Superhero Definition Essay PDF

Title Superhero Definition Essay
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Course English Composition II
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definition and arguments essay that was due for English class. it's a superhero essay about what you have to be in order to be a supper hero....



A Definition essay on Superheroes Abraham Burleigh Grand Canyon University: ENG-106 Joseph Altnether October, 17, 2021



In comic books, superheroes are defined by their apparel, powers, their bravery and ability to sacrifice their lives for others. Superheroes are portrayed as protectors of their society, and their supernatural powers set them apart from a regular human being. Defining a superhero is challenging due to the many characteristics people associate heroes with. For example, some might consider a superhero based on their good actions, or perhaps their bright costumes, while others use the term ‘hero’ casually when referring to someone who helped them. Constructing definitions is a difficult task because the concept of superheroes is shared, but the meaning is not. What makes a superhero for one person, might not be the same for someone else. Definitions are subjective and as a result, it is important to develop criteria based definitions. For an individual to be considered a superhero, they must fit the criteria of having an origin story, having supernatural abilities, and being of good character, therefore, Black Panther is a superhero.

The origin of a superhero is crucial to define a superhero because it explains their background and motivation. The origin story explains how certain circumstances and experiences enabled an ordinary person to become extraordinary. The origin story provides insight into the superheroe’s purpose and journey that has helped shape who they are today. For example, Steve Rogers or more famously known as Captain America started off as a skinny kid that wanted to serve his country by joining the Army. Unfortunately due to his size, he was rejected multiple times but this led to him being selected as the subject for an experiment that gave him super strength. According to Rosenberg (2013), superheroes experience three stages when they’re in the process of transitioning from human to hero such as trauma, destiny and chance. Steve Rogers first experienced trauma by being bullied by other soldiers due to his


physical image. Then, he experienced the second stage, destiny by fitting the perfect characteristics and traits that would allow him to be experimented on. After his procedure, his chances weighed heavily in his favor as he was now given incredible strength and abilities that allowed him to be the first supersoldier of the United States. Destiny now comes into play when he agrees to lead the good fight in protecting the United states. He now has the ability to fight villains and terrorists that cause havoc and are pushing forth their evil motives of destruction. While the serum that was injected into Steve Rogers gave him beyond human abilities, it was his origin story that shaped his values and understanding that he was destined to be far greater than any soldier leading to him becoming Captain America. His background and trials are important factors in how he becomes a actual superhero. Lastly, he experienced chance when he was injected with super serum. Roger’s took the risk of taking the serum, even though he didn’t know if the serum was going to work. The origin story is an important factor because it defines what a superhero is. Superheroes are known for their Supernatural abilities because without them they would be ordinary people. For example, one of Doctor Strange's supernatural abilities is to manipulate time while Captain America has super strength due to the serum. Without supernatural abilities superheroes would not exist. [Some other superheroes are born with supernatural abilities like Superman. He was born with his supernatural abilities, unlike the others that were learned or given to them. Some examples of these abilities are x-ray vision, strength, and the ability to fly. According to Ross (2019), “supernatural abilities are the unexplainable qualities that defy natural forces, or they are also defined “when the action does not comply with the ‘laws of nature’” (para. 12). Doctor Strange, Captain America, and Superman all have abilities that are unnatural, because of the fact normal humans don’t possess such powers or talents. This is what makes


them rare and unique to the public, without their abilities, they would just be heroes and there would be nothing super about them. Though some people might say supernatural powers are unnecessary, there are some battles that call on those with qualities that are beyond human capacity. In movies and comic books, superheroes are often portrayed as people who risk their own life to protect the lives of others. Afterall, having good character motivates superheroes to defeat villains and save citizens. Good character is synonymous with selflessness and courage. According to Cusveller (2011), “selflessness is defined by “serving someone else’s interest and not one’s own” (para. 18). If a superhero chose to not help someone, or a group of people in danger, then that means they do not have good character. “Findings indicate that internal moral identity overrides symbolic moral identity in the relationship with self-control and that self-control fully mediates the relationship between internal moral identity and ethical behavior,” (Rua, 2017, para. 3). Having the heart to go into dangerous places with the understanding that you might not survive is something that takes lots of courage. It testifies to the strong moral identity that superheroes have that encourages them to act ethically. Superheroes have the responsibility of fighting battles that most people would avoid or simply refuse to be involved in, and that requires strong character. Black Panther meets all the criteria and thus is justified in being defined as a superhero. He is a well known courageous superhero who is recognized for his resilience and success in protecting his home, Wakanda, from outside threats. His vast resources such as his vibranium suit and the passing of his father have positioned him to be a superhero for his country and people. The origin story of the Black Panther goes as follows: after the death of his father, T’Challa, the man in the suit, claims the throne and the role of Black Panther. He is then exposed


