Environmental Shopping Lab PDF

Title Environmental Shopping Lab
Author Itai Mccarley
Course Introduction to Environmental Science Lab
Institution Florida International University
Pages 16
File Size 366.2 KB
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Lab report...


Itai McCarley Professor Onwuka EVR 1001L 27, February 2018

Environmental Shopping Part 1: Super Market 1. Talk to Manager: a. Do they recycle? Upon speaking to the manager of my local Winn Dixie, he did state that they do recycle their plastics and paper. When I asked him for more details, he shrugged me off saying he had to attend to something. Upon reflection, it became apparent that for such a large store to not recycle would have such a large ecological footprint, due the large amount of waste that needs to be assimilated. The fact that my local Winn Dixie recycles greatly benefits the community and the world in a great manner. b. What do you think are the environmental costs of paper versus plastic bags? Paper bags do produce a high cost due the immense amount energy used in their production. In addition, these bags are very difficult because they usually do not have more than one use due to the fact that they tear really easily. When it

comes to the disposal of these bags, paper bags have a very large mass, requiring the emission of more greenhouse gases for its disposal. Plastic Bags do require an immense amount of energy, but not to the same extent as paper. Also, a lot of these plastic bags are created through the burning of ethane, which is created through the use of burning natural gasses. Lastly, they have very small volumes, so require less greenhouse gases to properly be disposed of. c. Which do you think is worse? I personally believe that paper bags are worse. Despite being biodegradable, these bags do incur higher environmental costs (as stated above) and they are only one time use due to their fragile structure. d. How do these costs change with recycling? When one recycles, most costs (environmental) of the disposal of these bags are eliminated. These are going to be kept in landfills for years, lowering the amount of greenhouse gases. In addition, these bags can be used to help create other materials, lowering the strain on Earth’s resources. e. How about reuse? The plastic bags can be reused effectively while the paper cannot. The plastic bags are relatively durable and will survive

multiple uses. If this is done, a large portion of the gases used to produce the bags will essential be eliminated. Of course, the issue is that most people do not reuse them and just end up throwing them out, eliminating the potential benefit of this. Paper bags have low durability and tend to rip relatively quickly. 2. Different Sized Products: On my trip to my local Winn-Dixie, I picked up a couple products with varying purposes to compare the costs and sizes. Overall items that were bigger, used less packaging per unit and were of a better value. Some of the limiting factors to that are that some products expire and also consumers may not have space for such large products.


Size of small

Size of large

Small Large Which has Cost per Cost per more Unit unit Packaging per unit volume?

Better Buy?

Winn Dixie Brand All Purpose Flour

2 lb.

5 lb.

$0.695 per pound

$0.478 per pound



Badia Extra Virgin Olive Oil

8.5 fl oz

17 fl oz

$0.469 per fluid ounce

$0.381 per fluid ounce



Dawn 8 fl oz Ultra dish soap

34.2 fl oz $0.176 per fluid ounce

$0.158 per fluid ounce



Xtra Laundry

192 fl oz $0.062 per fluid

$0.037 per fluid



75 fl oz

Detergent Sabra Hummus


10 oz

17 oz



$0.39 per ounce

$0.293 per ounce



Plastic Products: On my trip, I also noted multiple plastic products and their recyclable

abilities. All the plastic containers I found were either HDPE or PETE and are both able to be recycled in my area, North Miami Beach.


Type of Plastic


Sabra Hummus - 10 oz

PETE - 1


Pepsi - 1.25 liters

PETE - 1


Banana Boat Deep Tanning Oil - 8 fluid oz

PETE - 1


Head & Shoulders Men 2 in 1 - 13.5 fluid oz

HDPE - 2


Listerine Cool Mint Mouthwash - 1 liter

PETE - 1


Intrust Nutrition Shake - 8 fluid ounces

PETE - 1


Aleve - 220 count

HDPE - 2


Top Care Hydrogen Peroxide Topic Solution - 32 fluid ounces

HDPE - 2


Perrier Sparkling Water PETE - 1 - 33.8 fluid ounces


Gain Ultra Dish Soap 21.6 fluid ounces


PETE - 1

4. Cleaning Products Another portion of my trips was to analyze cleaning products and the dangers they provide. Overall, every product that I picked up had active

ingredients and had many warnings. One should not have to put themselves in danger to have a clean house. Beyond that, these chemicals are released into the atmosphere harming everyone, not only those that are using it. That is why I also provided alternatives for these toxic products. These alternatives are much cheaper, much safer and probably can be found lying around your house.


