Argument Essay PDF

Title Argument Essay
Author Paige Burns
Course English Composition 1
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 7
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Argument essay...




Paige Burns Joe Altnether Eng-106: EWF100A December 9, 2021

2 RUNNING HEAD: TITLE Introduction: It is late at night at Grand Canyon University and a college student majoring in premedicine is walking around trying to find something to do to combat her anxiety of her upcoming finals. She looks around but is unable to find anything that is open at such hour. So she sighs and goes back to her dorm and has a mental breakdown due to her stress. The reason she could not find anywhere open is due to the fact that no business around campus is open throughout the week for 24 hours. The proposal argument is important because it allows those in power to see the effects of a problem that while they may not view it as a problem, is to many others. Proposing a solution such as opening up places around campus for 24 hours, allows the student to cope with stressors in a healthy manner and provides an opportunity to address or solve the problem before it becomes too difficult to resolve. GCU’s Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences should open up places around campus such as the recreational center, dining areas, stores, and gyms for 24 hours. Problem: Many places around campus such as food services, campus shops, and recreational centers are closed at early hours. However many students do not go to bed those early as they are doing homework for classes or studying for exams. Some students also have work and classes until late which does not permit them from going to these facilities earlier. With the early closing of these centers, there is no place for students to take a break from the work and let their minds rest or get things that they need. An article by Roos and Schreck (2019) states, “When students are stressed, they may experience physical symptoms, such as changes in sleep and feelings of anxiousness and nervousness” (para 1). There is an assumption that there is not enough student

3 RUNNING HEAD: traffic to warrant a late night business and administration tends to not consider midterms, assignments, projects, and sporadic lab schedules. All of these factors cause college students to become stressed and have an overall decrease in mental health. By opening these places for 24 hours, these students would have somewhere to take their mind of the stressors and be able to cope. On top of that, not every student has a meal plan that attends Grand Canyon University, and even those who do may have limitations in adhering to dining schedules. Students living off campus can also benefit by having places around campus open until late hours as some have class until late and then study with friends after and may stay on campus longer. The reason this problem has not been solved sooner is due to the cost of running a 24 hour business. If this GCU does not open places around campus for extended hours, it may lead to college students finding other outlets to cope with stress and go off campus. In a case study on alcohol dependence with college students by Baxter, Bell, Hay, and Kypri (2008) found that, “respondents consumed, on average, 1.090 (95% CI: 1.020, 1.164) times as many drinks per drinking day, had 1.107 (95% CI: 1.068, 1.147) times as many alcohol related problems and experienced 1.133 (95% CI: 1.035, 1.240) times as many second-hand effects” (para 32). College is a time where many students find out about the world of alcohol as it is not challenging for them to get their hands on some and tend to have parties at late hours. Because of this easy access, students tend to lean towards alcohol as an escape rather than finding a healthier outlet for their coping mechanism. When under the influence of alcohol, people are unable to think fluidly and can tend to make poor decisions that may influence their lives in a negative way. If students were able to have a different outlet at the late hours, the lives of students around campus would be more positive. Solution:

4 RUNNING HEAD: By opening up places around campus for 24 hours weekly, students would be able to go to the gym and shake away some of the anxiety they may have or be able to grab a midnight snack with a friend or do something else that is safe in the late hours of the night. An article by Mamidanna (2020) states, “The reality is there are many of us holed up in the library, campus classrooms, and camouflaged into dorm study lounges that would appreciate having late night access to more sustainable food and drinks (para 5). The first step of the solution would be to take a survey among the entire student population and find out what places of business or places they believe should be open 24 hours. Then administration can make sure that school is properly equipped with supplies for all the businesses to be maintained for 24 hours. From there, GCU then can look to staff all the places for the night shift by either hiring qualified people off campus or even some college students around campus. The most challenging part to solve this problem is that GCU would not only have to worry about finding enough staff but also how to afford staffing more people in these locations. They would also have to make sure there are enough products in these businesses to maintain the flow of students making purchases. The article by Mamidanna (2020) continues, “the cost of staffing and maintaining a 24 hour facility no doubt relies on the manpower of busy students” (para 3). While it sounds as simple as doing basic addition and subtraction, there is a lot more work that goes into opening a place for 24 hours. Grand Canyon University would not just have to worry about the basic staff needed, they would also have to look into janitors and those who can keep up with the cleanliness at different intervals of time which also can become pricey. Justification: While it may become expensive when opening up a business for 24 hours, the positive effects of the business outweigh the negatives. A study on serotonin and stress by Becker et al.,

5 RUNNING HEAD: (2021) found “serotonin regulates both, neuromaturation during sensitive periods and learningrelated neuroplasticity, suggesting that innate differences in central serotonergic signaling may modulate the long-term effects of ELS” (para 3). When doing something that makes someone happy, the brain produces a chemical called serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that makes one feel happy. By doing something a student loves or enjoys, they would be able to combat the stressors they are having such as their finals or projects. Outlets are so crucial to college students since their mental health has a tendency to deteriorate due to the overwhelming amount of work they have to do which may increase due to their major. Even though the opening of a 24 hour business on campus may help a student cope with stress, it may only help for a brief moment in time. Some students may become distracted by the 24 hour places around campus and stay up much later than they should be. Chervin and Hershner (2014) state in an article about college students and sleep that a, “total sleep deprivation showed a significant decrease of performance in cognitive tasks assessing inference, recognition of assumptions, and deduction” (para 13). When a student does not sleep for a proper amount of hours every night, their brain will be affected and their stress levels may also be affected which is counterintuitive to the benefits. A part of growing up is learning how to manage time properly and to learn from every choice you make. At the late hours, while they may want to stay up for hours on end working out at the gym, the student must learn to balance their time and make the decision that will be best for them in the long run. Conclusion: It is important that college students have some safe outlet in order to alleviate the stress that college may have on their life. Proposing a solution as such, allows Grand Canyon University administration to view the problem of having no 24 hour places of business around

6 RUNNING HEAD: campus. If this recognition of a problem did not exist, the administration would not be able to have seen the problem in the first place let alone know how to address it. Without a proposal argument, a problem would continue for an endless amount of time before they realized it was even a problem and in this case, students would have nowhere to go to handle their stress. If GCU does not open up places around campus for 24 hours, people like the pre-medicine major will continue to have nowhere to go to deal with their stress and workload.

7 RUNNING HEAD: References Baxter, J., Bell, M. L., Hay, C. G., & Kypri, K. (2008). Alcohol outlet density and university student drinking: a national study. Addiction, 103(7), 1131–1138. Becker, B., Ebstein, R. P., Fu, M., Kendrick, K. M., Li, J., Li, K., Liu, C., Ma, Y., Montag, C., Scheele, D., Sindermann, C., Xu, L., Yao, S., Yang, X., Zheng, X., & Zhou, F. (2021). Serotonin and early life stress interact to shape brain architecture and anxious avoidant behavior—A TPH2 imaging genetics approach. Psychological Medicine, 51(14), 2476– 2484. Chervin, R. D. & Hershner, S. D. (2014). Causes and consequences of sleepiness among college students. Nature and science of sleep, 6, 73–84. Mamidanna, S. (2020). Students could benefit from a 24 hour campus café. The Benefit Group. Roos, B. H., & Schreck, J. S. (2019). Stress in undergraduate students studying communication sciences and disorders. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4(6), 1430– 1444.

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