English Please 11 Student BOOK libro PDF

Title English Please 11 Student BOOK libro
Author camilo sanz
Course ingles iv
Institution Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Pages 160
File Size 12.1 MB
File Type PDF
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Libro completo de inglés en pdf para grado 11. Puede usarse como
Libro guía para estudiantes de secundaria media de último año...


English, please! Student’s Book


All the written activities in this book must be completed in your own notebook, and not in this book. Todas las actividades de escritura contenidas en este libro se deben realizar en un cuaderno aparte, no en el libro


English, please! 3 St udent ’s Book

IVÁN DUQUE MÁRQUEZ Presidente de la República MARÍA VICTORIA ANGULO GONZÁLEZ Ministra de Educación CONSTANZA LILIANA ALARCÓN PÁRRAGA Viceministra de Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media DANIT MARÍA TORRES FUENTES Directora de Calidad para la Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media

Ilustración y Fotografía: Fotografía: David Osorio, Parques Nacionales, Fundación Proaves, Fundación Natura, If the World were a Village, Green Hope, Mike Ceaser. Banco de imágenes: ©2003-2016 Shutterstock, Inc; fotocolombia.com®; ©2016 iStockphoto LP Carátula: Lorna Heaslip, Richmond

CLAUDIA MARCELINA MOLINA RODRÍGUEZ Subdirectora de Fomento de Competencias

Coordinación editorial:

LICED ANGÉLICA ZEA SILVA Subdirectora de Referentes y Evaluación de la Calidad Educativa

Richmond, 58 St Aldate’s, Oxford, UK Sue Ashcroft, Lorna Heaslip y Deborah Tricker Richmond Colombia Andrés Guerrero, Nancy Ramírez

CARLOS JAVIER AMAYA GONZÁLEZ Líder Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo Equipos Técnicos: Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo: Laura Bustos, Luz Rincón, Deissy Velandia, Martha Sofia Galvis, Carlos Javier Amaya, Mauricio Ríos Delgado Materiales Educativos: Diana Tobón Maldonado, Yuli Catherine Rojas, Diana Quiceno

British Council: Andrés Giraldo Medellín – Gerente de proyecto Camila Andrea Murcia Torres – Directora Editorial Carolina Cruz Corzo – Consultora Académica EES Viviana Caicedo Triana – Coordinadora de Proyecto Autores: English, please! 1, 2, 3 Fast Track: Pat Chappell, María Isabel Gutiérrez, Thomas Hadland, Andrea Langton, Alastair Lane, Luz Rincón, Larissa Tatiana Rico y Paola Andrea Urueña Martínez. First Edition English, please! 1, 2, 3: Lizbeth Arévalo, Maya Briggs, Nancy Echeverri, Frank Giraldo, María Isabel Gutiérrez, Oscar Hernán Montoya, Luz Karime Calle, María Eugenia Oviedo Bocanegra, Yuddy Pérez, Nancy Paola Riascos, Larissa Tatiana Rico, María Alejandra Roa, Nathalie Ruge, Helen Speranza, Paola Andrea Urueña Martínez.

Diseño: Richmond design team: Lorna Heaslip, Dave Kuzmicki y Magdalena Mayo. Colaboradores de diseño: H L Studios; Roarr Design. Edición: Richmond editorial team: Stephanie Bremner, Emma Clarke, David Cole-Powney, Belén Fernández, Simone Foster, Helen Kunzemann, Sophie Sherlock, Deborah Tricker. Colaboradores editoriales: Celia Bingham, Trish Burrow, Sarah Curtis, Sarah McConnell, Isabel Palma, Tania Pattison, Kerry Powell © Ministerio de Educación Nacional ISBN 978-958-691-787-2 Calle 43 No. 57-14 Piso 5. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia www.mineducacion.gov.co Citación: Ministerio de Educación Nacional English, please! Bogotá D.C. - Colombia Impresión: Panamericana Formas e Impresos S.A. Disponible en línea a través de la página: www.colombiaaprende.edu.co Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, el registro o la transmisión por cualquier medio de recuperación de información, sin autorización previa del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Bogotá D.C. – C olombia

