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ENGLISH FOR TOURISM SERVICES Budi Purnomo & M. Sri Samiati Tarjana Penerbit K-Media Yogyakarta, 2019 ENGLISH FOR TOURISM SERVICES viii + 266 hlm.; 18 x 25 cm ISBN: 978-602-451-560-7 Penulis : Budi Purnomo & M. Sri Samiati Tarjana Tata Letak : Nur Huda A Desain Sampul : Nur Huda A Cetakan : ...


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Energizing Local Values For Tourism Services Improvement REGIST ER JOURNAL IAIN Salat iga


Budi Purnomo & M. Sri Samiati Tarjana

Penerbit K-Media Yogyakarta, 2019

ENGLISH FOR TOURISM SERVICES viii + 266 hlm.; 18 x 25 cm ISBN: 978-602-451-560-7 Penulis : Budi Purnomo & M. Sri Samiati Tarjana Tata Letak : Nur Huda A Desain Sampul : Nur Huda A Cetakan

: Oktober 2019

Copyright © 2019 by Penerbit K-Media All rights reserved Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang No 19 Tahun 2002. Dilarang memperbanyak atau memindahkan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dalam bentuk apapun, baik secara elektris maupun mekanis, termasuk memfotocopy, merekam atau dengan sistem penyimpanan lainnya, tanpa izin tertulis dari Penulis dan Penerbit.

Isi di luar tanggung jawab percetakan Penerbit K-Media Anggota IKAPI No.106/DIY/2018 Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. e-mail: [email protected]


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. With His Blessing and Guidance, we finally finish this book. The writing of this book was inspired by a previous book entitled English for Tourism Based on Local Needs written by us and Professor Joko Nurkamto in 2010 which was published by Sebelas Maret University Press. We would like to thank Dr. Anang Sutono, Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Tourism, who has written Forward for this book. We sincerely thank Dr. Haryadi B. Sukamdani, President Director of Sahid Hotels & Resorts, who has allowed us to use his hotel photos and forms as samples in this book. We also acknowledge valuable suggestions from Dr. Purwanto Yudhonagoro, President Director of Lorin Hotels & Resorts, Dr. Sutanto Leo, Program Secretary for Master‟s Degree of Bandung Institute of Tourism, and Dr. Sunardi, Head of Hotel Management Study Program of Dian Nuswantoro University for improvement of this book. Many thanks to our students at Sahid Tourism Institute of Surakarta coming from the original area of Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang, Banyuwangi, Bali, Lombok, Makassar, Wakatobi, Bunaken, Raja Ampat, Medan, and Riau who have helped verify the accuracy for selected materials of tourist destinations written in this book. Nobody has been more important to us in the pursuit of publishing this book than the members of our families. Therefore, we would like to thank our parents, whose love and guidance are with us in whatever we pursue. Most importantly, we wish to thank our loving and supportive spouses, who provide unending inspiration.


FOREWORD I am delighted to write this foreword, not only Dr. Budi Purnomo and Professor M. Sri Samiati Tarjana have been my colleagues for more than five years, but also because I believe deeply in the educative value of teaching English for tourism services for all learners, especially in this millennial era. I also believe that educators at every level can enrich and strengthen their teaching by learning the leading English patterns and practices in the hospitality and tourism industry presented in this book. Tourism is a business that provides tours and services for tourists. Tourism services are part of the service sector and related to traveling while hospitality services are the businesses providing accommodation, meeting spaces and food services. The tourism and hospitality industry is the largest and fastest growing industry in the world and accelerating, including in Indonesia. The trends for service are all up, with many employment opportunities and a bright future. The Government of Indonesia develops 4 Tourism Special Economic Zones, namely Tanjung Lesung, Tanjung Kelayang, Mandalika, and Morotai; and 6 National Tourism Strategic Areas, such as Lake Toba, Kepulauan Seribu, Bromo-TenggerSemeru, Borobudur, Labuan Bajo, and Wakatobi. The development of these regions, together with a measurable, accurate and accountable marketing strategy, is expected to increase foreign tourist visits to 20 million trips in 2019. For tourism service providers in Indonesian, the challenge is how foreign tourists can feel the 'Indonesian brand experience', in any way, through any platform, and in a positive view. In order to continue the Indonesian brand exists in the minds of foreign tourists, the big needs are to create meaningful interactions. Places of interactions between foreign tourists and tourism service providers in Indonesia - one of the main tourist destinations in the world with many places of interest for tourists - include the airports, harbors, train stations, tourist information centers, travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, places of tourist interest, souvenir shops, and excursions. The English tourism service providers use during interactions in these many and varied locations plays an important role in satisfying tourists needs. In the tourism and hospitality industry, tourists act as guests and tourism service providers act as hosts. As the hosts, tourism service providers serve guests as well as possible in order to ensure the guests‟ satisfaction. This can be especially accomplished by tourism service providers who are not only skillful in providing their services but who also know how to communicate well and use appropriate English. Dr. Budi Purnomo and Professor M. Sri Samiati Tarjana have produced a powerful tool for serious and sustained tourism human resources development, focused on a core practice that belongs in the English for tourism services. The learning iv

