Definition Argument Essay 1 final draft PDF

Title Definition Argument Essay 1 final draft
Author Steven Dominguez
Course English Composition II
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 7
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1 Steven Dominguez ENG 106 5-15-19 Skeen Social Media Addiction Social media has been instrumental in human life for an extended period of growth. A majority of social media users are in a position to share information and at the same time, interact with one another. As a result, these individuals have established a good rapport with one another quickly and conveniently. Even though the latter has been so instrumental for a majority of people across the world, addiction has taken center stage of social media platforms. Addiction entails the process of having a compulsive behavior that negatively affects the wellbeing of a person (Turel, et al 84). In the recent past, many people continuously show their compulsive behaviors in the use of social media platforms, a situation that results in social media addiction. Therefore, according to Singer, social media addiction is a state when an individual shows necessary and excess efforts in some of various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat among others. A person continues to use these platforms over a period of time, even if the process brings a negative impact on their lives and relationships. It is evident that the effects associated with the use of social media is complex and may have long term effects not only to an individual under question but to surrounding individual and a country at large. Given the definition of addiction, it is safe to say that a majority of social media users are addicted to their platforms that they use. Therefore, it is instrumental to analyze a case of social media addiction, and then showing how obsession applies to a various social media platform.

2 There have been numerous cases of social media addiction in the recent past. Some of the social media addiction cases are one of China. It is nearly ten years since the government of China initiated several restrictions for all the internet café in the country. The act followed a recommendation by the ministry of health that had suggested that social media addiction had become a behavioral disease that required close medical attention. The Chinese government restricted various internets café on time of the day that they had to close down their shops in a bid to limit the time that was to be taken by the youths using social media platforms. Moreover, the government went ahead to sprang up most of the network boot camps in a bid to help reduce the effects of social media addiction in China. Based on the recorded impacts that of the addiction, over 23 million young Chinese had been taken for medication on electronic heroin (Singer). The move made by the government of China attracted a lot of critics from a majority of individuals across the world. Same echoed that China denied a majority exposure to social information. "… they remained worried that of exposure to various information" (Singer). Therefore, despite some various critics on the move taken by China to address social media addiction, there are several ways of benefits associated with restricting the use of social media to reduce dependence. Based on the case, social media addiction causes mental health problems to the majority of users. It is worth noting that too much social media causes anxiety; thus, increasing the feeling of inadequacy. For instance, Facebook had been a significant problem to address in the case. Based on the arguments of Lee and Kyungsoon, Facebook addiction can be attributed to feedback and self-esteem. People who get positive or negative feedback from their posts tends to have various activities in their brain (476). When a person receives negative feedback from the posts, then there is the likelihood of the person to suffer from a mental problem due to

3 depression. The rewarding that an individual will get from the job will affect the brain systems, and for one reason or the other, will change his or her mental behaviors. Moreover, several people using Facebook account uses it to get attention from other people and in turn, boosting their self-esteem, especially when other people get compliments that surpass what he or she posts. Therefore, it is evident that addiction to social; media platforms causes mental illness; thus, there is a need to limit the use of social media. Secondly, a lack of focus in classrooms, home nor even at the workplace is another problem associated with social media addiction. In most cases, most social media addicts find it very easy to get online rather than to concentrate on whatever they are handling. Most people will want to update their pictures in various platforms, or even compose unique twists that will attract many likes and shares (Turel, et al 84). As a result, the student will go one step ahead to count the number likes and shares on the post. It is beyond a reasonable doubt that creating a kind of scene while a critical activity is taking place may prove to be dangerous since a majority of people are not able to double task. As a result, they have to lose focus on a particular point, and suddenly, it has to be essential activities like academics or jobs. Consequently, social media addiction has a massive impact on the level of concentration of an individual. Moreover, addiction to social media platforms interferes with the social life of a person. Man is social by nature, and in most cases, sharing experiences among individuals makes it more critical. Social media addiction causes an individual to be an introvert and is not willing to socialize. The latter is due to overindulgence in using time in online services and; thus, making it difficult for these kinds of people to have rooms for socializing with others (Vigh, Henrik 77-79). A person having a family will not be in a position to create family time for the children. It will affect the family relationship from a broader perspective. The same happens in schools when a

