ENH 319 Assignment PDF

Title ENH 319 Assignment
Author maire mcsorley
Course Spatial Planning for Housing and Health
Institution Ulster University
Pages 15
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ENH 319 Assignment Planning Report for Carrickfergus Town Hall...







The Town Hall in Carrickfergus is rendered, two-story building in the center of the town, previously owned by the Council. Prior, the building has been used as a courthouse and a jail in its time. With the council offices moving to Ballymena, the building is vacant following the Review of the Public Administration process. The proposition of the new owner is to use the Town Hall for a number of functions. This includes four residential selfcontained apartments positioned in the building area which is facing Joymount. These apartments would be rented out upon completion. Also a nightclub and restaurant facing the high street. In correlation with the Planning Northern Ireland Order 2003, Section 83 B, the proposed usage of this building is lawful.


It is recognized that there only is one pub, no nightclubs and no restaurants in close proximity. The creation of these businesses could prove beneficial can contribute to the town’s local economy, supporting the primary retail core on the high street. New employment opportunities will be created by employing a substantial workforce across the local community through the conjunction of uses. There are limited residential areas so close to the town center so the go-ahead with the proposed self-contained apartments would be sought after due to their convenient location. Belfast Healthy Cities


... .. .. .. locations close to points of interests, shops and services mention how encourage people to walk and cycle, which is vital for preventing obesity and “reducing emissions from motorized traffic.” (pg 6)

Good urban design will support the revitalization of Carrickfergus and community, while respecting its original plan. The Family of Settlements Report seeks for the Belfast Metropolitan Area to be revitalized, “with a strong emphasis on development within the existing urban area to support existing communities.” This document encourages housing within existing urban area, and the development of the proposed apartments would help contribute to this target. “Carrickfergus is an extremely desirable place to live, particularly for commuters to Belfast”, therefore the proposed development would be much sought after. The creation of a nightclub and restaurant in the town hall would have a complimentary role in adding to the life and vitality of the Metropolitan Area as a whole. Similarly, Belfast Healthy Cities, Health Places: Strong foundations (pg 6) says that “locating key job hubs close to residential areas, as well as integrating good transport links with land use development, improves physical access to jobs, education and other essential services for all population groups. This can strengthen equity, as it reduces or simplifies travel, which can be a barrier for vulnerable groups.” Also, these businesses would be beneficial for work for those from lower socio-economic backgrounds who do not own a car. Equity would also be supported “by creating new jobs within the local neighbourhood.


The Family of Settlements Report strategy emphasizes to build on the strength of individual communities to develop a metropolitan area which would be attractive to live in, as well as “providing a dynamic commercial heart to the region”. The town hall is situated near the historical areas, such as the mural and pillar. This modernized re-development would not take away from the strong historical roots of the town, but contribute to them and attract tourists. Carrickfergus has a strong opportunity for significant further investment due to its strong transport links. Upgrading, renewing and encouraging new development of the historic town center will encourage industrial, commercial and service growth. Belfast Healthy cities mentions how urban design facing the street “creates a welcoming atmosphere, encouraging use of the street. The Carrick Area Plan 2001 Town Centre Policies proposes to enhance and strengthen the role of the town center, which in turn will “assist in attracting shoppers from competing centers”. (p71) This plan also mentions of giving “favorable consideration to appropriate proposal which consolidate its commercial function.” This mixed purpose development would be compatible with the character of the surrounding area. Belfast Healthy Cities mentions how vibrant places help sustain the economy and generate new business opportunities. With respect to The Planning System, this development would be carried out in such a way that does not cause demonstrable harm to the interests of acknowledged importance in this historical town. Maintaining the town’s character and setting is a challenge. Improvements will be made to this building to minimize energy use and encourage zero carbon emissions, while ensuring the character of the building it maintained. (Regional Development Strategy for Northern Ireland, pg 44) The district council will are be consulted through the development of this plan, which will have an important part on the department’s decision making. Public participation recognized and the local community will be consulted widely before introducing this redevelopment. This major mixed use development which will attract a significant amount of consumers is in a location that is served well by public transport, has adequate infrastructure and is properly integrated, maintaining the character of the town hall. It would be ensured that this creation will maintain its compatibility with the surrounding area. Situated 0.3 mile from the railway station


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Bus stop outside town hall.