materials of this book are developed from various realia, selected from 10 new destination brands: Great Jakarta, Great Bandung, Great Bali, Joglosemar (Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang), Banyuwangi, Lombok, Makassar, Coral Wonders (Wakatobi, Bunaken, Raja Ampat), Medan, and Riau Islands. They support the Wonderful Indonesia campaign managed by the Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia. This book offers a valuable guide to the practical work of English for tourism services. It aims to help learners, educators, and tourism service providers practice the English for serving tourists with success and satisfaction. This book can also help educators develop an understanding of English for tourism services and its flexible uses across topics and grade levels. I hope this book will become a primer for learners, educators, and tourism service providers to learn, teach, and practice English for serving millennial tourists in the fourth industrial revolution era.

Jakarta, 17 September 2019 Dr. Anang Sutono, MM.Par, CHE Senior Advisor to the Minister for Economy and Tourism Destination, Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia


PREFACE English for Tourism Services contains learning materials for improving speaking competencies suitable for employees working in a variety of tourism industry areas such as hotels and accommodation facilities, information centers, tourist attractions and public transport services. In addition, staff working as guides, rangers, tour managers, travel consultants, resort workers, hospitality and restaurant staff, and other tourist-related industry services will find this book useful. This book is also suitable for students studying at tourism and English departments. It focuses on developing vocabulary and language skills related to the area of tourism in the Indonesian context. The English for Tourism Services is made up of fifteen thematically based units and one unit as a sample test for review. The units of the book are divided into language function, vocabulary check, reading texts, key expressions, samples of dialog, forms & documents and grammar review. The material is also organized to provide innovative constant recycling and expansion of knowledge about the English and its use. The Language Function aims at finding and observing the features indicating the functions of the language; students will then be able to show the various functions of the language, like informative, directive, re-statement and the like. The Vocabulary Check aims at showing the meaning of words in English and Indonesian. The Reading Texts aims at showing various English texts about descriptions of tourist destinations and events at the national level. The Key Expressions aims at indicating short expressions as the focus of the texts. The Samples of Conversations aims at showing a variety of dialogs used in the interactions between the participants. The Forms and Documents aims at showing a variety of forms and documents commonly used in the tourist businesses. The Grammar Review aims at showing types of structural expressions which are expected to increase the grammar/structural skills of the students.


By studying and practicing the contents of this book, the learners are expected to develop English for Tourism Services fluency so they can express themselves precisely with foreign English speaking tourists; learn specific tourism and topic-based vocabulary for their area of work; improve pronunciation; fine tune listening skills; review grammar points as needed; and prepare presentations, write emails or tourist information, which, in turn, will improve their professional tourism and hospitality services.