Presentación: Lograr una educación de calidad para t odos los niños, niñas y j óvenes de Colombia es el camino para avanzar hacia la equidad social, uno de los pilares del president e Iván Duque. La import ancia que t iene la educación para el act ual gobierno se ref lej a en los programas y pol ít icas que el Minist erio de Educación Nacional est á desarrollando en t odos los niveles educat ivos. Adicionalment e, reconocemos que la apuest a por la educación es de t odos y para t odos, por esa razón t rabaj amos de manera art iculada con los act ores del sist ema educat ivo. Est amos convencidos de que l a t ransf ormación en la educación sucede en la escuela y principal ment e en el aula. Por est a razón desde el Gobierno Nacional est amos haciendo los esf uerzos necesarios para generar las condiciones y proveer los recursos que garant icen mayores y mej ores aprendizaj es en nuest ros est udiant es. Los t ext os escolares son uno de est os recursos que l e permit en a los docent es mej orar el acompañamient o en el aula, aument ando las posibilidades para l a innovación pedagógica. Es un privilegio para nosot ros ent regar a l os direct ivos, docent es, est udiant es y f amilias de los est ablecimient os educat ivos, la colección de t ext os de mat emát icas, l enguaj e e inglés, los cuales responden a la diversidad y riqueza de nuest ro país y se art iculan con l os referent es de calidad del Minist erio de Educación Nacional. Est amos seguros de que est e mat erial, j unt o con las est rat egias definidas por cada uno de los programas del Minist erio y las iniciat ivas que lideran los docent es y direct ivos docent es en las inst it uciones educat ivas, nos permit irán cont inuar avanzando hacia una Educación de Calidad para t odos, hacia el fort alecimient o de los procesos curriculares en las inst it uciones y hacia la equidad social por la que hacemos equipo con las f amilias, docent es y, en general, con t odas las comunidades. De manera especial queremos invit ar a los maest ros a explorar est e mat erial y a t rabaj arlo j unt o con sus est udiant es y las familias. Est amos convencidos de que los docent es son los líderes de l a t ransformación educat iva y serán los prot agonist as de est e nuevo capít ulo de la hist oria y del f ut uro de la educación colombiana.

Cordialment e,

© MEN Colombia

Ministerio de Educación Nacional

Introducción El Ministerio de Educación Nacional, a través del Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo, ha diseñado y producido la serie “English, please!” (edición Fast Track), como un conjunto de textos escolares que apoyará y acompañará tu aprendizaje de inglés durante los grados 9°, 10° y 11°. Esta serie de textos es una herramienta esencial con la que cuentas para lograr un nivel de inglés Pre Intermedio al culminar grado 11, y con el cual podrás interactuar de forma sencilla con tus compañeros, profesores y con personas de alrededor del mundo. Para lograrlo, te ofrecemos proyectos y actividades amenas e integradoras relacionadas con tus vivencias como joven, tu herencia cultural, los estilos de vida y de salud y la conciencia ambiental (grado 9°); la cultura de los jóvenes, la manera de relacionarnos con la economía, el reconocimiento de la diversidad como seres humanos y el ecoturismo (grado 10°), así como sobre tu contribución para lograr cambios en el futuro, tu rol como ciudadano global, la diversidad sexual y tu compromiso para salvar a nuestro planeta (grado 11°).

© MEN Colombia

Deseamos que estos temas sean relevantes para ti y todos tus compañeros, pues el objetivo es reconocer tus intereses particulares y relacionarlos con el mundo globalizado y cambiante que estamos viviendo. Esperamos que esta ruta que inicias te lleve a lograr tus expectativas y las de tus docentes, y que logres comunicarte en inglés con esta herramienta que potenciará a futuro, tus capacidades como profesional, ser humano y ciudadano del mundo.

The future is in your hands .................. 8

Unit 1 Looking ahead


Global citizenship ................... 46

Unit 1 You can make a difference

Lesson 1 ............................................... Lesson 2 ...............................................

10 14

Lesson 3 ...............................................


Lesson 1 ...............................................


Lesson 2 ............................................... Lesson 3 ...............................................

52 56

Unit 2 Meeting the challenges of the modern world

Unit 2 What I need to know about ... Lesson 4 ...............................................


Lesson 4 ...............................................


Lesson 5 ...............................................


Lesson 6 ...............................................


Lesson 5 ............................................... Lesson 6 ...............................................

64 68

Unit 3 Off to university!

Unit 3 How to shape the future

Lesson 7 ...............................................


