English Translation of Mu\'allaqa of Imru\' al-Qays PDF

Title English Translation of Mu\'allaqa of Imru\' al-Qays
Course Arabic Poetry
Institution Jamia Millia Islamia
Pages 5
File Size 299.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Imru' al-Qays, the most celebrated poet of the pre-Islamic period was the youngest son of Hujr who ruled over the Banu Asad in Central Arabia. His mother was the sister of famous Arab chiefs and horsemen Kulayb and Muhalhil....


Mu'allaqa of Imru' al-Qays (English translation) 1. Stop, O my two friends, let us weep remembering a beloved and her abode situated in the edges of the sandy desert between Dakhul and Haumal, 2. And between Tudih and Miqrat whose traces have not been obliterated due to blowing of the south wind and the north wind. 3. You will see dung of white antelopes in its courtyards and enclosures as if they were peppers. 4. On the morning of departure, when they moved away, as if I were breaking colocynth amidst the acacia shrubs of the tribe.

5. My friends stopping their riding camels there for my sake were saying, "Don't perish in grief, and bear it with patience." 6. But my remedy is the flowing tears, so is there any trustworthy friend near the erasing sign? 7. (O Imru' al-Qays) your affair with this beloved (Unaiza) is like that with Ummul Huwairith and her neighbour Ummur Rabab in Ma'sal. 8. When they would stand up musk exhaled from them even as the morning breeze brings the fragrance of clove.

9. Due to passion my tears of eye shed upon my breast so that it wetted my sword-belt.

10. Many a happy days I have enjoyed with beautiful ladies, especially the day that I enjoyed at Daratu Juljul.

11. And the day when I slaughtered my she-camel for the virgins; oh how wonderful the loaded saddle was!

12. The virgins were throwing its flesh and fat that was like the twisted fringes of white silk.

13. And the day when I entered the howdah of Unaiza; she said, "Woe unto you, you are making me pedestrian."

14. When the howdah was leaning bearing us both she said, "You have slaughtered my camel, O Imru' aI-Qays, so get down please."

15. I said to her, "Travel and slacken its rein and don't deprive me of your well nourished fresh fruit."

16. Many a pregnant and nursing lady like you I met them at night and diverted them from their one year old child having amulet.

17. When the child began to weep behind her she turned to him her upper part and her lower part remained under me unturned.

18. O Fatima, leave some of this coquetry; if you had already decided to depart me then do it fairly.

19. Has my affair betrayed you so as that your love would kill me and that my heart would do whatever you enjoin?...

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