English 2 vocabulary + vertaling PDF

Title English 2 vocabulary + vertaling
Author Dina Alitem
Course Engels Taal en Cutuur 2
Institution Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Pages 28
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vocab list voor taal en cultuur 2 inclusief vertaling bij enkele chapters...


English 2: Vocabulary 40 - 69 1 Chapter 42: Belief and opinion 1.1 Verbs connected with belief and opinion Think – believe I’m convinced (to be convinced): very strongly feeling that you’re right (overtuigd zijn) To have held: a firm believe/maintain (bij je standpunt blijven) She maintains that we’re related: insist on believing (ze is ervan overtuigd dat we verwant zijn): beweren To feel: strong personal opinion (ik heb het gevoel) To reckon: veronderstellen (what is likely to happen) To doubt: don’t believe (betwijfelen) To Suspect: to have a strong feeling about something negative) (Vermoeden)

1.2 Phrases for expressing opinion In my view To my mind If you ask me Point of view

Naar mijn mening In mijn ogen Als je het mij vraagt From a teacher’s point of view, the exams are very good.

1.3 Prepositions used with belief and opinion words Do you believe in What are your views on What do you think of Are you for or against I’m in favour of I have my doubts about

Geloof jij in…. Wat is jouw kijk op… Wat denk jij van…. Ben je voor of tegen…. Ik ben favoriet van… Ik heb mijn twijfels over….

1.4 Beliefs, ideologies, philosophies, convictions (p90) 1.5 Adjectives for describing beliefs and opinions Fanatical Eccentric Conservative Middle-of-the-road Dedicated Firm Radical

Obsessive Odd Traditional Moderate Committed Strong Extreme


These words are sort of the same but not totally!!

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2 Chapter 43: Pleasant and unpleasant feelings 2.1 Happiness and unhappiness To feel: Content(ed) Grateful Delighted

Tevreden Dakbaar Dolblij

Miserable Discontent(ed) Fed up/ sick and tired Depressed Confused

Ellendig Ontevreden Het beu zijn Depressief Verward

She is content I’m really a grateful person I was delighted when I received the good news. I felt miserable everyday. She was discontent with her job. I’m fed up with life I felt depressed I feel so confused

2.2 Excitement, upset, anger and anxiety To feel inspired To be upset To be enthusiastic To feel frustrated To be thrilled To feel nervous To be anxious To be furious with

Geinspireerd Overstuur Enthousiast Gefrustreerd Opgewonden Nerveus Angstig Woedend

I felt inspired by her work I’m upset over my grades You are enthusiastic Why are you frustrated? I am so thrilled for this I’m next, I feel nervous I’m anxious for my grades Why is she furious with Emma?

Language help Really Absolutely

Goes with everything Goes only with words describing extreme states (ex; furious) With these words it means (extreme words) it means absolutely but with less extreme words it means rather


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3 Chapter 44: Like, dislike and desire 3.1 Words and expressions relating to liking I quite liked To fancy someone To be fascinated To be attracted to To be keen on something To fall in love To be captivated by (his eyes) To fall for A caring person To be fond of (animals) To be affectionate and loving towards (me) To be passionate about To care for To be devoted to each other

Nogal, vrij Op iemand vallen Gefascineerd zijn Aangetrokken zijn tot iemand Enthousiast zijn over iets Verliefd zijn In de ban van (zijn ogen) Vallen voor iemand Zorgzaam persoon Dol zijn op (dieren) Liefhebbend en liefdevol naar mij toe Gepassioneerd zijn over Geven om Toegewijd zijn aan elkaar

3.2 Words and expressions relating to disliking -

Dislike: followed by a noun/-ing form: Loathe Detest Despise Cannot stand/bear


Verafschouwen Haten Minachten Niet kunnen verdragen

The negative effect which something has on a person: Repel Revolt Appal Disgust

Afstoten Mislijkmakend Schokerend Walg

3.3 Expressions relating to desiring Desire

Formal for a (sexual) wish for someone

To look forward to Dread To long for

Think about smth in the future with excitement Opposite of look forward To wish for smth very much

To yearn for

Poetic way of to long for

I had a desire for her (sexual) I have a desire to see Spain for I die (wish) I’m looking forward to my vacation next week. I’m dreading next week I longed for an extra week of vacation I yearned for her touch.

