ENGQ 1091 Prewriting exercise PDF

Title ENGQ 1091 Prewriting exercise
Course Provincial Level English (English 12)
Institution Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Pages 3
File Size 47.6 KB
File Type PDF
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ENGQ 1091 Prewriting exercise...


ENGQ 1091Pr ewr i t i ngexer ci se“ Di dIMi ssAnyt hi ng” MoHammoud TheBasi cs 1.Whatfi gur esofs peec har eus edi nt hepoem? The maj ort hr eefi gur esofspeec h/ poet i cdev i c esi nc l udedi nt hi spoem wer e Di c t i on,St r uc t ur e,andVoi ce.Wa ymanus esdi c t i onbyt hewayheusest hewor ds " not hi ng"and" ev er y t hi ng"of t ent oshowcont r ast i ngofi deasi nhi spoem. 5. Whati st hes peak er st one?Whatwor dsi nt hepoem r ev eal ori ndi c at et hi s t one ? Wa ymanus esav er ys ar c as t i ct onei nt hi spoem.Anex ampl eofhi ss ar c as mi s , " Ev er y t hi ng.Igav eanex am wor t h40percentoft hegr adef ort hi st er m and as s i gneds omer eadi ngduet odayonwhi c hI ' m aboutt ohandoutaqui zwor t h50 percent . "Sugges t i ngt hatf ort hosewhoi nt endedt omi s sors ki pc l as s ,t hatt hey hadmadeac ur i al mi s t ak eandwoul dsur el ypayf ori twi t haqui zwor t h50% bas edonr eadi ngas s i gnedf r om t hepr ev i ousc l as swhi c ht heyhadmi s s ed. 2.Whoi st hes peak eroft hepoem? Thes peak eri ss eent ohav es ar cas t i ct r ai t s ,wec anpos s i bl yconnec tt hespeak er t obei ngat eac herpr eac hi ngt ohi sorherc l as saboutt hedownsi desofmi ss i ng c l asst hr oughs ar cas m.Thr oughoutt hepoem t her e’ sev i denc eofs ar cas m anda per spec t i v ewhi chi mpl i est obet hatofat eac her . 3.Whati st hes peak er spoi ntofvi ew? Ther ewer et womai npoi nt sofv i ewsev i dent ,t he" not hi ng"whi chwer et he t eac her st hatdi dn’ tc ar es omuchaboutt hesuc ces soft hei rs t udent s .The " ev er yt hi ng"whi c hwer et het eac her swhov al uedt hei rs t udent sat t endanc ei n t hei rc l as s ,andul t i mat el yt hei rwel l doi ngi nt hec l as s .If eel l i k et hey ' r ebot h ans wer i ngt heques t i onpr es ent edi nt het i t l ebutwi t ht wodi ffer entper s pec t i v es andpoi nt sofv i ews . 11.I st her eacent r al cont r ol l i ngi mage,andi fs o,whati si t ? I ns t anz asone,t wo,andt hr ee,t hepoetusesi mager ydeal i ngwi t h s t r ai ght f or war di nc i dent st ak i ngpl ac ei nar egul arc l as s r oom.Thei mager ydeal s wi t hs t udent si nacl as sr oom,des k s ,ex ams ,qui zz es ,andt hecour set hatt he s t udentmi s s edi ngener al .Thes peak er ,wi t ht hehel poft hi si mager y ,i st r y i ngt o poi ntoutt hatanymat er i al mi s sedi nt hec l as s r oom i si mpor t ant ,r egar dl es sof howl ongy oumi s s edoutf or .Thi si sdonebyt heex c es s i v e,andst r ongus eof

s ar cas m. 19.Whati st het heme/c ent r al i deaoft hepoem? Waymanwant edt odi sc our aget hemi s s i ngoft hes ec r uc i al ev ent ss uc has s c hool andeduc at i on,t hec ent r al i deaconv ey edf r om t hi spoem i st hateduc at i on i s n’ tsomet hi ngt os l ac konandt hats t udent ss houl dsei z eev er yoppor t uni t y t hr ownatt hem i fi ti sal ear ni ngex per i ence,notdot heoppos i t ebymi s si ngout ands ki ppi ng. 6.Doy oudet ecti r onyi nt hepoem?Wher es pec i fi c al l y ? Thi spoem If el l hasal otofi r ony .I r onybei ngafi gur eofspeec h,oppos i t eoft he t houghti nt hespeak er smi nd,t hust hatc ont r adi c t st hel i t er aldefi ni t i on.I nt hi s poem t hatwoul dbet hesar c asm anddr amat i ct one.I r onyi nas ens et hatev er y s c hool dayi nt hel ongr unmak esdi ffer enc ei ny ourl i f eev ent houghi tdoes n' t s eem l i k ei t .It hi nkt hi spoem t hest udentt hi nk st hats i nceheors hedi dn' tgot o s c hool ,t henev er y onej usts att her eanddi dnot hi ng.Whi c hi si r oni ci na s ens e t hatnomat t erhowbi gors mal l t hewor kl oadwasont hatpar t i c ul ardayorwhat wast aught ,ami s s edc l as si sami s s edoppor t uni t yands houl dnev erbel ook ed onot her wi s e. 16.Whati st heov er al l moodorat mospher ei nt hepoem? Theov er al lmoods eemsal l ov ert hepl ace,t hesar c asm i nt hedi al oguebet ween t hes t udentandt eac heri sv er ys t r ongandwecanseet her ol esar cas m pl ay si n t hes hapi ngofat mos pher ei nt hi spoem r i ghtf r om t heget go. 10.Whati mage/ mot i fdoest hi spoem pr es ent ? Thei mageof“ s t ay i ngi ns c hool ”andnotdi sr egar di ngeduc at i onasi ti st hek eyt o al l s ucc essandi s n’ ts omet hi ngt hats houl dbet ak enl i ght l y .Way mans ett hi s mot i fandf al l owedi tt hr oughoutt hepoem. 7.Whatwor dsi nt hepoem ar eheav i l yconnot at i v e ? Not hi ng,ev er y t hi ng,handsf ol ded,des cendedanangel ,t ak easmanyday sofas y ou’ dl i k e.Al l t hes ewor dsar ec onnot at i v ei nt hesens et hatt heyar eal l i nc or por at edi nt heuseofs ar cas m,t oi nv ok eameani ngt hati sgr eat ert henj us t t hewor dsl i t er al meani ng.

Get t i ngatt opi cs/t hemes Soci et y/Soci al i nst i t ut i ons:

Waymanwant edt oconv eyt hei deol ogyt hatst udent shavenowa day s,t hatonecansi mpl yski pcl assormi ssoutoneducat i onbutnot mi ssanyt hi ngwhi l et heywer eabsent .Way manwant edt oi mpl yt hat educat i oni saf undament al aspecti never y onesl i f eandt hati tshoul d notbewei ghedort ak enl i ght l y .Thatnotal l t hi ngsi nl i f ear eav oi dabl e andul t i mat el yt ogett ot hebesty oumustgot hr ought hewor st ,even t houghyoumaynotpar t i cul ar l yenj oyt hei deabehi ndi t .I nt hel ong r unt hi ngswi l lpayoffandt ur ni nyourf av our ....

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