Lesson 7 ...............................................


Lesson 8 ...............................................


Lesson 8 ...............................................


Let 's work t oget her .................................. Self-assessment ......................................

42 44

Let 's work t oget her ..................................


Self-assessment ......................................


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Love and relationships .............. 84

Unit 1 My world and I 86 90

Lesson 3 ...............................................


Saving planet Earth ............................ 122

Lesson 1 ...............................................


Lesson 2 ............................................... Lesson 3 ...............................................

128 132

Unit 2 Human development or environmental preservation?

Unit 2 Understanding my sexuality Lesson 4 ...............................................


Lesson 5 ...............................................

102 106

Unit 3 Health and responsibility © MEN Colombia


Unit 1 Development impact

Lesson 1 ............................................... Lesson 2 ...............................................

Lesson 6 ...............................................





Lesson 4 ...............................................


Lesson 5 ...............................................


Lesson 6 ...............................................


Unit 3 What's next?

Lesson 7 ...............................................


Lesson 7 ...............................................


Lesson 8 ...............................................


Lesson 8 ...............................................


Let 's work t oget her ..................................


Let 's work t oget her ..................................


Self-assessment ......................................


Self-assessment ......................................


In this module you will ... • t hink about and share your dreams and fut ure goals, in Unit 1 Looking ahead • l earn about t echnol ogy, l anguages and t eam leader qual it ies, in Unit 2 What I need to know about … • learn about st udying at universit y and good int erview t echniques, in Unit 3 Off to university!

© MEN Colombia



The future is in your hands

Module 1

You will also ...

▪ read about how

Lis te

d R ea

people t alking about t heir reasons for st udying languages


▪ underst and

int erview

▪ list en t o someone

▪ read about people’s st rengt hs and weaknesses



t alking about being a t eam leader

paragraph f or a universit y applicat ion form

▪ read a quest ionnaire about whet her you are a good t eam player

▪ list en t o an

▪ writ e a goal plan ▪ writ e a

t echnology has changed

▪ ask and answer int erview quest ions ▪ t alk about your hopes and dreams

▪ discuss t he qualit ies of a good t eam player

Let's work together Organise a Careers Day The project in this module introduces you to the world of work. You will plan a Careers Day in which you will have the opportunity to:

▪ research diff erent j obs ▪ create a job profile: what skills / qualification a

© MEN Colombia

what a (e.g. nurse) needs t o do. ▪ produce a post er advert ising your Career’s Day ▪ give a presentat ion on a chosen j ob

(e.g. nurse) needs;

Lesson 1


Speak 1. Look at the picture. Read. Answer the questions. a. How oft en do you t hink about your fut ure? b. Do you f eel like the boy on t he left or t he boy on t he right ?

I’m so worried about my f ut ure … I don’t know what t o do. I’ m not good at anyt hing.

Don’t worry. Do what I do …ask a t eacher at school and t alk t o your parent s. That will help.

Listen 1

2. Listen to some students. What are their dreams for the future? Who wants ...

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

t o have a f amily? t o t ravel a lot ? t o have a good j ob? t o be happy? t o be f amous?

3. Discuss in pairs.

b. What do you need t o do t o make your dreams come t rue?

© MEN Colombia

a. What are your dreams for t he fut ure?

Focus on Vocabulary 4. Match the sentences with the meanings of the phrases with dream. a. I dream of going t o Ant arct ica on holiday. b. My sist er want s t o be a doct or. It ’s her dream job. c. You’ll never be a film star. You’re living in a dream world. d. The part y went like a dream. We all had a great t ime. e. Do you really t hink Dad will let you come home lat e? Dream on!

an unreal world

want t o do somet hing very much

was per fect


That will never happen!

ideal career

5. What’s your dream job? Why? Discuss with a classmate. S ay it!


6. Listen and repeat. Minimal Pairs: /iː/ and /ɪ / /iː/ is a long sound. ( dream, see)

▪ ▪

/ɪ / is a short sound. ( listen, it)


7. Say the words below. Circle all the /iː/ sounds and underline all the /ɪ/ sounds. Listen and repeat. a. heat - hit b. it - eat

© MEN Colombia

c. live - leave d. sleep - slip

Module 1


Read 8. Read a teenager’s blog post. Do you ever feel the same?

