English Comp II Dr. Tate Essay One \'The Me Too Movement and the Negative Impact it has on Men\' PDF

Title English Comp II Dr. Tate Essay One \'The Me Too Movement and the Negative Impact it has on Men\'
Author Ashley Romans
Course English Composition II
Institution Oklahoma City Community College
Pages 4
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Download English Comp II Dr. Tate Essay One 'The Me Too Movement and the Negative Impact it has on Men' PDF


Ashley Romans Dr. Jeff Tate ENGL 1113 January 21, 2019 Negative Impacts of the Me Too Movement on Men Robert M. Drake said, “Madness and chaos are self-destructing but over thinking is the suicide.” The Me Too movement is about giving people the sense of the significance of the problem of sexual harassment and assault against women. Everyone is too focused on the positive impact that the Me Too movement has had, but women especially tend to overlook the negative effects it has had on the male population. Men fear how to intermingle with women in and out of the workplace. Unfortunately, there are high numbers of women having made false accusations, but men are not believed due to women being the minority for so long. There is such a variety in culture across the United States that confusion can arise. For example, someone from the south that is accustomed to saying things with “honey” at the end of a sentence can be incredibly misconstrued as a serious come on in the workplace in Ohio. Studies show that the heightened focus on sexual harassment and assault has made it more complicated for men to know how to interact with women in the work place. It is even trickier for men of older age, 65 and up to navigate interactions with women at work (“Ortiz”). When women rush to human resources without evidence, she is presuming guilt. Maybe the man thought he was paying her a compliment, was having a bad day with how he was wording things, or maybe just socially award. If any of those motives were valid, then they could simply solve

the communication dilemma right there by her admitting her discomfort and discussing it to stop future mishaps (“Holstein”). Consent is to permit, approve, or agree. US National Institutes of Health reported that fake accusations were primarily motivated by emotional gain. Women who made false accusations usually had a history of lying. An article in Quartz by Sandra Newman, stated in the early 2000’s, 216 cases were classified as a false allegation. The FBI has put the number of fake accusations that determined to be false after investigation to be as high as 8% (“Kay”). A large majority of the time women blame men because the sexual experience was negative. Women are humans just alike men. Assault and harassment can happen to men just like it can to women. Women are more forthcoming in claiming assault, but sometimes they consent because they felt pressured or they regret consenting and then later claim abuse. Problem with this lies in the monumental he said, she said. The common denominator in all these examples is that the woman experienced an emotion, such as anxiety, disinclination or fear and did not communicate it to her partner and later felt guilt or a similar emotion and claimed rape (“Holstein”). People of influence now must change the way they teach younger generations. Parents and guardians need to ensure their young men understand how careful they need to treat women. Not to say that everything men did in the past were considering to be okay, but lots of what they did with no harm intended is now something they can face serious consequences of being heavily prosecuted. Society is now fixated upon how women are being treated by men to the point men feel uneasy being alone with them, even when its nonsensical for men to fear being disciplined for making an innocent, unintended comment that could be interpreted as offensive. Although, the Me Too movement has indeed made it easier to report these crimes, it is now making it

harder for men in day to day life. Every topic, particularly political needs to be looked at from both sides.

Works Cited Kay, Katty. “The Truth about False Assault Accusations by Women.” BBC News, BBC, 18 Sept. 2018, www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45565684. Holstein, Megan E. “Why Women Make False Rape Accusations – Megan E. Holstein – Medium.” Medium.com, Medium, 13 July 2018, medium.com/@meholstein/why women-make-false-rape-accusations-938ffdf9a181. Ortiz, Jorge L. “Will #MeToo Turn into #NotHer? Movement May Come with Unintended Workplace Consequences.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 5 Oct. 2018, www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/10/04/metoo-movement-unintended-career consequences-women/1503516002/....

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