Prewriting for Definition Essay - preliminary thesis PDF

Title Prewriting for Definition Essay - preliminary thesis
Course English Composition
Institution University of Alabama
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ENGL 101: Intro to College Writing Prewriting for Definition Essay Due 2/18/21 Reading “Arguments of Definition” (PDF available on Moodle)

Overview of Essay #2 For your second essay, you must craft an argument of definition about a contested term of your choice. A contested term is a word, phrase, or symbol that people disagree about in some way. They may disagree about how the word should be defined, such as with the word “marriage” (should it include same-sex or polygamous unions?), or the word “life” (when does it begin?). Or it could be a term that people disagree about whether it should be used in a certain way, such as the word “gay” being used as a generalized insult. Or it could be a term that some people believe should be wiped out from our vocabulary, such as the word “retarded.” An example of a contested symbol is the Confederate flag. (Does it represent racism or Southern pride? Should it be flown outside state capital buildings next to the American flag?) Other contested terms include "illegal alien," "enhanced interrogation," "alternative facts," "feminist," "net neutrality," jock," "equality," "American dream," and "terrorist," etc. In your essay, you should make an argument about your chosen contested term that either defends the way the term has come to be defined or raises questions about its appropriateness, offensiveness, inaccuracy, and so on. Make a strong call to action in your thesis statement.

Prewriting for Essay #2: Questions for Analysis 1. What contested term have you chosen? The American Dream Why or how is this term contested? There has always been a debate about what the “American Dream” really means. It is defined as the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved. Allthough when people think of the American dream, they think about working hard and getting a good job, making good money and having nice things. But other peoples perception of the American dream may vary. Along with that, not everybody has the same opportunity to achieve things that others do. 2. Give at least two possible definitions of the term or opposing perspectives on the issue. 1) the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved.

2) Materialistic things such as money, cars, fancy houses, great jobs and neighborhoods. 3. Craft a preliminary/tentative thesis statement that makes a strong claim about the contested term. Feel free to use any templates from They Say / I Say. (Your thesis statement may change as you conduct research and move through the writing process.) What is the definition of success? The American Dream could be defined in many ways. Whether it is making a ton of money, buying a cool house, driving a fast car, or giving equal opportunities for people to achieve their own personal goals and dreams....

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