My future A f ew years ago when I was in 8t h grade, I worried a lot about my f ut ure. Every day, I t hought ‘ What am I going t o do when I leave school?’ . I didn’ t f eel excit ed about t he f ut ure –I j ust f elt very scared. One reason was t hat at t hat

time I found school difficult. I usually studied hard and list ened in class (well, I t hought so), but my t eachers never seemed t o be very happy wit h my work – or wit h me. When I t hink back t o t hose t imes now, I remember t hat somet imes I didn’ t concent rat e very well and I also handed in work t oo lat e. This went on f or most of t he year, but t hen near t he end

of t he year somet hing happened. I suddenly knew what my dream j ob was. I love animals and I decided t hat I want ed t o become a vet ! To do t hat I had t o go t o a good universit y. And t o go t o a good universit y, I had t o get good marks and do well in my exams. From 9t h grade onwards, I worked very hard every day in class. I st udied f or hours at home and my parent s even t old me t o work less! At t he end of t hat year, I won a prize f or my good marks. My f amily were so proud of me and I f elt great . But t hen, I st art ed t o worry again. I t hought ‘ What will happen if I don’ t get good result s next year?’ and ‘ If I didn’ t go t o universit y, what would I do?’ . Everyone t old me t hat I j ust had t o do my best and t o st op worrying. So t hat ’ s exact ly what I did! I of t en t hink back t o 8t h grade when I was so

scared. Now I feel much more confident and I’ m looking f orward t o t he f ut ure! by Anna

20 minut es ago



9. Match phrases a–d with the underlined phrases in the text. a. do t hings as well as I could b. f eeling happy about somet hing in t he fut ure c. gave my homework t o t eachers d. cont inued

10. Read the text again. Write T (true) or F (false). a. Anna never worried about t he f ut ure. b. She didn’ t always work hard in 8t h grade. c. She won a prize for her school work in 8t h grade. d. She st udied harder in 9t h grade t han 8t h grade. e. Her f amily f el t happy f or her in 9t h grade. f. She isn’t very confident now.

© MEN Colombia


Lesson 1

Focus on Language 11. Look at these two pairs of sentences. Which ones are in the text? A1. ‘ What will happen if I don’ t get good result s next year?’ A2. ‘ What would happen if I didn’ t get good result s next year?’ B1. ‘ If I don’ t go t o universit y, what will I do?’ B2. ‘ If I didn’ t go t o universit y, what would I do?’

12. Read the sentences in exercise 11 again. Answer these questions. a. Are all t he sent ences about t he f ut ure? b. Which sent ences show possible f ut ure sit uat ions? c. Which sent ences show imaginary fut ure sit uat ions? d. Complet e t he t able. Use t he opt ions in t he box. First Conditional (Real future)

▪ past simple ▪ will + infinit ive ▪ If I won the lottery, I would travel ▪ ▪ ▪

If clause

the world. If I get good results, I will go to university. present simple would + infinit ive

Result clause Example

13. Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. Will I get a prize


I wouldn’ t worry about my fut ure.

2. If I knew what t o st udy,


if I pass all my exams?

3. Would I get int o universit y 4. If I don’ t st udy hard,

c. d.

my parent s will be disappoint ed. if I f ailed all my exams?

14. Complete the sentences with your own fears about the future. a. If … b. Would I … if … ? c. I won’ t … if … d. Will … if … ? e.

© MEN Colombia

15. Compare your fears with a classmate’s. Are they the same?

Second Conditional (Imaginary future)

Module 1


Speak 1. Read the people’s plans. Match them with the pictures.

a. When I grow up, I hope t o be a dent ist . b. What do you want t o do wit h your lif e aft er t his holiday? c. Five years f rom now, I see myself as a famous act ress. d. A: My short-term plans? I plan to eat another crisp! B: Ha, ha. Very funny.

2. Read the comments in exercise 1 again. Which words or phrases talk about future plans? 3. Go around the class. Ask your classmates about their plans. FIND SOMEONE WHO … a. …plans t o work and st udy. b. …plans t o work before st udying. c. …plans t o st udy, but not work. d. …want s t o be a doct or. e. …want s t o be an art ist . f. …doesn't know what t hey want t o do. g. …has a similar fut ure plan t o yours. h. …has a complet ely diff erent plan t o yours.

© MEN Colombia


Lesson 2

Focus on Language 4. R...

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