English Advanced Vocabulary and Structure Practice by Maciej Matasek PDF

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I. Choose the words that best complete the sentences in the text. Earthquakes are amongst the most destructive (1) disasters. They usually (2) without any warning and (3) in a great " (4) ot lite and an enormous demolition ot buildings. Additionally, they may cause devastating landslides or cr...


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I. Choose the words that best complete the sentences in the text.

Earthquakes are amongst the most destructive usually (2) without any warning and

(4) ot lite and an enormous demolition ot buildings. Additionally, they










(5), are collosal walls ot water smashing

torce that they are

(6) ot destroying (7) majority ot tatalities

about when buildings Most trequently, torces




into seashores


cities. However,

and serious injuries

the (8)

the earthquake

lasts 30 to 60 seconds, so usually there is no time to (11) once the shaking starts. The

ot an earthquake


(12) a complex

(13) in the building's structure when it is shaken, pulled. A building'sheight,

its shape and construction

(14) deciding

ot the structure



1. a) nature

b) naturalistic

c) natural

d) native

2. a) hit

b) strike

c) tall

d) attack

3. a) result

b) efteet

c) lead

d) cause

4. a) tatality

b) waste

e) harm

d) loss

5. a) tact

b) certainty

c) honesty

d) truth

6. a) potential

b) conceivable

c) capable

d) possible

7. a) wide

b) broad

c) tuli

d) vast

8. a) bring

b) come

c) lay

d) make

9. a) demolish

b) jumble

c) destroy

d) collapse

10. a) avert


c) abstain

d) restrain

11. a) upkeep

b) upturn

c) upshot

d) uptake

12. a) up

b) on

c) out

d) oft

13. a) activity

b) motion

c) progress

d) reaction

14. a) tactors

b) phenomena

e) points

d) ingredients

c) inhabitants

d) burghers

b) eitizens


lifted, pushed or

materials are the most signiticant

about the survival or collapse

consequently, about the lite or death ot its

15. a) settlers


with such

(9) . (10) the mortal


(1) disasters. They (3) in a great



II. Put the words

in the correct


3. The landlord was very generous to us. Ali that we consumed in his inn was """""""""""""""

1. Does it make any (DIFFER) to them it we pay by cheque? 2. The two boys should receive a just punishment. Their .............................. (BEHAVE) at the inauguration ceremony was really outrageous. 3. Couldn't you provide us with amore (PRACTICE) scheme? The one you have just devised is not sensible at alI. 4. As a matter ot tact, the realisation ot the project itselt isn't so ".......... (TROUBLE) as the initial conditions we have to accept. 5. Jason is the most (TRUTH) person I know. He never t811slies. 6. Mutual accusations will get you nowhere. You'd better try to find a more reasonable (SOLVE)


to your conflict.

8. l1's most

among youths these days to spend their

free time in the cinema. 9. Unfortunately, none of us managed to convince the director of the benefits that our experiment might bring. His


grew even stronger

when Jack mentioned the possible cost of the venture. 10. Cindy and Mike's close """""""""""""""


finally developed into

Unidentified Flying Obh.cts seems quite odd

to his friends, but the boy considers it an absorbing hobby.

7. Whatunavoidablymakesmeangry """""""""""""""

Frank is his inability to take

prompt decisions.


(HAZARD) it in conventional medicine after

many years of unsuccessful treatment and has opted for acupuncture. (LONG) of this rope?'

number of points. 10. Customers used to complain about the high prices of food, meat particular. 11. Learning this long definition 12.lnstead

may be.


6. Jack's great interest """""""""""""""

heart, at first, seemed an impossible


'It's six metres long.'

14. Mark's been terribly busy this week. It's .."

memorizing it.

a long speech at the beginning of the meeting, the

chairman only gave a short welcome to all the participants.

11. Nobody has applied for the mission knowing how

13. 'What's the

advance that you wouldn't be giving any

seminar we wouldn't have gone to the trouble of making all the necessary arrangements.

task. But, finally, I was successful

a profound feeling and culminated in their marriage last year.

12. Tom has lost his

5. If you had informed us """""""""""""'",

hide""""""""""""""" thecuriousjournalistsandphotographers. 9. Alithecandidates,except """"""""""""""" Mr Jenkins, have scored the required

between its members. (FASHION)

4. We can't give up. Now that we have gone through the most difficult part of the route we must reach Khartoum """"""""""""""" any cost.

