Definition Argument Essay LT PDF

Title Definition Argument Essay LT
Author lindsey Tucciarone
Course English Composition II
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Lindsey Tucciarone ENG- 106 April 1, 2020 Jennifer Pellish Definition Essay First Draft

No matter where you are from, “exploitation” means the same, the fact of purposely treating an individual unjustly in order to benefit one’s self. The lack of an legitimate human organs has led to the development of the international organ trade or black market (Taylor, 2006). About 20 years ago in New York City, Levy Rosenbaum was known as the “Kidney Broker” (Henion, 2015). He exploited underprivileged, poor, mentally unstable, and drug addicted Israeli citizens by convincing the people to sell their kidneys for little to no pay (Henion, 2015). Unfortunately many donors of the black market are kidnapped by kidney brokers or other black market criminals at which point they have a doctor remove the organ and sew the donor back up like it never happened, there are even times where they do not survive (Taylor, 2006). Black market organ trafficking should be classified as exploitation for the simple fact that the black market is monopoly in which; singles out the lower class minorities, individuals with lack of opportunities, it causes those that are mental and physical abused as well as fueling drug addictions. There are moral reason as to why it is unethical to commit extortion a person for their organs.

The “Kidney Broker” was prosecuted for the sale of 3 kidneys for a whopping $410,000 to Americans (Henion, 2015). He exploited underprivileged, poor, mentally unstable, and drug


addicted donors from Israel that he paid $10,000 USD for and resold them in the United Stated at $120,000 per organ (Henion, 2015). He was in business with the Albert Einstein Institute and Hospital where he portrayed himself as a catalyst for donor matches for Israeli patients (Henion, 2015). When in reality he was taking advantage of their poverty level and misfortunes. His case was the first confirmed case of organ trafficking. He was convicted and sentenced to two and one-half years of imprisonment for the trafficking of human organs (Henion, 2015). He exploited those men and women by not compensating them properly. People all around the world are experience some type of adversity in their or their families lives that has driven them to sell an organ (Henion, 2015).

In the scheme of the universe it is always the poor people who are taken advantage of in fashion or another. No issue around the world in each society is more basic or more imperative than the problem of world’s minority groups (Henion, 2015). The racial and social problems that occur are the some of the greatest traumas (Simmerling, 2017). Lower class minority people lack the funds to pay essential bills, buy food and to ultimately thrive in life, to provide for themselves and their families. More than 10 percent of the world is living in poverty (Simmerling, 2017). In return they exploit themselves by selling their own organs on the black market. Some may not even want to but are in some way coerced into doing so against their free will (Henion, 2015). The fiscal complications on donors are connected with little to no postdonation prescription medicines or medical care, which can be substantial cause of infection and death among organ donors (Simmerling, 2017). Social policies are to be held accountable for the inequalities that manifest many health differences and implies that the problem must be


examined by the government when examining the equality of the distribution of organs in which the rich have advantage over (Simmerling, 2017).

In fact, unemployment rates among minority people tend to be higher than other parts of the U.S. populace. The social inequality makes it challenging for certain levels of people to find decent or high salary jobs. Many communities where their citizens have barely graduate middle or high school are prone to be unemployed if not making minimum wage at a retail store, fast food restaurant or even as a domestic servants (Henion, 2015) . There is a lack of self or financial growth resources in low income areas and more government help to keep the minorities in their place of society (Henion, 2015). The odds stacked against them push them towards the direction of black market organ selling. They are unemployed and attempting to find a means to travel to change their economic and social conditions, thousands travel to America every year (Parry 2012). A prime example of exploitation is that the donors could be paid more than three times what a person could earn in a year in some poorer societies all over the world (Parry 2012).

More and more research studies and reports show the statistics in regards to trafficking in humans organs, and the detrimental physical, psychological and emotional decline on ‘donors’, who sell their organs on the black market (Parry 2012). People that are homeless or poor in some cases already having mental health issues or experienced trauma in their life tend to be a target for black market organ brokers (Parry 2012). They would take any amount of money they are offered for the sole reason that they literally have nothing. During the healing process and even before donor may feel remorse, regret, ashamed of the life altering decision and also in extreme cases thoughts of suicide (Parry 2012). The donors that are not willing to participate should be


compensated and they are not; they or even murdered for every useable organ (Parry 2012). Each side of black market organ trafficking is dark and sinister when you truly get down to the realities of the exploitation. They do it because they are suffering whether it be financially, mentally, physically and emotional; it is most commonly out of mental distress (Parry, 2012).

