Definition essay final draft PDF

Title Definition essay final draft
Author Shawndria Woods
Course English Composition II
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
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1 Shawndria Woods ENG-106 7/23/20 Rebecca Foy Unethical Organ Sales In today’s society, there are many people who become sick on a daily basis due to ongoing health issues or stemming from an accident of some sort. A lot of those people will need organ transplants. A big problem with needing an organ transplant is that you will have to g on a waiting list and it could be days, months or even years before a match could be found to replace the old sickly organ. This is causing for people to take measures into their own hands and they become desperate. Families are beginning to buy or sell their organs for profit. Organ sales are unethical because it exploits the poor, the way organs are harvested for the black market and it is immoral against humans. People who are poor tend to be the target of organ sales because of the need for money. A lot of less fortunate people are convinced to give away their organs for a profit that they will probably never see. “Organ brokers typically snag the unwitting sellers through deceptive advertisements” (2012) There are people in the world pretending to be brokers to get these people to give up their organs for little to nothing and they go as far as to forging documents to make everything legit. These people who are poor end up with long term health problems and they suffer even more than before because they needed the money to feed their family. Instead of waiting on a list for the proper help, the take the easy way out. In Egypt, there was a boy by the name of Dawitt who was approached by a man who claimed that he had an “easy way” for him to get money for him and his family. “I was worried, but he convinced me that it is a very easy

2 operation and you can live a normal life with one kidney. It was a lot of money. How [could] I say no to $5,000 when I have nothing and my family need help?” Says Dawitt. He was tricked into giving a kidney and was promised to go to another city to have a better life and in the end, he did not profit from giving up one of his organs. It is not right to solicit dreams to a vulnerable person, and you capitalize off it. There are many ways that an organ can be harvested. Organ harvesting is something that is used for the reuse of organs through a donor. A lot of victims come from sex or labor trafficking. A lot of violence occurs in the process of organ harvesting. They are either sold to be killed for their organs or they involuntarily have their organs removed. Children are being tricked into getting adopted just so their organs could be taken. "Foreigners [are] adopting handicapped children apparently for humanitarian reasons, but … they … [are] in fact dismembering these unfortunates and selling the organs in North America for perhaps $ 10,000 each." (2018) Children in third world countries are a target for organs and it is not fair to them. Things like this can scar them for life. “Desperate patients in need of an organ may fall prey to a trafficker who could be posing as a “reputable” representative of an altruistic organ matching organization.” (Bain, Mari, 2018) These patients have no idea as to what they are getting to and they are naïve to the fact that someone is offering them large amounts of money not knowing what is up for them in the end. If they don’t give you the money up front, then you should not trust what they are offering you. The sale of organs is immoral because it is a complete violation of normal standards and laws. Innocent people are being taken advantage of because of them being poor and not having enough knowledge to know what is right and what is wrong. “Traffickers orchestrate the recruitment of the donor often from a place of vulnerability, and victims are not necessarily

3 properly screened for their qualifications to be a healthy donor. ” (June, 2018) And when these people go to the police to report crimes committed against them, they are being threatened and intimidated by the ones who took advantage of them. They are receiving death threats against them, being told that their family’s organs will be stolen and it’s just not right. They see this as a better opportunity and do not realize that in the end, they will be suffering more than what they already are. There are many consequences when It comes to organ trafficking. Many families are affected by this process. They lose loved ones through death or their loved ones are not the same after experiencing something so traumatic. If everyone in the world had money to buy organs, we wouldn’t see cases of people getting their organs stolen from them and everyone would have a fair chance to live healthy lives. But since there are greedy people in the world and will do anything it takes to get what they want; we will see more and more cases of the less fortunate being taken for granted and taken advantage of for their body parts. Therefore, I believe that organ sales are unethical. The poor are constantly exposed and the things they must go through is not right. If people would continue to go on the organ transplant list and wait for a healthy and viable organ, there would not be so many crimes in the world for organ trafficking. There are more negatives than positive outcomes to this process because anything can go wrong in the process. No one thinks about how others and their families are affected due to this process. They only think of the profit and how it benefits them. Organ sales are unethical because it exploits the poor, the way organs are harvested for the black market and it is immoral against humans.


4 Bain, C., Mari, J., Delmonico, F. (2018, June)

References Bain, C. Mari, J. (2018, June). Organ Trafficking: The Unseen Form of Human Trafficking. Acams Today. Retrieved form https://www.acamstoday. org/organ-trafficking-theunseen-form-of-humantrafficking/ References Bain, C. Mari, J. (2018, June). Organ Trafficking:


The Unseen Form of Human Trafficking. Acams Today. Retrieved form https://www.acamstoday. org/organ-trafficking-theunseen-form-of-humantrafficking/ References Bain, C. Mari, J. (2018, June). Organ Trafficking: The Unseen Form of Human Trafficking. Acams Today. Retrieved form


https://www.acamstoday. org/organ-trafficking-theunseen-form-of-humantrafficking/ Franks, D. (2018) The Rumor on Adopting Children for Their Organs: A Compelling Reason to Address a Thriving Organ Black Market and the Prevalence of Children Being Trafficked into Adoption. Journal of Health & Biomedical Law Human Trafficking for Organs: Ending abuse of the Poorest. (2018). .

Coumb, S. (2019,February 9). Organ trafficking in Egypt:

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