8. The football star is going to spend holidays in a secluded place where he expects to

7. The main cause ot the current crisis in the party seems to be the deep (DIVIDE)

the house.



13. Only Mark was keen """"" going fishing early in the morning. The rest ot the company telt too tired after their long journey. 14. Tell the children to stop tooling around or 1'11 los e my patience them. 15. There's no difference


these two printers.

whether he'lI

attend our performance tomorrow.

IV. Rewrite the sentences meaning.

15. 'Why didn't they react to my warning?'

using the given torms so that they retain their original


'They might not have understood its discreet

1. It wasn't Tom that you saw in the department store, tor sure. III. Insert the correct

It couldn't


. . .. . . . . . . . .

2. We had to cali the doctor because the baby had a high temperature










(because ot).

"............... 3. It I were you, I wouldn't tell anybody about the discovery.

1. Although Mrs Parker was bitterly jealous

her friends' higher

You had

wages in the company, she managed to avoid making sharp comments. 2. The committee doesn't support any immediate changes. They say the modifications should be introduced step





4. The boys laughed at the man in spite ot his old age. (tun ot)




a visit to the local council residence was welcomed


5. You are 0.11 welcome to take any to od you like.

by 0.11 the visitors.


a) do

6. What was the reason tor his resignation? (made)

b) pay

c) go

9. His a) disregard 7. Did the children enjoy themselves during the performance?

(good time)

b) untamiliarity

10. Let's """""""""""""""

, ....

a) miss

8. We haven't had any message tram him since March. (heard)

d) walk

ot the safety regulations really can't be ignored any longer. c) carelessness

d) inattention

the place, it looks sa gloomy and unpleasanl.

b) abandon

c) depart

d) disappear

11. What you are saying is quite

,so give us, please, more details on

the situation. a) tamous

9. You don't have to worry about the tuture. (no need) ... ... .



d) tamiliar

c) obvious

b) accustomed

ot the President entering

12. For a short while, I managed to catch the palace.

10. Ali the students were awarded diplomas.

a) vision


b) notice

c) view

d) sight

by the

13. The suggestion to leave the camp at once was strongly climbers who were afraid ot the approaching snowstorm.

V. Choose the correct answer.

a) opposed . me like this, I will never be able to tinish writing my

1. It you go on

b) attlicting

d) affecting

c) concerning

b) worries

c) drives

3. Everyone knew that a) working

a) escaping me crazy.

2. Turn aft this machine, please. The harsh sound really

c) making

a) responsible


d) completing

5. Judy didn't

c) technique

at repairing

a) dec la red

c) hesitate

a) capture

b) persisted

d) concluded

c) appraved

by the enemy forces.

b) hostage

c) kidnap

d) torture

,... ot understanding the theory even after the

a) incompetent

b) incapable

c) helpless

19. I'm going tor a walk in the park. Would you like to '" c) nice

7. The inconsiderate driver was

d) tine

a) follow tor parking his vehicle in the wrang

20. Patrick is too a) instant

place. a) intlicted

d) comprehensive

pratessor's protound explanation.

d) await

learn to take it b) loose

b) condemned

c) harrassed


ot taking any rash steps against illegal

18. The student was

6. Don't get so nervous about his com ing late. When you get to know him better, you'lI

a) easy

c) guilty

17. Several soldiers ot the squad were taken ............

d) craft

tor a second to agree to Mike's proposal as she had

b) linger

d) missing


been in love with the boy tor a long time. a) decide

b) prane

16. None ot us has ever

electrical devices wasn't good enough to succeed. b) ski II

c) resisting

the crash that occurred right after the take-otf.

4. Mr Tanner did his best to tix the taulty oven, but his ..

a) service

b) neglecting

15. It was the commission's job to dec ide whether the pilot was ..........

d) bothers this task would require a considerable

b) engaging

your duties may


result in an instant dismissal.

a) disturbing

d) resigned

c) quarreled

14. The tirst thing tor ali ot you to remember is that ..............


a) takes

b) complained

b) stay

c) ward

, b) spontaneous

d) unsuccesstul me company?

d) keep

a gambler to resist placing a bet on the tinal game. c) compulsive

d) continuous

d) tined

f 1()



II. Put the words in the correct form.

1. The low """"""""""""""" carelessness

I. Replace each italicized words with a synonymous one.


about giving it even more extensive publicity.