Some people are capable of recreational use or prescription drugs without suffering negative effects, whereas others find that substance use can cause extreme harm to their physical health and mental well-being (Parry, 2012). Illicit drug can includes, opioids, heroin, meth, cocaine, and also alcohol . Over time the drugs can change how a brain operates; the loss of selfcontrol that could possibly lead someone to sell their organ on the black market for trade or money (2012). They feel they have no choice but to sell their organ to fuel their drug addiction. The very fact that drug addicts are exploited is because the broker or criminal knows that most addicts are not mentally stable and cannot make sane decisions. Another key reason a drug addict would trade and organ for money or drugs would be the withdraw feeling that is crippling to an addict. Detoxification means the cleansing of the body (Simmerling, 2017). It sounds minor or insignificant but addicts experience full body effects like a coated pasty tongue, nausea/vomiting, flu-like symptoms, muscle aches and pains as well as aggressiveness and irritability (Simmerling, 2017). This is how exploitation happens, for many addicts recovery sounds worse than possibly dying from surgery and selling their organ to a broker on the black market.

Donated organs from people who are deceased is not exploitation because the donors signed off on being organ donors prior to death (Faeder, 2016). Even the families of the deceased


have a choice if not previously stated by the patient as to whether or not they want to donate their loved ones organs to research or another person but the fact that it is done legally says everything (Faeder, 2016). So there for they are not being forced to do so, they get no money to do so, it was their choice that after death they want to be organ donors. Traffickers con or threaten the victim into offering up an organ for no cost (Faeder, 2016). It is not donated because they are lower class minorities, a person that had hard times receiving fairness or opportunities in life, there is no coercion or abuse to the donor nor a drug addiction to uphold (Faeder, 2016). There is compensation needed or given to anyone for the organs just voluntary donation from the deceased person. In no way is the deceased being mistreated, manipulated, capitalized on, mentally or physically abused in any way for their organs (Faeder, 2016).

Ultimately, the human condition decrees that wherever there may be a market, individuals will fight to discover a financial gain or monopoly even when this results in human exploitation (Faeder, 2016). No one truly wants to sell one of their organs on the black market with the hopes of helping others around the world or changing the world one organ at a time. Levy Rosenbaum’s actions were the stepping stone for so many after him, almost a domino effect (Faeder, 2016). People became greedy even selfish when noticed the amount of money they could make off of a human organ. They will drug, kidnap and even murder a person for their organs (Taylor, 2016). They get in contact with an organ broker; which then sells the organs through the vast network known as the black market for trade or money (Taylor, 2016). Millions of people are being exploited daily in some form or another for their services or organs (Taylor, 2016).The many reason how and why will hopefully be the reason that the trafficking in human organs on the black market be considered exploitation and needs to be addressed and fought harder by each


nation in this world. In about 2015, the government approved new laws in an attempt to combat the black market trafficking of humans and organs (Taylor, 2016). It needs to be a joint effort to rid the world of human trafficking and find an alternative to organ donation. Without a doubt, black market organ trafficking must be classified as exploitation because of those in power prejudicially singles out the poverty stricken or lower income minorities, the desperate people with lack of job skills or opportunities, the mentally and physically abused as well as being a last resort for a drug addict withdrawing in need of a dose.



Faeder, Sarah (2016). US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Psychiatric Aspects of Organ Trafficking. Retrieved from

Henion, Andy (2015). Michigan State University. Growing Market for Human Organs Exploits Poor. Retrieved from

Parry, Wynne (2012). Live Science. How Poverty, False Promises, Fuel Illegal Organ Trafficking. Retrieved from

Simmerling, Mary (2017). AMA Journal of Ethics. Beyond Scarcity: Poverty and Organ Sales. Retrieved from

Taylor, J. (2016). US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Black Market, Transplants and Coercion. Retrieved from



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