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4 Chapter 45: Speaking 4.1 Reporting verbs Verb Whisper (fluisteren) Murmur (mompelen) Mumble (mompelen) Mutter (mopperen) Shout (reopen) Scream (schreeuwen) Shriek (gil) Stutter/ stammer (stotteren)

Loudness Very soft Soft Soft Soft Loud Loud (without words) Loud and shrill Neutral

Mood Telling a secret Romantic/complaining Nervous/ insecure Irritated Angry/ excited Frightened/excited Frightened/ amused Nervous/excited

Opscheppen Aandringen Bezwaar maken Dreigen Ruzie maken Kreunen Klagen Onderhouden Bekennen Aandringen Mopperen

Proud of oneself Determined Unhappy w/ a situation Aggressive Not in agreement Despair, pain Displeased Confident Repentant Encouraging Displeased




Unhappy Gloomily (somber)



4.2 Describing feelings Boast Insist Object Threaten Argue Groan Complain Maintain Confess Urge Grumble

4.3 Adverbs related to speech Angry:

Happy: Happily




Worried: Anxiously



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5 Chapter 44: the six senses 5.1 The five senses Sight Hearing Taste Touch Smell

Zicht Gehoor Smaak Gevoel Geur

6th sense = extrasensory perception (supernatural sense) = a power to be aware of things independently

5.2 Sight To glance (out of de window) To notice To observe T glimpse To see To peer To gaze To witness

Een blik werpen Opmerken Waarnemen Een glimp opvangen Kijken Turen Staren Getuigen

5.3 Hearing Scale of loudness: Noiseless Silent Quiet Noisy Loud Defening

Geluidloos/muisstil Stil Rustig Luidruchtig/druk/rumoerig) Luid/lawaaierig Oorverdovend

5.4 Taste Sweet Salty Bitter Sour Spicy -

Zoet Zout Bitter Zuur Pikant (hot-mild) Tasteful architecture or a style or behaviour Tasty Food can be tasty Tasteless opposite of both is tasteless

5.5 Touch To poke To stroke the cat To pet (patted) the dog To grab something So snatch (snatched) To press (a button) To handle (with great care)

Porren Aaien Vertroetelen Grijpen Pakken/rukken Drukken Behandelen/ omgaan

5.6 Smell Very unpleasant 5 S12279

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Stinking Foul-smelling Putrid Musty Pungent

Stinking Stinkend Verrot Muf Scherpe geur, vaak slecht

Pleasant: Fragrant Aromatic Sweet-smelling Perfume/scented

Geurig Aromatisch Zoetgeurend Geparfumeerd

5.7 Sixth sense Telepathy




Intuition Déjà vu

Intuïtie Déjà vu

experiencing someone else’s feeling even though you’re apart knowing something is going to happen before it does instinctive understanding a feeling you have that you already have had somewhere before

6 Chapter 47: What your body does 6.1 Verbs connected with the mouth and breathing Yawn Sneeze Snore Cough Sigh Be out of breath Take a deep breath Hold your breath

Geeuwen Niezen Snurken Hoesten Zuchten Buiten adem zijn Adem nemen Adem inhouden

6.2 Verbs connected with eating Chewy Rumble Swallow Suck Lick Bite

Kauwen Rommelen Sllikken Zuigen Lekken Bijten

6.3 Verbs connected with eyes and face Wink Frown Grin Blink Blush

Knipogen Fronzen Grijnzen Knipperen Blozen

6.4 Verbs connected with the whole body Perspire/sweat Shiver Tremble

Transpireren/zweten Rillen Beven/trillen 6


Alitem Dina



7 Chapter 48: praising and criticising 7.1 Praising To praise something for Highly praised Brilliantly A first-rate/ A top-notch He is really on the ball He has a way with something She has green fingers He’s got the gift of the gab To be head and shoulders above the rest To be miles better than … Japan is street ahead of … You are among the best Out of this world

Lof voor iets Hoog geprezen Very skilfully The very best Quick to understand something Good at establishing relations/ motivating them Good at gardening Good at talking Way better than the rest Way better than the rest Before in technology One of the best (among the worst) Outstanding/superb

7.2 Criticising To criticise = someone/something is bad (bekritiseren) Also useable: give an opinion or judgement about a film etc. Critical: Not pleased - The report is highly critical of safety standards Critical: Important: Critically important - The president’s support is critical Critical: giving opinions: critically acclaimed - He last film won critical acclaim (was praised) Critical serous: critically ill - Both drivers are critically ill (so badly hurt they might die) Idiomatic synonyms of the verb to criticise: to run down To pick holes (in everything I say)