2. Another attempt to establish a II is believed that aur inherited (1) genetic characteristics play the decisive (2) role in aur being beautiful, attraetive and appealing to other individuals. Although there is no

elear (3)

(6) by our

their own sexual preferences.

(8), share with animals whieh, like humans, have

Most species of birds, for example,

colours of plumage when selecting (11) of the feathers chi/dren

(9) their partners

indicate the potential partner's genetic fitness to produce


to the buildings in the area.


in food prices will certainly bring about

violent protests from the population. 6. Let's stop quarrelling about such


details. It doesn't

matter what we take first, the soup ar the second course.

7. The number of the nails Harry had bought at the ironmonger's wasn't

In humans, similarly, beauty shows

(13) our well-being and our sexual attractiveness,


as far as our facial characteristics are taken into account, people tend (14) to regard as charming

5. A sudden




(ADVANTAGE) to all the

4. Besides innumerable human victims, the tornado has caused an enormous

rely on the brightest

(10). To them, the vivid shades

peace has failed after

investors. Definitely, it's a chance not to miss.

brains. Their possible role is to ref/ect (7) health and fertility as well as genetic superiority - the quality that people, supposedly



one of the negotiators refused to sign the treaty. 3. This new situation is more than

theory on what beauty really is and how it works, the results of a recent scientifie research (4) seem to eon firm (5) the hypothesis that our facial features are determined

at the concert was a result of the organizers'

(15) the faces with the highest degree of symmetry.

And equally

effeetively, the facial properties may ais o indieate the appeal of the whole body.

(SUFFICE) and we had to borrow a few from our neighbour.


(OBEY) at this school is severely punished, sa remember to mind your manners both during the lessons and outside the classroom.

9. Some people claim that the microprocessor (INVENT)

1. a) indebted

b) derivative

e) innate

d) aequisitive

2. a) vital

b) functional

e) tangible

d) eustomary

3. a) eminent

b) obscure

c) indicative

d) explicit

4. a) chore

b) endeavour

e) inquiry

d) labour

5. a) bear out

b) stand down

c) prop up

d) make about

6. a) reliant

b) conditioned

e) implied

d) designated

7. a) manifest

b) pertain

c) survey

d) uncover

8. a) plainly

b) normally

c) allegedly

d) mainly

9. a) favouring

b) postulating

c) referring

d) asserting

10. a) counterparts

b) mates

c) fellows

d) accomplices

11. a) dyes

b) marvels

c) twilights

d) hues

12. a) stamina

b) progeny

c) entity

d) forebears


is the greatest


of the 20th century.

10. The actors received a """""""""""""""


ovation from the enthusiastic

audience for their brilliant performance in Othello.

11. Without the congressmen's

(VALUE) assistanee we would never


have gathered enough money tor our son's operation. 12.lt's

13. a) affirms

b) foresees

e) displays

d) envisages

14. a) ineline

b) aspire

c) anticipate

d) declare

15. a) flourishing

b) startling

e) eaptivating

d) engrossing



(POINT) to try to reach the village on toot. The only possible

way ot getting there is by helicopter. 13. Jack's initial


at taking part in the competition


down after he had learned about the extra costs he would have had to eover. 14. The """""""""""""""


of spending holidays in the countryside consists

in breathing tresh air and being in harmony with nature. 15. You'd better ask Frank, I'm not in


ot the manual

you are looking tor.


III. Add the suitable verbs to make the correct phrasal verbs.


com e










IV. Rewrite the sentences using the given forms so that they retain their original meaning.



lie 1. Is your uncle the owner ot this RoIIs Royce? (belong)


. """"""'"

oft rather quickly and the

1. Mike's interest in practicing karate

changes in the computer technologies.

boy started to look tor a new hobby to take up. 2. The exact cost ot the whole venture isn't known vet, but our best accountants have been trying to

2. After I had introduced my guests to each other I made a long speech on the current

it out.

Having 3. Why didn't they tell us they were going to sell their house?

up with and no

3. For some people, the situation was too tense to


wonder that quite a tew ot them preterred to go home. into,

.1.There was no sign indicating that the cottage had been

4. George won't lend his tape recorder to you it you don't promise to bring it back ...

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