Author Linda Zulkeffli
Course English for Critical Academic Readding
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
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FORUM SCRIPTDIAGLOGUEMODERATOR Assalamualaikum and a very good day I wish to all of you. Welcome to our forum for this week. As well we know, “Pandemic Covid-19” is a current big issue, which enable you to think about the topics that we had highlighted and we are trying to solve the issues together ...



Assalamualaikum and a very good day I wish to all of you. Welcome to our forum for this week. As well we know, “Pandemic Covid-19” is a current big issue, which enable you to think about the topics that we had highlighted and we are trying to solve the issues together by sharing beneficial and interesting idea and though, which will be delivered by our guests. Today, we would like to highlight a topic that is quite interesting to be discussed on “Effects of Pandemic on our Education: Good or Bad?”. I am sure that every one of us has our own opinion and though with this topic. Before we proceed to our forum, I would like to introduce our panelists today. Our first panelist is Dr Nor Haslinda President of National Union of the Teaching Profession, how are you today Dr ?



I’m good, and glad to be here this morning.

Next to her is our specially Panel 2 Datin Nur Azzira Vice President of Women, Family and Community Development, also we have Dr Fatimah Aniqah, Counselor in Himaya Child & Psychology Centre and last one is Prof Nur Irwany, Professor of Management in Department Education, HUKM. Before we start our forum in details, let me explain about our topic today. The COVID-19 crisis is exacerbating this learning crisis. As many as 94 percent of children across the world have been out of school due to closures. Learning losses from school shutdowns are further compounded by inequities, particularly for students who were already left behind by education systems. Many countries and schools have shifted to online learning during school closures as a stop-gap measure. However, this is not possible in many places, as less than half of households in low- and middleincome countries have internet access. There is some disagreement on online learning so much so that some say there are more disadvantages than advantages to education system during this pandemic. Without wasting time, let's hear the opinion on our title from the first invited Panel 1.


Thanks Ms Moderator This pandemic caused shutdowns of education systems and thus creating the largest impact on students, approximately 94% of total

students around the world. When discussing the positive impact of pandemic, one thing that comes into mind is integration of technologies into education system. Education and technologies always come together, but with the pandemic it took new level. Although this can be seen as forced transition, but at the time only fusible solution. However, integration of new technology into education does not mean that it will improve interaction between teacher and student (meaning that teacher will deliver material better and student will receive it and fully understand. New technology provides more possibilities for both teacher and student, but only when it used correct. That all, I pass back to our moderator, thank you.


Thank you Dr Linda. From your explanation, you strongly agree that online learning is good for our young generation. Let's move to Prof Irwany, What is your opinion?


Thank you, Ms Moderator. Assalamualaikum w.b.t and a very good morning to all the panelist and the audience. I’m so glad to be one of the guests here. So based on today topic, I can direct state that pandemic is giving bad effects towards education. And I absolutely not agree in this online learning. The sudden shift to online learning due to pandemic which is without any planning especially in our country can lead to a lot of negative effects. Today I’m going to share a few of it, such as it can lead to passive learning and risks of lagging behind academically by students. That is a point where we get from a view of students, however, as we won’t believe, there are also bad effects that had been facing by our teaching staff, such as unprepared teachers for online education and the changing format of student’s recruitment. Thank you. I totally not agree with this online learning during this pendamic, I passing back our discussion to you Ms Moderator.


Thank you, Prof Irwany, that was a great point to be said. What can you say, Datin Azzira with our topic today, is it good of bad?


Thank you Ms Moderator, as for me I am disagree with Prof Irwany but I agree with Dr Linda opinion for our topic today, Here are some of my point of view, the benefits that I can see from students are they able to learn faster during online, they can learn at their own pace, re-reading or skipping through the subjects as they choose. There is also evidence that learning online can be more

effective in a number of ways. Research suggests that online learning increases retention of information and also takes less time. On average, students retain between 25% and 60% more material when learning online compared to only 8% to 10% in a classroom setting. Thank you, passing back to you Ms Moderator


Thank you Datin Azzira for your opinion, so Dr Fatimah what about you point of view from our topic today ?


Thank you Ms Moderator, sorry Datin Azzira I can’t be agree with your opinion, for me I can see a lot of disadvantage of online learning one of it is lack of interaction you will get with classmates and instructor. For example, in the class, students have a change to speaking in class presentation and discussion and give their own opinion clearly. But in online learning, student just can sit at the front of the laptop, type their opinion and wait the answer. The second disadvantage is missing out non-verbal communication. As we know, non-verbal communication is very important than verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is also know as body language which refer to, among other things, gestures people make while speaking, eye contacts and the way they stands. In online learning students just can communicate as actual words.


Thank you Dr Fatima That was a great point to be said. So all panellists is there any opinion want to added?