Criticising someone/something unfairly To find mistakes in something someone has said

Criticism of people: Absurd To be at fault/to blame To be the cat’s whiskers/ to bee’s knees The world’s worst He takes a biscuit Jo wants to have her cake and eat it

Ridiculous To be in the wrong Think that they are wonderful No one is worser than that person He is striking example of some negative quality Wants everything with no contribution from her side

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8 Chapter 49: Emotions and moods 8.1 Positive feelings, moods and states On cloud nine In high spirits Keeping her chin up As happy as the day long

Extremely happy Being lively Happy despite a bad situation Being extremely content

8.2 Negative feelings A long face Looked down in the dumps In a bad mood Like a bear with a sore head Threw a wobbly

Looking depressed/ being sad Looking depressed/sad A bad mood/temper Extremely irritable Became extremely angry

8.3 Physical feelings Feeling done A bit under the weather On top form Felt my head was spinning At death’s door As fit as a fiddle

Exhausted Not feeling very well In good physical condition Unable to balance Verry ill Very fit

8.4 Fear/fright Scared stiff Frightened the life out of him Shaking in our boots/shoes Scared out of his wits Jump out of your skin

Very scared Frightened him a lot Trembling with fear Very scared gave a big jump….

8.5 Expressions for actions and feelings To get carried away To keep a cool head To take everything as it comes Things are looking up Makes you swell with pride To feel on top of the world

Get too excited Stay calm Deal calmly with events as they happen The situation is improving Feel proud/very pleased Very happy

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9 Chapter 50: commenting on problematic situations 9.1 Types of problems and difficulties Chaos A disaster Facing a dilemma To be in a fix To be in a tight corner To be in a muddle

Sate of confusion An vent which cause grea harm or damage To make a hard decision To be in an difficult situation A situation that is hard to get out To be confused/mixed up

9.2 Specific difficulties Badly affected Mildly irritating Intensely annoying To be disrupted Collapse Deprived of something Heart broken Lack

To have a negative impact on you Slightly annoying Extremely annoying Prevented from happening Fail because of the lack of support Have something taken away from you Extremely sad Not enough

Zwaar getroffen Lichtjes vervelend Heel vervelend Verstoord In elkaar vallen Iets wegnemen Gerboken hart Gebrek

9.3 Idioms about dealing with problems Take a back seat To take the bull by the horns To stir things up To pour oil on troubled water Can’t face the thought of Lay my cards on the table Get your act together Get to the bottom of things Get a grasp

Not to do anything Act positively to face and attack the problem Do things that make the situation worse So things that calm the situation down I don’t want to deal with To expose yourself Organise yourself Find the truth Find out

9.4 Idioms relating the changes in problem situation The tide has turned for us See the light at the end of the tunnel Come to a dead end Reached a turning point Buried the hatchet Swept under the carpet

Better days are a ahead See that a difficult situation may be ending soon You don’t know what to do anymore Made peace Ignored, deliberately forgotten

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10 Chapter 51: Numbers, quantity, degree and intensity 10.1 Numbers and quantity Numbers: Countable nouns  A large number of students Amount: uncountable nouns  A large amount of money Minute Tiny Average Considerable Significant Substantial Excessive Enormous Vast

Even Minute amounts of toxic material can be dangerous. Add just a tiny amount of sugar to it My points are just about average A considerable amount of people Cutting costs may lead to significant savings His parents have paid a substantial part of his tuition fee He spent an excessive amount of money on gifts The senator’s popularity gave him enormous political leverage They’re moving a vast amount of shipment

Zeer klein Zeer klein Gemiddelde Aanzienlijk Aanzienlijk Substantieel/aanzienlijk Overmatig Enorm Enorm

10.2 Informal words for numbers/quantity Dozens of (countable)

There is Tons of

They ordered 2 dozens of donuts Scores of people died because of the gas. There’s heaps/bags/loads of time. There is tons of food

Tons of

There are tons of apples left

A drop of

Just A drop of milk for me

Scores of Heaps/bags/loads

Means many, 12 of something A score is about 20/ means a large number Countable or uncountable Used for things and not abstract nouns The verb is plural because of apples Tiny amount of liquid

