Environment essay PDF

Title Environment essay
Author Alina Ștefan
Course Environmental Science I
Institution American University (USA)
Pages 4
File Size 128.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Evolution and Purpose of Contemporary Environmental Health 1) According to WHO, ‘environmental health includes aspects of human health, including the quality of life, which are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social, psychosocial and aesthetic factors in our environment. It also concerns the policy and practices for the management, absorption, control and prevention of environmental factors likely to affect the health of current and future generations’ (What is environmental health?). With this very broad definition, environmental health thus includes all the effects on health due to exogenous factors, that is to say external to the person such as: environmental quality, which includes the pollution of air, water, soil, waste but also noise pollution, insalubrity, ultraviolet rays, the human activities, that are about indoor and outdoor air pollution, radiation, waves, domestic accidents, urban violence, and the living conditions, like exposure related to habitat (lead, asbestos, etc.), occupational exposure, and, of course, individual behaviors, such as passive smoking, sedentary lifestyle. A clean and beautiful environment is necessary for human beings. However, the interactions between the environment and human health are extremely complex and difficult to assess. This makes the use of the preventive principle extremely useful. The best known health impacts refer to ambient air pollution, poor water quality and poor hygiene. Much less is known about the health impacts of hazardous chemicals. Noise is an emerging health and environmental issue. Climate change, ozone depletion, biodiversity loss and soil degradation can also affect human health. The environmental health policy consists of acting on these various parameters in order to improve the health of a population. 2) Earth's climate has changed many times and in many ways. We know a lot about the natural causes and effects of ancient climate change, and this knowledge allows us to confidently say that modern climate change is a result of human activity. However, the climate change seems to be a really big problem for many countries around the world. The most affected country is Japan due to its trembling weather, composed of heavy rains, the Osaka earthquake and Jebi typhoon. It is followed by Philippines, because of the typhoon Mangkhut's passage through the Philippines in 2018 and the third one is Germany, as there was the heat wave Germans suffered in 2018 (Corporativa, Which countries are most threatened by and vulnerable to climate change? 2019). In terms of, for example, pollution, things are changing and the top spots are occupied by the less developed countries. The problem in Bangladesh, the most polluted country, comes from the presence of motor vehicles on the streets, such as motorcycles, cars and trucks, but the amount of fumes from factories represents another huge matter (World's most POLLUTED countries in 2020 - PM2.5 Ranking: AirVisual 2020) 3) Environmental science is a discipline that integrates physical and biological sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, climatology and others in order to conduct the environmental study. In an increasingly globalized and global world, certain problems such as climate change and the biodiversity crisis can only be understood and dealt with at the planetary level or at that of biomes and continents. ‘Environmental policies’ are built on

the basis of knowledge, assessments and environmental assessments provided by environmental sciences. Health inequalities are increasing in Europe, whether between population groups in the same country, or between countries in the WHO European Region. The environmental issues are not evenly distributed among and within countries and populations, and not everyone has at its disposal the same means of dealing with them. There is a body of compelling evidence on the harmful effects disproportionate environmental health problems, such as pollution, poor sanitation, lack of safety in homes and workplaces, among disadvantaged population groups in the European Region and elsewhere. Inequalities in environmental hygiene are involved in a large number of health problems, such as those associated with pollution, working conditions, road safety, exposure to noise, exposure to smoking passive, inadequate sanitation and exposure of homes to mold and other harmful substances. Inequalities in environmental hygiene can be linked to different health outcomes, ranging from cardiovascular, infectious and respiratory diseases to trauma and mental health problems. 4) The Member States in the European Region of the World Health Organization, at the Sixth Ministerial Conference, which took place in June 2017 in Ostrava, concluded the discussion with the Declaration of Ostrava on environment and health, which resulted from a long collaboration. This declaration gives priority to the following areas: improvement of indoor and outdoor air quality, universal, equitable and sustainable access to drinking water safely, minimization of harmful effects of chemicals on human health, prevention and elimination of harmful effects on the environment and health, costs and inequalities linked to waste management and contaminated sites, building adaptation capacities and resilience to the health risks associated with climate change and supporting measures likely to mitigate this change, support for the efforts of European cities and regions and development of the environmental sustainability of health systems (Ostrava Declaration of the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health 2017). Thanks to substantial investments in recent years, in several countries, for instance, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, waste collection, their treatment and their final elimination has evolved into a organized and wellmonitored system, which has created a lucrative industry. As emissions from modern buildings are low, the effects on human health are minimized. Separate collection, reuse, recycling of landfilled waste, and phasing out of landfill also improve sustainability. Another initiative is the SWIFT project in Serbia which involves collaboration between international government organizations, national governments, the civil sector and recycling companies. 5) The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an international organization that focuses on making scientific data on biodiversity available via the Internet using web services. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility is an eyewitness of the CSP. It is a global open information framework, supported by governments. It permits anybody, anyplace to get to information pretty much a wide range of life on Earth, shared by means of the worldwide stage www.gbif.org and through public and topical entrances. By urging and assisting establishments with distributing information as per regular norms, GBIF empowers research impractical previously, and advises better choices to ration and economically utilize

the natural assets of the planet. GBIF works through an organization of hubs, planning the biodiversity data offices of Participant nations and associations, teaming up with one another and the Secretariat to share abilities, encounters and specialized limit. GBIF gives the information establishments to advising strategy on biodiversity including support for Essential Biodiversity Variables, elimination hazard appraisals, methodologies for focusing on obtrusive outsider species, ensured region siting and the executives, monitoring plant hereditary assets for horticulture, among others ( GBIF). The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is part of the National Institutes of Health in the USA. The mission of the NIEHS is to lessen the weight of human malaise and incapacity by seeing what the climate means for the turn of events and movement of human infection. In order to have a bigger impact forestalling illnesses and improving human wellbeing, the NIEHS centers around essential science, infection arranged examination, worldwide ecological wellbeing, and training for specialists (National Institute of environmental Health Sciences). All in all, environmental protection agencies are trying to do as much as possible to protect the planet, which seems to be suffering more from one generation to another. If more people come together to bring about change in the world, there is no doubt that this will not happen, especially since the place where we live needs help.


1) Ostrava Declaration of the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health. (2017, June 15). Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/341944/OstravaDeclaration_SIGNED. pdf 2) What is environmental health? (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://www.ehinz.ac.nz/indicators/overview/what-is-environmental-health/ 3) National Institute of environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://www.niehs.nih.gov/ 4) Corporativa, I. (2019). Which countries are most threatened by and vulnerable to climate change? Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://www.iberdrola.com/environment/topcountries-most-affected-by-climate-change? fbclid=IwAR2xMkxuoShdMSu6mLCkmof176I0aPxCm8HRfYJv6viDdUcA7MsC6BwAr40 5) World's most POLLUTED countries in 2020 - PM2.5 Ranking: AirVisual. (2020). Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://www.iqair.com/world-most-polluted-countries 6) GBIF. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://www.gbif.org/...

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