Active Ingredients



Clorox Bleach

Sodium Hypochlorite

Keep out of reach of children. Corrosive. Do not get on clothes or skin.

Lemon Juice, Baking Soda, Vinegar.

Ultra-Downy Softener

Sodium carbonate

Can make clothing more flammable.

Epsom salt & Baking Soda

Clear ammonia

Ammonia Hydroxide

Don’t get on skin. Do not inhale or taste.


All-purpose cleaner


Keep out of eyes. Do not ingest.

Borax (Sodium Borate)

Drano Max Gel

Sodium Hydroxide

Baking soda & Keep container Lemon Juice closed well. Keep away from clothing and skin.

5. Cardboard Products Another portion of the assignment was to look at products with cardboard packaging and see its recyclability Around 3 fifths of the products I

found were recyclable and they were all post-consumer recycled. The difference between pre and post-consumer recycling is that post-consumer has already made it to the consumer and has fulfilled some form of a purpose. I believe that pre-consumer is more important since that is material that has consumer benefit unless it is recycled.



Made from pre or post-consumer recycled products

Ice Cream Assorted cake cups



Jell-O Gelatin



Betty Crocker Pound Cake Mix



Butter popcorn



Kool-Aid Jammers




Recycled Paper Content Although difficult, I managed to find recycled paper products. Out of

the five products I found, all of them were 100% composed of recycled content. Only two of the products have been bleached to obtain its current color. One of the main concerns of paper production is that of the chemical runoff from the factory. These chemicals tend to pollute both water and the atmosphere, and that tends to increase the actual cost of paper production.


Recycled paper content

Pre or postconsumer recycled materials

Has paper been bleached?





paper Green forest bathroom tissue



Macral Pro Tissue 100%



Seventh 100% Generation paper towels





Green field birthday Cards 7.



Batteries The next portion is to compare the true costs of NiCad (rechargeable)

batteries with regular alkaline (not-rechargeable) batteries. In the supermarket a pack of 4 rechargeable AA batteries is $10.80 and a pack of 4 of regular AA batteries are $3.69. In addition, the NiCad batteries can be used 100 times and require a negligible amount of electricity to be charged. So really to create an equal comparison, you’d have to multiply the price of the regular batteries by 100 since the NiCad batteries have 100 uses. So, $3.69 x 100 = $369. So, the actual price of regular batteries is much larger than rechargeable batteries ($369>$10.80). According to this, there is no apparent reason to not be buying non-rechargeable batteries since they endure a much lower cost. In addition, batteries are dangerous and need to be disposed of properly. Lowering the amount of batteries thrown out will greatly affect the environment and promote the idea of sustainable living.

Part 2: Personal Consumption Patterns 1. Miscellaneous products you buy on a regular basis: Monthly

Dove Deodora nt

No Does the Product have excess packaging?

Pencils (look at home for bag) No

Printer ink

Toothpas te

Contact Lenses

Shamp oo

Soap Bars (12 Pack)

Yes: due to safety concern s.


Yes: each lens is individu ally package d Yes: the cardboa rd box is biodegr adable


Yes: to keep each soap bar separate

Yes: Recycla ble


Yes: Purchas e contact lenses that require less frequent change. No

Yes: purcha se a larger bottle.




Is the packaging recyclable/ reusable /biodegrada ble? Do you have other options to avoid the dollar and environment al costs of excess packaging?

Yes: Biodegra dable



Yes: Biodegra dable

No: This deodora nt does not come in multi pack /bulk.

Yes: To purcha se a larger packet of these pencils.


Yes: to purchase in greater quantity/ bulk

Does the store stock similar environment ally friendly items? Are the shopping bags reusable? /recyclable / biodegradab le?





No: ordered online and packagin g was not environ mentally friendly. Need

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycle d.

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycled .

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycled.

Yes: The paper bag can be recycled and is biodegr adable

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycle d.

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycled.







Need or

Want? AC Filter

Flossers No

Diaper s No

Toilet Paper No

Does the Product have excess packaging? Is the packaging recyclable/reus able /biodegradable ? Do you have other options to avoid the dollar and environmental costs of excess packaging?






Yes: purchase a larger bag or in bulk

Does the store stock similar environmentall y friendly items? Are the shopping bags reusable? /recyclable / biodegradable?



