 of 18


A force of F   i  k Newtons acts on a body as it moves along a straight line from the point A at (2, 4, 1) to the point B at (3, 2,1) , measured in metres. (i)

Find the work done as the particle undergoes a displacement d from A to B.

X 4 marks


Find the angle between the force F and the displacement d from A to B.

X 4 marks

Q3 Page 9 of 18




Determine both the left and right-hand limits as x  1 for the function  x  f ( x)   k  2  x2 

for for for

x1 x 1 x1

and identify whether there is a value of k for which f ( x) is continuous at x  1 , justifying your answer.

X 3 marks


Evaluate lim

x 

x ( x  1) , justifying the key steps of your answer. 2 x 2 1

X 2 marks

Page 10 of 18


Differentiate each of the following functions with respect to x , stating the rules used, and simplify the answer: (i)

g (x )  e x ln(x  1)

X 2 marks


h( x) 

tan x x

X 2 marks


F ( x )  exp( cos( x 2 ))

X 2 marks Page 11 of 18


G ( x )  tan 1 ( x) (for example using that tan(tan 1 (x ))  x )

X 3 marks


A cylindrical block of metal of a given volume V , with a circular base, is to be manufactured so that it has the smallest surface area S for that shape. The volume of a cylinder with base radius r  0 and height h is V   r 2 h , and it has surface area is

S  2 r (r  h) , so the surface area for a fixed volume V is S (r )  2 r 2  (i)

2V . r

Find the critical value of r at which S (r ) may have a local minimum or maximum.

X 2 marks


Use the second derivative test to show that S has a minimum at that value of r .

X 2 marks Page 12 of 18

(iii) Evaluate r (in cm) when V  16  cm3 and also determine the corresponding cylinder height h (in cm) at that value of the base radius r .

X 2 marks




Determine the indefinite integral of each of the following functions with respect to x : (i)

1 f (x )  x  1   sin x  e x x

X 3 marks


g ( x)  4 x (1 2 x2 )3 (for example using a suitable substitution)

X 3 marks Page 13 of 18


h( x) 

1 (for example using partial fractions) x 2 ( x  1)

X 5 marks (b)


1 0

x 1  x2 dx , showing the key steps in your calculation.

X 4 marks Page 14 of 18


Consider the region A between the parabola y  x2 , the y -axis and the line y  1 . (i)

Determine the area of the region A .

X 2 marks


If this region is rotated about the y -axis, determine the resulting volume V . [Hint: not about the x -axis.]

X 3 marks




Determine the mean value f of the function f ( x)  sin x over the interval 0,   .

X 2 marks Page 15 of 18


For an RC electrical circuit, the charge Q(t ) on the capacitor satisfies ln 2  ln (2  Q)  (i)

t . 4

Determine Q as a function of t .

X 2 marks


Find the value of Q as t approaches infinity, giving reasons for your answer.

X 2 marks

(iii) At which time t , if any, does Q  1 ?

X 1 mark (b)

A curve ( x, y) is determined implicitly through the equation y2  x3  x y  1 . (i)

Show that the point ( x, y)  (1,1) lies on this curve.

X 1 mark Page 16 of 18


Find the slope dy / dx of the curve at the point ( x, y )  (1,1) .

X 4 marks

(iii) State the equation of the tangent line to the curve at ( x, y )  (1,1) .

X 2 marks


Consider the differential equation (i)

dy y   for x  1 dx x

Solve for the function y ( x) in terms of an unknown constant.

X 4 marks


Determine the solution of the initial-value problem for which y  1 at x 1 .

X 2 marks


Q6 Page 17 of 18

SOME USEFUL FORMULAE sin( x  y )  sin x cos y  cos x sin y cos(x  y )  cos x cos y  sin x sin y sin 2 x  2 sin x cos x

cos 2x  cos x  sin x  2 cos x  1 1 2 sin x 2



sec x 

1 cos x

cosec x  cot x 


1 sin x

cos x sin x

e i   cos  i sin  sin  

e i   e i  2i

cos 

ei   e i  2


Page 18 of 18...

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