Argimentative essay final draft PDF

Title Argimentative essay final draft
Course English Composition
Institution New York Academy of Art
Pages 4
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topic-why should everyone wear masks...


1 Mariia Larina Mahsa Ghanbarpoor English Composition 29 November 2020 Everyone should wear masks Should face coverings be made mandatory during the pandemic or not? Should all the people wear face coverings or just people who are already ill? Do masks protect others while you wear it? People are now really confused about the real protection with face coverings, so there are 2 types of people now all over the world: some people strongly believe that face coverings should be made mandatory so that we will have a better chance to overcome the pandemic, while others don’t understand how masks can prevent them and others people,who are surrounding us every day, from this disease and they are against the decision of making wearing face coverings an obligatory rule. According to Stephanie K. in “More Americans say they are regularly wearing masks in stores and other businesses” 65 % of Americans wearing masks in public places, while the other 35% do not. Although some people think that masks don’t prevent anyone from getting the disease, I think that people should wear them in public, and moreover they should be made mandatory, in order for all people to wear them, which will help all of us not catch a disease. Some people really argue about wearing masks. They are sure that it doesn’t help neither you, nor others. According to Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. in “Why Some People Choose Not to Wear a Mask” she talks about numerous categories of people and about their excuses and reasons why they choose not to wear masks. These are medical issues, experiencing negative emotions while

2 wearing a mask, distorting the science, affirming personal freedom and alleging that mask-wearing is part of a government conspiracy to tame the population. As i think, all that can be possible, especially about feeling that negativity while wearing a mask. This situation is a negative situation for all the world. But I personally think that people should not set up their own priorities above the entire population. We are talking about health and in this pandemic people should gather together and help each other by wearing a mask in order for others not to get ill. Face coverings should be made mandatory, as masks help to protect those around us. Some researchers say that wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, talks, sneezes they could release germs into the air that may infect others nearby. Face masks are part of an infection control strategy to eliminate cross-contamination. You should think about others. Because you may not even know that you are already infected, but wearing a mask always in public places always makes other people feel calm. While wearing face coverings you can show your responsibility, your politeness, that you take the situation seriously and take care of your health. People who don’t take that issue seriously and not only not wearing a mask, but also not social distancing and throwing parties, they are disrespectful to the situation and whole population, because as soon as each person will take that responsibility for theirs lives then the world will overcome that issue easier and faster, people just need to help the world by starting from themselves. “During this pandemic, I believe not wearing a mask is disrespectful to all medical personnel and all people with underlying conditions that are the highest risk of contracting this horrible virus. Show respect! Wear a

3 mask.” As David Buonomo in “Not wearing a face mask during a pandemic is disrespectful” says. Finally, masks may help the economy recover. According to “5 Reasons to Wear a Face Mask” Masks could offer an economic boon, as well. A report released by investment firm Goldman Sachs found that a national face mask mandate could serve as a substitute for lockdowns “that would otherwise subtract nearly 5 percent from GDP [gross domestic product].”Recent spikes in coronavirus cases have caused some U.S. communities to pause or roll back reopening plans and “have raised fears that we may need to go back to the lockdowns that we saw back in March and April,” Jan Hatzius, head of Goldman Sachs Research and the firm's chief economist, explained in a video briefing on the report. “We know that's very economically damaging.”Lockdowns at the start of the outbreak brought the U.S. economy to a halt; more than 44 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits since mid-March. The widespread use of face masks, however, could significantly slow the growth rate of virus cases, which top infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci, M.D., said could hit 100,000 per day if outbreaks are not controlled. And slowing the rate of new cases would “reduce the need for what otherwise would be a significant hit to the economy,” Hatzius said. All in all, I am in favour of making the rule of wearing masks mandatory during the pandemic, as it will help our population to overcome that issue faster, it will also help the economy recover. People will think more about their health and care about others.


Work cited STEPHANIE KRAMER “More Americans say they are regularly wearing masks in stores and other businesses” (1 para) ng-masks-in-stores-and-other-businesses/

Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. “Why Some People Choose Not to Wear a Mask”

David Buonomo “Not wearing a face mask during pandemic is disrespectful” pectful/

AARP “5 Reasons to Wear a Face Mask”

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