10.3 Degree and intensity: collocations with utter(ly), total(ly), wholly Utter(ly), (total(ly) and wholly = complete(ly)  Utter + nonsense/ contempt/ silence/ confusion/ chaos/ despair  There was utter chaos in the kitchen.  Utterly + Ridiculous/ confused/ impossible  I was utterly confused bb  Total + disbelief/ban  Totally + different/ unexpected/ unsuitable/ wrong  Wholly + independent/ Inadequate/ unacceptable

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11 Chapter 52: Numbers and shapes 11.1 Pronunciation of numbers One and two thirds Four squared Ten point three Twenty-eight per cent Ten meters by twelve meters Four fifths Seven cubed Eight to the power of four Thirty-two Celsius or Fahrenheit

4² 10.3 28% 10m x 12m 7³ 84 32°

11.2 Two-dimensional shapes Shape Circle Square Pentagon Octagon Rectangle Oval Triangle

Translation Cirkel Vierkant Vijfhoek Achthoek Rechthoek Ovaal Driehoek

Adjectives Circular Square Pentagonal Octagonal Rectangular Oval Triangular

A circle cut in half is a Diameter  2 halves of this circle is called semi-circles The radius of a circle is the distance from its centre to the circumference

11.3 Three-dimensional shapes Word Sphere Cube Pyramid Spiral

Translation Bol Kubus Piramide Spiraal

Adjectives Spherical Cubic Pyramidal /

The two halves of a sphere can be called a hemispheres

11.4 Arithmetic Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Equals Six times/multiplied by seven

Optellen Aftrekken Vermenigvuldigen Delen Is ggelijk aan 6x7

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12 Chapter 53: Time 12.1 Periods of time – words and typical contexts Major Historical/geological periods: The Ice Age Era Spell Stages Phase

The Stone Age

The Middle Ages

After the war a new era has begun A spell of hot weather The city went through several stages of development Most teens go through a phase of being lazy

The computer Age

Long period, perhaps several decades Indefinite but short period Development or particular time in process A period which is part of a long period, can also mean stage.

12.2 Useful expression with ‘time’ For a time (vague indefinite) For the time being (for now, not specific) At times (occasionally, now and then) By the time (followed by present tense, NOT future with will) From time to time (sometimes, but not often) One at a time In time (at the right time) On time (punctual, neither late nor early) Time and time again (many times)

Over the course of time/over the course of the last two centuries

I live in London for a time You should sleep on the couch for the time being She can get angry at times

Voor een tijd voor het moment, voorlopig

By the time she gets this she will already be gone I do send her a message from time to time One at a time please! You are just in time to witness this chaos I’ve always been on time in my life I never came late I told you time and time again that you should always ask me first Over the course of time it will become a habiti

Tegen de tijd dat


Van tijd tot tijd Een voor een Tijdig Op tijd Keer op keer

In de loop van tijd

12.3 Verbs associated with time passing Elapsing (perfect or past tense without adverbs) Flying (pass very quickly) Lasting Went on/dragged on

10 years had elapsed since they last saw each other Time seems to fly as you get older It lasted ages The meeting went/dragged on

Verstreken Voorbij vliegen Geduurd Aangesleept/ging verder

12.4 Adjectives describing duration Momentary Fleeting Timeless

There was a momentary disturbance I just got a fleeting glimpse at the king Her beauty was timeless

Very brief Very short and quick Tijdloos

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13 Chapter 54: Distances and dimensions 13.1 Broad and wide and tall and high Wide is more common than broad Wide Broad (make a note of typical collocations) Tall (for people) High (for things)

Wide room Eco is a very broad subject

Wijd Big area

Mark is taller than Sarah That is the highest building in the world

Langer Grootste

The hole was 5 metres deep I’m standing in the shallow part of the swimming pool

Diep ondiep

13.2 Deep VS shallow Deep Shallow

13.3 Derived words, phrases and compounds Long:      Short:  

Length Lengths = I swam 20 lengths Lengthened = I’ve lengthened her skirt for her Lengthy = lengthy process Long distance = a long-distance lorry driver shorten = new road will be shorten shortcut= there’s a shortcut to the station, quick way

Wide  width ( let’s measure the width of the room)  widening ( they’re widening the road) Broad  broaden (I want to broaden my experience,: more abstract context)  broad-minded: willing to accept other people’s behaviors and beliefs: opp. narrow-minded  breadth (I admire the breadth of his knowledge: more abstract context) High  height (the height of the wall is two metres)  heightened (the fog heightened the feeling of mystery: feelings and emotions) Low  lower (you can lower the microphone if it’s too hi...

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