This plan would be an investment in tourism, bringing new facilities to Carrickfergus. It also “provides the opportunity to maximize “benefit from our wealth of environmental and heritage assets: our waterways, landscapes, coastline and built heritage.” (Regional Development Strategy for Northern Ireland 2025, pg. 35) A balanced approach will be promoted that safeguards the tourism infrastructure. It will create a sense of place with unique heritage and culture. The infrastructure will have proper regard to both the tourism need and the “natural built environment it seeks to serve.” This proposed redevelopment is ideal in terms of meeting the demands of customers, access to raw materials to carry out the project, access to adequate power supplies and telecommunication networks, links with other businesses, water and sewage infrastructure and transport considerations. (The Planning Service, Industrial Development, section 15) Carrickfergus Town Hall has all of these requirements making it such an ideal location for the creation of a Nightclub, restaurant and self-contained apartments. It is important to note the convenient access to roads, the port and the railway. Additionally, this site has little foundation difficulties so it will be reasonably affordable to evolve. This old, poor quality housing would need be reconstructed with well insulated walls and double glazing. The proposal for the 3 self-contained apartments will be built in such a way that do not adversely impact the environment and built heritage and which mitigate the risk of flooding. These will be high quality accessible housing without causing unacceptable damage to the environment of character of Carrickfergus. This proposed housing development will be dependent “on the availability of all necessary infrastructure, including the availability of sustainable water resources and sewerage capacity.” (Regional Development Strategy for Northern Ireland 2025, pg 40). Urban housing by recycling this building will reduce the use of Greenfield land. All homes will be built aiming to be has energy efficient as possible. The tenants will each have a car park space each situated at the rear of the car park under in law with PPS 3 policy. The remaining car park spaces will be for the business customers. The right of the entrance to the car park shall be sectioned off and have a high wooden fence around it. This is where people will orderly queue for the nightclub to the door. The rest of the area


here shall be used as a smoking area for the nightclub goers. This layout should provide an adequate queuing area, smoking area, access, car parking and maneuvering areas. The building will aim to create an accessible environment through the allocation of three disabled parking space in the commercial car park. Pedestrian priority will facilitate pedestrian movement within land uses. There will be ease of access to reserved car-parking, taxi ranks and public transport. This building will be designed to provide suitable access to all. There will be a ramp constructed to give access to the nightclub, apartments and restaurant. The apartments and nightclub will also have a lift installed.


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Town Hall



An Environmental Impact assessment will be carried out on this application. Steps will be taken to ensure that this development and other developments, are not affected by this source of pollution. This redevelopment will be planned in such a way to focus on itself as an acceptable use of land, and the impact of its users, rather than the control of emissions and processes. The proposed establishment plan would not cause conflict damaging sensitive areas such as the Carrickfergus landmarks of historical importance and nature conservation. In-fact, the mixed nightclub, restaurant and residential establishment would promote the town’s attractions. Action would be taken to prevent detriment to valuable areas or features of conservation areas of interest. It is assumed that there is asbestos in this building since it is built before 1980, therefore it will undergo an asbestos assessment. If asbestos is found, the asbestos material will have to go to an asbestos waste site. All the other material will go to a licensed site. Noise from construction dealt with under 5228 sits down the hour’s construction can be dealt and these will be followed. The reconstruction will be undertaken between 7am – 7pm Monday – Friday, and 8am – 1 pm on Saturday. A traffic/noise impact assessment will be taken. Once basis noise


... .. .. .. the thickness of glass and airspace between them will be is from traffic, decided. Acoustics ventilation will be created. A trench will be dug and filled with fiberglass to prevent ventilation. Under Part G of the building regulations, noise testing will be taken for this redevelopment to ensure that the building is sufficiently sound insulated. It is recognized that the adverse effect from noise in the nightclub could pose as a nuisance to neighboring residential land, including the four selfcontained apartments, the library behind the building, , the museum adjacent to the town hall and the residential properties on the town hall side. Reasonable remedial measures shall be taken to prevent the noise levels becoming a nuisance to the surrounding property. Good quality acoustic door seals will be added to each nightclub door and door frame.

There will be a seal situated in the door jam around the sides as well as the top, and a threshold seal which seals the bottom of the door. This will reduce sound leakage. Also, the outer door will be built into a lobby arrangement. Both these doors will have acoustic seal adaptations. The walls of the nightclub will be masonry with independent panels. The restaurant and apartments will have a similar lobby arrangement. The proposed apartments close to the potential source of noise pollution should be have sufficient insulation through these steps, as well as having well insulated walls and


double glazing. The doors will have good perimeter sealing and a minimum of 25kg/m 2. All the floors of the redevelopment will have a concrete base with ceiling and floating floor. On the ceiling of the ground floor, there will be sound deafening panels fixed to metal channels, suspended on wooden battens. These will absorb sound energy. With respect to PPS 23 Annex 1, statutory nuisance when arisen from commercial use, the defense of best practicable means is available together with reasonable excuse.

Source: Practical Soundproofing. Sound on Sound. [Url: https://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may08/articles/soundproofing.htm

The Planning Services encourage industrial redevelopment conveniently situated, minimizing the number and lengths of trip by road, and can be served by more walking, cycling and use of public transport. All of which are achievable in this project. This site is readably accessible to transport nodes, with a 4 minute walk from the railway station and a bus stop adjacent to the Town Hall car park. Due to the large car park and main road directly parallel to the Joymount road, the go ahead of this redevelopment would not result in a significant increase in traffic congestion or be hazardous to road safety. Being so near the coast, this land is susceptible to coastal flooding, which “carries with it the potential to increase risks to the safety and well-being of people”, as well as infrastructure, economy and the environment. The building will be built flood resistant to prevent floodwater entering the building and damaging its fabric. Throughout the planning process, flood risk will be taken into account. More green space and sustainable drainage systems will be encouraged. A well-designed open watercourse will be developed which will not adversely affect the drainage of the area. Permeable conveyance techniques will slow the speed of run off to the managing watercourse, allowing storage, infiltration and some evaporation.