Surakarta, 12 September 2019

Budi Purnomo & M. Sri Samiati Tarjana



ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................. iii FOREWORD .............................................................................................. iv PREFACE ................................................................................................ vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. viii Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16

Handling Reservations ................................................................ 1 Serving Passengers on Plane and at the Airport ........................ 26 Providing Information upon Arrival on the Way to Hotel............ 45 Handling Check-in ................................................................... 64 Handling Telephone Enquiries .................................................. 87 Giving Directions .................................................................... 102 Giving Information about Art Performances and Entertainment ........................................................................ 119 Beginning a Tour and Describing the Itinerary ........................ 130 Describing Points of Interest on the Tour Route ....................... 145 Serving Meals at Restaurant ................................................... 159 Describing Processes Used in Making Art Objects ................... 178 Bargaining for Souvenir Prices ................................................ 189 Describing Tourist Sites........................................................... 204 Handling Complaints ............................................................. 229 Handling Check-out ............................................................... 240 Sample Test for Review ........................................................... 255

REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 264 ABOUT THE AUTHORS .......................................................................... 266


English for Tourism Services

Unit 1 Handling Reservations Language Function Directions: Study the following language functions relevant to Unit 1. An airline ticket is a document or electronic record, issued by an airline or a travel agency, that confirms that an individual is entitled to a seat on a flight on an aircraft. The airline ticket may be one of two types: a paper ticket, which comprises coupons or vouchers; and an electronic ticket (commonly abbreviated as e-ticket). E-ticket is the digital ticket equivalent of a paper ticket. The term is most commonly associated with airline issued tickets. E-ticketing for urban or rail public transport is usually referred to as travel card or transit pass. It is also used in ticketing in the entertainment industry. The ticket, in either form, is required to obtain a boarding pass during check-in at the airport. Then with the boarding pass and the attached ticket, the passenger is allowed to board the aircraft. An e-ticket system is a more efficient method of ticket entry, processing and marketing for companies in the airline, railways and other transport and entertainment industries. A train ticket is a ticket issued by a railway operator that enables the bearer to travel on the operator's network or a partner's network. Tickets can authorize the bearer to travel a set itinerary at a specific time (common for long-distance railroads), a set itinerary at any time (common for commuter railroads), a set itinerary at multiple times, or an arbitrary itinerary at specific times. The last two categories are often called passes: the former is often sold as a discounted block of trips for commuters; the latter is often sold to vacationers. The term reservation used in the context of a hotel, means the booking or reserving of a room (accommodation) by a guest. Reservations lead to reserving of a particular type of room for a particular guest for a given period of time. It also gives the guest the first impression of the hotel. Online hotel reservations are a popular method for booking hotel rooms. Travelers can book rooms on a computer by using online security to protect their privacy and financial information and by using several online travel agents to compare prices and facilities at different hotels. Prior to the Internet, travelers could write, telephone the hotel directly, or use a travel agent to make a reservation. Nowadays, online travel 1

Budi Purnomo & M. Sri Samiati Tarjana

agents have pictures of hotels and rooms, information on prices and deals, and even information on local resorts. Many also allow reviews of the traveler to be recorded with the online travel agent. Online hotel reservations are also helpful for making last minute travel arrangements. Hotels may drop the price of a room if some rooms are still available. There are several websites that specialize in searches for deals on rooms. Receiving reservation is a job of a reservation clerk/agent. A reservation clerk/agent is a person who works in Reservation Section. The job descriptions of a reservation clerk/agent are: 1. Answer an incoming telephone call related to reservation based on the standard of telephone manner. 2. Follow-up an incoming reservation through telephone, facsimile, telex, letter, telegram, and e-mail. 3. Confirm a reservation or refuse it if the airline tickets/train tickets/other transportation tickets/hotel rooms are already fully booked. 4. Process and solve problems related to cancellation and no-show. 5. Offer the highest price of airline tickets/train tickets/other transportation tickets/hotel rooms when receiving a reservation through telephone. 6. Explain airline/train/other transportation/hotel facilities to a person who makes a reservation. 7. Send a confirmation letter. 8. File the reservation data.