Thank you Ms Moderator, I have a few point to support my opinion earlier. Online learning is other option for students to improve their knowledge. For your information other than President of teachers community I am also a lecturer, I also encourage my students to learn English by online. For instance, I suggest them to surf MyLinE website, for your information, this website provides additional resources for learning in English for academic and professional purposes. Besides that, it does also provide a platform for self-access interactive learning. The learning process will be more attractive and interesting instead of learning in class. There are many activities provided in the website. The most attracted me is the student forum site. This is a place for sharing of experience and ideas as students in a university. They can express their views and opinions on academic and non-academic issues, seek assistance or they can communicate with other fellow students. The other one is ‘Correct My English’ site. This is a platform where students can post a short text that has written and other users could help correct the text.

I believe that this is one of the affective ways of learning but yes, there will be pro and cons. It depends on the students to decide. Thank you so much. To you back Ms Moderator.



Thank you Dr Linda, so Datin Azzira anything you want to added to support Dr Linda?

Thank you Ms Moderator, For my conclusion there was other benefits we can get such as parents became more engaged with their children's education and had a better understanding of their learning levels. Besides,the mindset of students has changed drastically over the past one year. A recent global student survey revealed that 78% of tertiary students in Malaysia would prefer online learning to conventional faceto-face sessions if it meant cheaper fees. A similar trend is also observed in other countries. For example, preference for online learning is 83% in Canada and 78% in China. That’s all my point of view today. Thank you.



Thank you Datin Azzira. We move to our last two panellists Prof Irwany and Dr Fatimah anything both of you want to conclude from your opinion earlier?

Thank you, Ms. Moderator. I would like to add a last point of view on why I am 100% saying that pandemic are giving bad effects to our education. The point is a sluggish financial issues of students and the exaggerating socioeconomics different. Why im saying this is because not all of our Malaysian students are capable to have or own laptop or even smartphone for them to access this online learning that been occurred due to pandemic effects towards education, since as we all know that since pandemic all education are based on online learning. Okay, let say, at this current technology era, all of our Malaysian students do have their own gadget, but don’t forget about internet connection which is we all know that we need to allocate some amount of money in accessing and having the data connection. As one research that has been conducted in UMP, there are 70% students that are affected with this financial issues. And According to Dr. Ehwan Ngadi, lecturer of Genius Insan College, USIM, that internet access and stability of teaching and learning platform are one of negative/ bad impact of education due to pandemic other than the problem of emotion management and also holistic assessments. That’s all from me for today.

That all for today, thank you all.


I am totally agree with Prof Irwany. Most negative influence from pandemic received these countries and students where poverty is a major issue. It is agreeable that in one place pandemic pushed technology usage into the next level, whereas in others the absence of such technology put to pause the whole educational system. The term of distant learning can be easily comprehended, but in reality, it is more complex. It requires appropriate softwarepackages, stable internet Lastly, In order to succeed at online learning, you have to have some specific skills. You have to be self-motivated, responsible for your own learning and have good time management skills. If you don't have those skills, traditional classes may be a better choice for you. Thank you


Thank you to all our panellist today. Finally we have come to the end of our forum where we have shared a lot of knowledge which we don’t even know or thought before Well, from what all our panellist shared just now, there are good and also bad effects of covid-19 pandemic on Education. So it is everyone right to choose on how to deal with it. Before we end our forum today, I would like to open up a few moments for Q&A section. So audience can asked our panellists directly if there is any doubt or questions that run in mind


What do you see as the challenges involve in ODL?

Thank you Ms Lisa, so the answer of this question is back to all the point that I had been stated early before which is : 1. passive ODL by students 2. unprepared teaching staff for ODL 3. internet access & stability of teaching and learning platform 4. holistic assessments


How do we protect the mental health of students in a Pandemic?

Thank you Ms. Lisa for a good question. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, grief, and worry during the COVID-19

pandemic. Here are some strategies that can be used during these challenging times to protect student’s mental health. 1. Take care of your physical health 2. Ask for professional help if you feel like it 3. Take a break from social media 4. Find new ways to connect with friends


How will the school follow up with students who cannot attend class?

Thank you for the question Ms Fatin. Almost all online classes require students to respond and communicate with their peers in a discussion board or forum. The board usually contains questions that pertain to the weekly topic. Students post a specific number of responses and/or their responses must be a specific length for credit and attendance. Here are some strategies how to follow up with student who cannot attend class during online learning. 1. Class recording can be passed to the absent student. 2. Schedule one-on-one time 3. Connect with students via email & messaging 4. Communicate with student and parent about their problems


How do you ensure the quality of online course?

Thank you Ms Fatin There are several ways to ensure online course quality but the most important is communication. Communication is obviously the basic element of an online classroom. The teacher should communicate with their students and students should be able to respond. Online classes using video conferencing, discussion forums, mail and message boxes, etc. are the usual tools for communication. But make sure from time-to-time that these are all working properly, so no student will left out.


That’s all for today. I will end our forum discussion, with thanks to all of panellist and audience. Thank you and Assalamualaikum....

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