... .. .. .. has the facilities to deal satisfactorily with all emissions and The building effluent. Vermin and litter will be tightly controlled. The building will be built well to ensure no gaps or holes to allow vermin to enter. There will be a policy in place if vermin were found to be evident within the building. Each apartment, the restaurant and will be allocated their own waste bin and brown bins. These bins will be situated in the top left corner of the shared car park, in a specifically designed bin bay. The domestic bins and industrial will emptied fortnightly by the local district council. Each apartment will have 3 bins while the hotel and restaurant will have larger ones. The nightclub and restaurant’s bins will be allocated weekly by a private company waste service. It will be arranged with the Cleansing Manager for Carrickfergus Borough Council to arrange for the bins to be emptied outside the car park. This will be the dimensions of the bins: >Domestic 240 litre wheelie bin Depth 740mm Width 580mm Height 1100mm >Commercial 1100 litre wheelie bin Depth 1115mm Width 1370mm Height 1470mm

Ambient Air Quality Closely following guidance from PPS23, planning will be done to ensure that sources released during this development will be that of the lowest practicable level. Also, ambient air and water will meet standards that guard against impacts to the environment and human health. This housing proposal will maintain the distinctive character of Carrickfergus. A hedgerow is grown adjacent to the Joymount side of the apartments to assist in the promotion of biodiversity. The current sewerage and drainage system for the empty building will be sufficient for the proposed redevelopment. Statutory compliance will be facilitated through Health and Safety, Food Safety and IPPC.


The landlords and tenants of the self-contained apartments will have a contractual agreement. This will be written formally in a tenancy agreement. Enforcement will mainly be applied by the local authority. The tenancy will be a fixed term tenancy. Tenants will be informed of their rights laid out in the Private Tenancies (N.I.) Order 2006. The Landlord of the tenancy must provide written confirmation of the terms of the tenancy within 28 days of the start of the tenancy. Failure to provide this is an offence and have a fine of up to £2,500. The landlord is legally obliged to provide a rent book, providing vital information such as the name and address of the landlord,


the amounts and rates to be paid, the amount of deposit and under what circumstances it can be upheld.

Under the Private Tenancies Order, a fitness inspection will be conducted by the district council as this building was built before 1 January 1945. The council is entitled to charge an initial inspection fee which will not exceed £50. If the property meets the fitness standards, the district council will issue a certificate of fitness. The landlord is able to charge a free market rent. The district council will issue a Notice of Refusal if they decide that the property fails to meet the fitness standards. This notice will include the reasons of refusal, and provide guidance on what action can be taken for the property to meet standards. Next, the Landlord must make a second application to the council, and this fee can be as costly as £100. At any time, the tenant can apply for a re-inspection if they believe that the property no longer meets fitness standards, which can cost up to £50. The Tenancy Deposit Scheme for Northern Ireland came into law in 2012, introduced by the department of social development. Any deposit taken by a landlord must be protected in an approved tenancy deposit scheme. The deposit must be secured in an approved scheme within 14 days, and the tenant must be informed of this secured scheme within 28 days. All the approved schemes are free to use. If they do not protect the deposit, they will face a fine or prosecution in court. This scheme additionally makes it illegal for a landlord to collect a deposit in any other form of money. A landlord and tenant can come to an agreement themselves regarding the division of the responsibilities of repairs. This excludes gas appliances and furniture safety. The landlord’s main repairing responsibilities include the exterior of the property, installations and maintenance and main supplies. The tenant’s main responsibilities are taking generally good care of the property and not making any alterations without the landlord’s permission. By law, it is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that all gas appliances are maintained in good order and have annual safety checks. The landlord must also ensure that all furniture meets the fire resistance requirements of Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulation 1988. The Landlord has right to access the property at any reasonable time to inspect it and carry out repairs. The tenant must be given reasonable notice of this. A due process of law must be implemented if the landlord wishes to evict a tenant. A landlord must apply for a court eviction if they want to forcibly remove the tenant or his possessions. Since February 2014, all landlords must be registered and have their properties listed in their portfolio. This aims to professionalise the industry and to protect tenants. Landlords must also ensure that their property has an Energy Performance Certificate under Building control, Safety and Goods provision and general health and safety features.


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Reference List

Belfast District Council, Healthy Places = Strong Foundations, Healthy Cities Belfast, 2010, Royal Town Planning Institute Northern Ireland


Building Control Regulations NI, 2012, Building Regulations; Technical Booklets, Building Control, Belfast. Carrick Area Plan: Town Center Carrickfergus, Crown Copyright.




Carrickfergus Area Plan, 2001, Department for Social Development (NI), A Guide for Private Landlords and Tenants in Northern Ireland, Pr...

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