English HSC Draft - Essay Sample PDF

Title English HSC Draft - Essay Sample
Course English Standard
Institution Glenwood High School
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Oodgeroo Noonuccal poem...


How important is Noonuccal’s use of imagery to your appreciation of the key ideas presented in her poetry? Our past and present experiences manifest us into developing broader perspectives of the world around us. It helps us shape our own identities which becomes vital and essential to us in order to enable us to appreciate ourselves, to find growth. Oodgeroo’s poems ‘The Past’ and ‘Sunrise on the Huangpu River’ explores her experiences as an Indigenous Rights Activist who witnessed the many hardships endured by her people. Her trip to China in 1984 allowed her to discover her distinct identity, broadening her perspective. Observing the beauty of her culture present within the Chinese culture enabled her to develop connections of her past into her present identity among allowing us to understand and admire the world. In reflecting on our past experiences, ancestry, and history, we are able to establish strong connections with our own identities. Through Oodgeroo’s Poem ‘The Past’, we are able to observe those connections between Oodgeroo’s past intertwining with her present. Oodgeroo and her Indigenous people have a history of facing injustices. However, Oodgeroo’s activism helped establish her role in providing hope which remains a significant reminder to the Indigenous. Evident in ‘But a thousand thousand campfires in the forest...Are in my blood’. The use of repetition in ‘thousand thousand’ skillfully highlights Oodgeroo’s longevity of the history of her culture and traditions as they won’t be long gone. This further reinforces the importance of her ancestors and family, acknowledging them and their sacrifices as they allowed Oodgeroo to develop powerful connectedness with her present identity. Oodgeroo states ‘No walls about me, The stars over me’ illustrating imagery which depicts her gaining freedom which no longer traps her past as just a memory but a vital part of her history. ‘The stars over me’ showcases a metaphor of the stars are her ancestors, watching over her which connects Oodgeroo spiritually. Her strong use of imagery allows us to appreciate our history and ancestry as it always stays within us. Correspondingly, Oodgeroo’s poem ‘Sunrise on Huampu River’ also showcases similar concepts of the past. Huampu River is known to be a social gathering place where the poem is set in the past during 1984 when

Oodgeroo had visited during her trip to China. However, ‘Sunrise on Huampu river’ explores more in-depth the present as displayed in ‘Oh! The Huampu River...Is full of life’. Oodgeroo effectively describes the river in positive connotations as she developed an admiration of the place and people. Oodgeroo’s past and present unite once she uses exclamation to justify her surprised and shocked feelings as she observes the imagery of life. The connectedness of life over in the river can be compared to Oodgeroo’s connectivity with her past ancestry and family. Similarly, ‘Fussy tugs, like clucking hens. Shooing their sister boats.’ The personification of boats behaving like a family, allowing us to appreciate our families and to admire others. This demonstrates a sense of belonging as it is essentially important for Oodgeroo and the Chinese people to stay connected with one another as it becomes a powerful factor playing in the role of our identities. Once we explore new cultures, we begin to challenge their views, values, and morals by introducing our own perspectives from our past and present influences. This way we allow ourselves to acknowledge the similarities and differences. In the poem ‘The Past’ we are able to interpret Oodgeroo’s views on her past and present. ‘In easy chair before electric heater...At the campfire’ The use of juxtaposition allows us to see a perspective of natural imagery contrasted by the natural tone. Symbolising the devoid of connection. Despite the lack of connection, She challenges her views to connect to her past. This new cultural and modern influence illustrates the difference of the time of Oodgeroo’s past and present and how she uses it to her advantage by understanding her values and re-connecting spiritually. This further indicates, no matter the setting or new culture you’re in, you will always find a way back to your spiritual self into the new setting. Granting us to appreciate the differences. As stated in ‘Let no one say the past is dead. The past is all about us within’. Oodgeroo’s use of a bold tone in the opening displays her strong voice about the past being a significant part of us as it is heavily influenced by our past experiences and all that we have endured. Oodgeroo’s values suggest that the past cannot simply vanish as it is a symbol of her present identity and culture. Her morals of acknowledging the elderly are displayed in her traditions and it is all indulged within her. However, in Oodgeroo’s poem ‘Sunrise on

Huampu River’ we observe a different perspective on life as Oodgeroo states ‘ With reflections of gold, Heralding, The birth of another day’. This statement describes Oodgeroo’s optimistic views on a hopeful future. The use of symbolism is precisely used because Oodgeroo and the Chinese people share the same outlook on life despite the cultural, moral, and value differences. The imagery which is displayed in ‘reflections of gold’ describes the importance of reflecting back at ourselves and our past. Oodgeroo states that the past is not dead however we must move on and expect positivity to come to our lives. This is also prompt in the Sunrise on the Huampu river of 'Billow smoke into the air’ describing the natural imagery of industrial and natural imagery differences, we are able to adapt and accept with an open mind as our surroundings change but our values stick with us. ‘The sun rises over the horizon’ natural imagery allows us to understand how important it is to stop and appreciate our lives and the beauty of acknowledging our past and moving on to something great such as being present in the moment and seeing a better future. Through our firsthand experiences and past reflections, we begin to appreciate the small but precious moments in life and to better understand ourselves. Therefore, Oodgeroo uses past and present in order to express optimistic key ideas of identity on oneself and their perspectives. Elaborating on the significance of those ideas in order to appreciate and take interest in different cultures, individuals. She allows us to understand the importance of reflecting upon the past and present as the past makes up who we are today. Finding our identity in authentic places around the globe becomes vital to our understanding of the significance of our connectedness of the Past and Present....

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