Vocabulary Check Directions:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2

Study the following words, their pronunciations, and their meanings. Pay close attention to how they are used in the reading texts and in the dialogs. ambiance (n) : suasana amusement (n) : hiburan arbitrary (n) : sewenang-wenang arrival (n) : kedatangan bearer (n) : pembawa board (n) : papan boarding pass (n) : kartu naik pesawat charming (adj) : menawan check-in desk (n) : meja mendaftarkan diri check-in time (n) : waktu mendaftarkan diri

English for Tourism Services

11. check-out time (n) 12. coastline (n) 13. commuter (n) 14. comprises (v) 15. confirm (v) 16. corporate rate (n) 17. daredevil (adj) 18. deck (n) 19. depicting (v) 20. depictions (n) 21. diverse (n) 22. double room (n) 23. doves (n) 24. down payment (n) 25. flame (n) 26. foil (v) 27. headquarters (n) 28. iconic (adj) 29. idyllic (adj) 30. inhabited (v) 31. intriguing (v) 32. landmark (n) 33. lodged (v) 34. lush (n) 35. magnnificent (adj) 36. majestic (adj) 37. neo-classic (adj) 38. no-show 39. occupancy data (n) 40. on-line payment transfer (n) 41. platform (n) 42. pristine (n) 43. reconfirm (v) 44. relics (n) 45. reservation (n) 46. roaming (n)

: waktu pengecekan keluar dari hotel saat rekening dibayar : garis pantai : komuter : terdiri dari : konfirmasi : harga perusahaan : pemberani : dek : menggambarkan : penggambaran : beragam : kamar dengan 1 tempat tidur yang dapat dihuni 2 orang : merpati : uang muka : nyala api : menggagalkan : kantor pusat : ikon : idilis : dihuni : menarik : penanda : bersarang : subur : luar biasa : agung : neo-klasik : ketidakdatangan tamu : data hunian kamar hotel : transfer pembayaran online : peron : murni : konfirmsi ulang : peninggalan : pemesanan : jelajah 3

Budi Purnomo & M. Sri Samiati Tarjana

47. sightseeing (n) 48. single room (n) 49. stunning (adj) 50. towering (adj) 51. ultimate (adj) 52. unrestricted (v) 53. vacationers (n) 54. vast (adj) 55. vibrant (adj)

: : : : : : : : :

tamasya kamar dengan 1 tempat tidur menakjubkan menjulang tinggi terakhir tidak dibatasi wisatawan luas bersemangat

Reading Texts Directions: Read the text below and answer the following questions. Jakarta

Source: jakartainformer.com

Indonesia‟s capital city, Jakarta, is a fascinating place to visit due to its long history, diverse culture, charming natural beauty, and never-ending development. From history to shopping to art and architecture, Jakarta has a lot on offer when it comes to sightseeing. So, choose the places you like and include them in your Jakarta itinerary. Here are the 10 top Jakarta tourist attractions for one to visit. First, National Monument. This iconic landmark of Jakarta serves not only as a magnificent viewing deck with unrestricted views of the city, but also a museum depicting the nation‟s history. Towering at 115 meters high, the building is also majestic to see from the outside, topped with a flame-shaped gold foil. Second, Sunda Kelapa Harbor. It is an old port first established during the Pajajaran Hindu Kingdom. Once serving as a main port, the area now only lodged traditional pinisi ship. Other 4

English for Tourism Services

than its historical significance, this harbor also retains its aesthetic beauty, owed to charming colorful ships and clear blue skies. Third, Kota Tua. Jakarta was first established as a capital city by Dutch colonials, and the area that is now called Kota Tua served as the headquarters of the Dutch East India Company. The area has several old, European-style buildings that still stand today. Tourists can tour the place by foot or rent a charmingly decorated bicycle. Fourth, Fatahillah Museum. First built by the Dutch colonials as the city hall, this building has reopened as a museum in 1974, showing historic relics found in Jakarta. The neo-classic architecture is inspired by the Dam Palace in Amsterdam. Fatahillah Museum is located within the charming Kota Tua, the Old City of Jakarta. Fifth, Kepulauan Seribu. Technically still a part of the Jakarta Province, Kepulauan Seribu or Thousand Islands comprises of hundreds of pristine, idyllic small islands, many of them still inhabited. However, tourism is vibrant in some of the more developed islands, including Bidadari Island, Pramuka Island, and Tidung Island. Sixth, National Museum. The National Museum of Indonesia ...

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