Essay-Me Too Movement Tackle Men’s Misconduct PDF

Title Essay-Me Too Movement Tackle Men’s Misconduct
Author Eddy Veliz
Course Intermediate Expository Writing Ii: English As A Second Language
Institution New Jersey City University
Pages 6
File Size 82.5 KB
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Essay about the MeToo Movement. ...


MeToo Movement Tackle Men’s Misconduct In recent years there has been many women coming forward accusing men of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior. Writers for Worldcrunch magazine claimed that they are being asked by their editors “to make [their] masculine characters less sexist and more restrained in how they talk about sexuality and love, or to make it so that the traumas experienced by female characters be more evident!” (Worldcrunch). Have some women been using the MeToo movement to condemn innocent men in the workplace? According to an open letter written by 100 prominent French women artists and intellectuals, the MeToo movement has become a witch hunt to condemn men as sexual abusers without due process (All Things Considered). Some innocent men are victims of the womens’ desire to seek revenge instead of justice because of their misconduct. The MeToo movement started twelve years ago by Tarana Burke. She has been helping young women of color who have suffered sexual violence by seeking justice for these women who suffered sexual assault and harassment (Jaffe p. 80). Jaffe explained that “Burke’s me too campaign was designed to support survivors, to get them resources and help them heal” (p. 80). Further, Jaffe continues explaining that the MeToo conversation spread to the social media networks creating the hashtag #MeToo where women share their stories seeking justice (p. 81). The women sharing their stories in the social media, taking justice into their own hands because “the structure of the legal system and the workplace did not change. Instead, tens of thousands of women said yes, me too. Then, rather than waiting for men to absorb that knowledge and decide whether to change or not, they started naming names. And making lists. And talking to each other” ( Jaffe p .81).

In 1841 Webster defined feminism as “the qualities of females” and today the definition is known as “women’s rights and interests” where women and men should have the same position of power (Merriam-Webster). The MeToo movement defends women’s rights against mens’ sexual harassment. Many women have felt oppressed by the power of men and the MeToo movement has given them courage and support to speak out to tell their stories. However, the MeToo movement is not giving a chance to men to respond and defend themselves (Worldcrunch). The MeToo movement is confronting the patriarchy society. Patriarchy has existed almost as long as humankind, where the man has the power as father and the woman is in charge of the home and the children (Merriam-Webster). Children are named first by the father, a society that thinks just the men should have a hard job because women are weak (Ruby p. 38). Jackson said that “patriarchy- the rule of fathers is not a good thing because patriarchy is both an ideological and social position” (p. 51). “Racialized patriarchy justifies political and ideological assaults on women. It has an exaggerated adverse effect on African-American and other racially identified women” (Jackson p. 52). Men are afraid. Good men are afraid about their relationship with women in the workplace. They are afraid that they have done something wrong and misused their power without realizing they have done harm (Jaffe p. 83). Some behaviors and conversations that years ago were considered a compliment are now wordiness considered by women as intimidating or harassing. Jaffe argues that “since so much of the #MeToo conversation has revolved around workplace harassment and assault, powerful men have faced investigations and even lost jobs” (p. 82). Men fear that women will accuse them of sexual misconduct in the workplace simply because the women do not like them. In a research survey conducted by the

Working Mother Research Institute and the American Bar Association of 3,000 people online, Frankel and Francis Ward report that 56% of men agreed their professional work relationships, such as mentorship and sponsorship of women, “are at risk because the perception that unacceptable behavior could be occurring” (p. 35). False accusations of men in the workplace can turn men and women against each other creating a hateful environment (Smith). The core of the #MeToo movement “appears to be primarily about women taking on their companies and firms to change the way sexual harassment is addressed and the culture that condones it happening in the first place” (Frankel and Francis Ward p. 34). The problem is that by falsely accusing men of misconduct, men are nervous about their work relationship with women (Frankel and Francis Ward p. 34). The #MeToo movement has allowed some women to take advantage of the situation and have revenge to support their own interest. Innocent men can go to jail, lose their jobs and have their reputation destroyed if a woman falsely accuses them of sexual misconduct whether it is true or not. Many companies inform employees and provide training on sexual harassment in the workplace. An example is Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. They provide employees with training in sexual harassment in the workplace (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology). They inform their employees of the law and the institute’s policy on the issue (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology). Additionally, the training provides examples on what are inappropriate behaviors as well as the employee’s responsibility and how to report sexual misconduct (RoseHulman Institute of Technology). Many companies provide this type of training. However, they fail to provide information on what would happen if men are falsely accused of misconduct. Men and women's rights must be protected in the workplace.

Talking about sexual harassment is big news; that’s why the #MeToo movement has caused great controversy. Some women are so angry that they do not care to condemn innocent men as long as they achieve their objective of revenge. The #MeToo movement has become a witch hunt because it has created hostility between men and women. Now women are coming forward and speaking out does not make it justice to accuse innocent men and deny them of due process. Men desire due process. That the MeToo movement supports women to speak out does not mean that they can sacrifice the freedom of innocent men. Society will not move forward or advance in their behaviors if sexual misconduct is not handled differently with proper due process.

Works Cited "Full translation of French anti-#MeToo manifesto signed By Catherine Deneuve." Worldcrunch, "100 French women pen letter saying #MeToo movement has gone too far." All Things Considered, hosted by Ari Shapiro, National Public Radio. NPR, “Feminism.”, Merriam-Webster, Frankel, Barbara and Stephanie Francis Ward. “”He said, she said.” Working Mother, vol. 41, no. 3, Aug/Sep 2018, pp. 34-35. Jackson, Njeri. "Fathering injustice: Racial patriarchy and the dismantling of affirmative action." Western Journal of Black Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, Spring 2003, pp. 51-56. Sarah. "The collective power of #Metoo." Dissent (00123846), vol. 65, no. 2, Spring 2018, pp. 80-87. “Patriarchy.”, Merriam-Webster, Ruby, J. (2003). Resistances To Patriarchy. Off Our Backs, 33(3/4), 38. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. “Workplace & sexual harassment.” Smith, Kyle. "A male backlash against #MeToo is brewing." Fox News Channel, Fox News,

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