to mystical herbs that give him enhanced speed and agility similar to a panther, providing him with superhuman abilities to protect Wakanda and its people from outside harm. The purpose of this story is to allow readers and viewers to understand why T’Challa protects his motherland so fervently. He does it as his duty as the country’s king and assumes the role of its protector from villains and countries that may want to take advantage of the country’s most prized possession: vibranium. It is a testament to how good his character is because although he became king at a young age, he did not let it stop him from being responsible and being mindful of his duties. Additionally, he learned how to share the valuable vibranium with other countries so that they might have the opportunity to develop futuristic technology that can help save lives. Although the Black Panther is a lesser known superhero, he is a well respected leader within the minority and African community that stands as an inspiration for others. Until his popular movie debut in 2018, Black Panther was not publicly identified as a superhero due to the lack of knowledge of his story and existence. Now one is able to see after analyzing the correct criteria (origin story, supernatural abilities and good character) he does qualify as a superhero. Not everyone would agree that Black Panther should be defined as a superhero due to certain reasons that have altered their mindset. One of these reasons is because of his vibranium suit which wear as a source of protection and weapon against his enemies. It can be argued that T’Challa has no actual power and that the power that he does display is the work of the suit he wears made from vibranium material. “ we can resort to complex mechatronic replacements that have functional capabilities that in some respects even outperform biological alternatives… (Aman, Sporer, Gstoettner, Prahm, Hofer, Mayr, Farina, Aszmann, 2019).” Even though Black Panther’s suit does help to support his supernatural abilities, it does not give him those abilities. The mystical herb drink he consumes helps him gain supernatural strength,


something ordinary kings do not have. Without that strength, he is unable to perform his role as Black Panther. Another reason why people might argue that Black Panther is not a superhero is because without vibranium, he is a regular human being. Vibranium is a metal that can absorb, store, and release large amounts of kinetic energy. The vibranium does not give T’Challa strength. The Heart-shaped Herb is what gave T’Challa his powers. This herb is native to Wakanda and was traditionally consumed by the new ruler and heir to the Black Panther to enhance their natural abilities. Also, others might argue that Black Panther is not a superhero because the throne got passed down to him. After his father’s death, there was nobody else but T’Challa to take his place. [What else about his origin story makes him different?] Black Panther is a superhero because of his origin story, supernatural abilities, and good character.

Superheroes are fictional characters that people can only read about, but what makes a superhero goes beyond colorful attire, their strong appearance, or superpowers. While some people might define a superhero through their origin story, supernatural abilities and strong character, this definition might not be true for somebody else. Definitions can be subjective, meaning that what is true to one person, might be false for another. For this reason, it is important to establish criteria and therefore, define according to that. Being mindful of the subjectiveness behind words, could improve communication methods and reduce the ambiguity. Without established criteria, definitions become unclear, and people might misunderstand or misinterpret what someone is trying to communicate.

7 Burleigh


Aman, M., Sporer, M. E., Gstoettner, C., Prahm, C., Hofer, C., Mayr, W., Farina, D., & Aszmann, O. C. (2019). Bionic hand as artificial organ: Current status and future perspectives. Wiley Online Library. Retrieved October 8, 2021, from Cusveller, B. (2011). In defence of selflessness: A philosophical analysis of a central virtue in professional caring practices. Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of Bioethics, (3), 147. url= direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.297138289&site=eds-live&scope=site

Rosenberg, R. (2013). The psychology behind superhero origin stories. Ross, S. L. (2019). Who put the super in superhero? Transformation and heroism as a function of evolution. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 PG# url= direct=true&db=edsdoj&AN=edsdoj.4100b771fdac463aa6fef90bd1c8a030&site=edslive&scope=site Rua, T., Lawter, L., & Andreassi, J. (2017). Desire to be ethical or ability to self-control:


Which is more crucial for ethical behavior? Business Ethics: A European Review, 26(3), 288–299.

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