4 student is addicted to social media and may end up being in a school without even a single friend. Hence, social media addiction applies more to the social life of an individual, and there are higher chances of hindering individual relationship with friends, relatives, and family. Additionally, cyberbullying is a significant concern that made China limit access to internet services, especially for children. Spending much of the time in a computer may make an individual be idler than before; as a result, he or she will look into ways of finding something to do on the social media platform. The latter in common in teenagers who experience horrific effects based on postings and comments that are not acceptable. The assignments and comments directed to some children may affect them psychologically, based on the insults, and negative comments they receive from other individuals. As a result, it is not encouraging to have children spend much of their time on social media since, cyberbullying is still prevalent, and affects the majority of them. Even though social media addiction causes significant effects not only on the lives of individuals, there are some benefits that an individual will get when addicted to various social media platforms. First, there is frequent access to information. Information is part and parcel of human beings; besides, it the rights of a person to access information at any given the time of day. In various moments, social media have been providing numerous sites where a person can quickly get relevant (Kim, and Sei-Ching 853. For instance, Twitter is very instrumental in trending information across the world. It implies that when there is a confident new across the border and helps addictive always to know what is trending, or rather what has happened (Kim, and Sei-Ching 850-852). Therefore, the continuous use of social platform helps in providing information as a legal human right. Consequently, limiting the access denies a person his or her rights to accessing information.

5 The network is all about discovery, and the way people make good use of social media accounts determines their intentions and approach on the same. Being in social media helps an individual to have new and unique contents that are applicable in coming up with new ideas that can be implemented into massive acts. It is worth noting that not all individuals spend most of their times on social media with an invention of following and commenting on others pictures, videos, and posts. But some spend more than eight hours in a day trying to find new ideas that can match his or her interest in a bid to create unique and creative features that apply to all individuals across the world. In other words, getting addicted to social media opens up various opportunities that make an individual to have a more complex and expanded set of ideas that makes that can be used in showcasing innovations and initiatives (Kim, and Sei-Ching 855). Based on the volume of sharing information, a majority of individuals are capable of thinking outside the box and at the same time are in a position of coming up valuable information from sharing of content across these platforms. For instance, Facebook can be used to find out new avenues that are important in teaching using various educational materials, discovered from online platforms. Consequently, limiting access to these sites limits the level of creativity and innovation. A more critical aspect of life is to have unique content that will help in coming up with new ideas as in many social media. In conclusion, even though creativity and access to information are crucial aspects that can be attributed as the central importance of having social media addiction, some other ways are more applicable and safer to be used than habit. The negative aspect of social media addiction goes beyond individual effect but a country as a whole. Apart from mental illness that arises due to depression and anxiety, addiction also makes a person to lose focus on whatever he or she is doing. Additionally, the effects the healthy social relationship between people as most of the

6 time, social media addicts are always on the internet; thus, having no room for socialization, but instead opening chances for bullying. Therefore, limiting the access to internet services lowers the level of individual's concentration on social media, and thus, should be encouraged by other institutions like in the case of China.

7 References Kim, Kyung-Sun, and Sei-Ching Joanna Sin. "Evaluating Social Media Information: Impact of Academic Background, Purpose of Use, And Perceived Importance of Information Quality". Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 55, no. 1, 2018, pp. 845-856. Wiley. Lee, Eunsuk, and Kyungsoon Lee. "The Mediating Effects of Social Anxiety in the Relationship between Self-Esteem and Social Media Addiction". Journal of Educational Technology, vol 34, no. 3, 2018, pp. 495-523. Korean Society for Educational Technology, Singer, Jeffrey. "The Panic Over 'Social Media Addiction' Threatens Free Speech". Reason.Com, 2019. Turel, Ofir et al. "Time Distortion When Users At-Risk For Social Media Addiction Engage In Non-Social Media Tasks". Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 97, 2018, pp. 8488. Elsevier BV. Vigh, Henrik. "Vigilance: On Conflict, Social Invisibility, and Negative Potentiality". Social Analysis, vol. 55, no. 3, 2011. Berghahn Books....

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