Engelsk skrivedag - Advantages and disadvantages of English as a global language PDF

Title Engelsk skrivedag - Advantages and disadvantages of English as a global language
Author Bjarne Birkeland
Course Engelsk
Institution Videregående skole (VG)
Pages 2
File Size 74.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Advantages and disadvantages of English as a global language...


Dato: 04.05.21 Målform: xxxxxxx

Fagkode: ENG1002 Kilder: xxx

Kandidatnr: Bjarne Birkeland Side 1 av 2

Advantages and disadvantages of English as a global language

In this text I am going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of English as a global language. English is a simple and an easy language to learn if you put in the effort, but not everything comes easy. English is already used in most commercials, books or television all over the world. So, by now millions of people all over the world already speak English. The question is, should English be used as a global language?

First of all, The English language is one that is very easy to learn. A language without any words that require a specific symbol to make the word make sense. An example of this, the most spoken language in the world, Chinese, have all sorts of symbols as letters. And in German with the eszett, a double SS sound but it looks like a B. In Spanish they have their “tildes”, or the mustache over their words. English in this case, fortunately, does not include this in its vocabulary. English also has no genders and therefore less redundancy. English does not apply genders to nouns.

The English language should be an easy way to communicate with another, If you meet someone from far away and you both don’t speak the same language, then English should be an option to communicate through. Even though you don’t speak the English language fluent, it will still be understandable to the other person. A quick talk when you are in a situation, for example when you’re at the airport and are going to travel, if you get lonely and find someone who wants to with you, English is a great tool to get the conversation going.

Even though English is a globalized language, that doesn’t mean that if English gets fully globalized, other languages will fade away. Languages such as Spanish or Portuguese is still used almost everywhere from South America to parts of Europe. ST



Dato: 04.05.21 Målform: xxxxxxx

Fagkode: ENG1002 Kilder: xxx

Kandidatnr: Bjarne Birkeland Side 2 av 2

But the advantages of English as the global language is for example the trades with other countries, or important meetings between leaders from different countries. Then its good to have a language in common.

Another point about this is that people still speak in their mother tongue. If English gets fully globalized, other languages will still be used. People will still go home to their families and speak in Spanish, French or German, you name it. The bad thing about English becoming a fully globalized language is that it will make us culturally ignorant. If people begin to only communicate in English, not only could a valuable lesson get lost in manners or respect. But more important, the worlds cultures will fade away. A big factor in a culture is the language. People will lose their belonging, then suddenly it doesn’t matter if you are from Mexico, Egypt or China because you all speak English.

So in conclusion I think that the English language should more globalized than it already is, but we should not forget the other languages and cultures around the world. English is a great way to to communicate and to get the conversations going. But it should not let other languages fade away because of it. Using English as a second language in the world, I think would be great because, India, and many other countries has prioritized to use the English language as a second language after the main language. I would see that as an absolute win because then everybody would be able to talk to each other even though they’re not from the same country.




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