Yes: The Plastic Bag can be reused and recycled

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycled

Need or Want?






Hand soap No





Yes: purcha se a larger quanti ty or purcha se in bulk No

Yes: purcha se a larger quantit y or purcha se in bulk No

Yes: purchas ea larger quantit y or purchas e in bulk No

Yes: purchas ea larger quantity or purchas e in bulk

Yes: purchas ea larger quantity or purchas e in bulk



Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycl ed Need

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycle d Need

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycle d Need

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycled

Yes: The plastic bag can be reused and recycled



2. Food – with excess packaging a. Do you buy food that has excess packaging? Yes. Many of the individualized items I buy have excess packaging. The reason for this is that a small item


uses more packaging per unit than a larger unit. Also, many food items have excess packaging to protect it. b. Do you buy many individual packaged items? Yes. The reason for this is that my family and I are always on the go and we need to take single packaged items. With my school and work schedule I do not have time to take tuber wares with me, so I end up having to purchase disposable goods. In addition to this, I also eat quite a bit of food outside the house which comes in individual packaging. The reason for this being that I am always on the go and do not always have the energy or time to prepare food. c. Do you have the option to buy in bulk? Not necessarily. Despite the fact that my kitchen is not very big and cannot hold very much, I do not have membership to a store that one could buy in bulk, like Costco. In addition, many items parish, so I cannot finish a large quantity faster than it will expire itself. d. Are the packaging/containers reusable/recyclable/biodegradable? It really depends on the items. Many wrappers of frozen burritos or even subway sandwiches are not recyclable. At the same time, many of the items stored in plastic are recyclable. Overall, my consumption of

individualized items needs to be lowered for the sake of reducing my waste. 3. Clothing a. How many items do you purchase a month? Approximately 8 to 10. This can vary anywhere from sweaters, t-shirts or even shoes. b. Are the items “needs” or “wants”? Most of these items are more of wants. We live in a consumer heavy society, so our wants are way beyond what we actually need. That said, I probably do not need to be buying as much as I do. c. How do you dispose of the items you no longer need? Unless the clothing has many holes or is in a really poor state, I usually give it to my cleaning lady who sends it to her family who lives in Venezuela. The reason is being that just because I personally do not find use for it, I know someone can. In addition, I may also drop it off at my local Goodwill store. 4. News Papers and Periodicals – I personally am not subscribed or purchase these, so I would have no measure of my personal consumption. 5. Hazardous Materials – What kinds of



Drain Opener


White Bright

Hazardous materials do you have? Where is the hazardous waste disposal site? Alternativ es?

Home PickupWaste Managem ent

Home PickupWaste Managem ent

Home PickupWaste Managem ent

Home PickupWaste Managem ent

Home PickupWaste Management

Yes: Vinegar

Yes: Hydrogen Peroxide and Lemon Essential Oil

Yes: Baking soda & Lemon Juice

Yes: Borax (Sodium Borate)

Yes: Hydrogen Peroxide

6. Discussion – For this project we were assigned to review our shopping habits regarding consumption and environmental health. One thing I learnt is that I purchase a lot of single use products. A large reason for this I do not have a lot of time when having to balance school, work and a social life. This project has created an awareness to deal with that issue, one small step at a time. Another thing I learnt is that I do not recycle very well at all. I am not very consciences about my wasteful habits and that just increase my personal footprint on this Earth. Another action I learnt that I could take was the idea of NiCad batteries. These batteries can be recharged up to 100 times while using a negligible amount of energy. In addition to the fact that less hazardous waste is created, these batteries are much cheaper due to the amount of productivity you receive from them. The fact that they

are both cheaper and more environmentally safe is more than enough for me to switch over. The scariest realization of this project was the amount of hazardous chemicals I have sitting under my kitchen sink. The fact that nearly every cleaning product gave a warning to keep away from skin is a clear sign that it should not be used or at least kept in our air circulation. This project has pushed me to look deeper into less hazardous alternatives to clean my house. This report has really given me a better idea of the impact of my consumption and overall it is not good. I personally overconsume and do not wish to continue living this way.

Part 3: Product Analysis http://www.greenhome.com/greenhome/best-sellers/stainless-steel-lockingair-tight-containers.html For the next part of the project we were given the task of evaluating a “green” product we found on the web and challenge the true ecological impact it contains. The product I chose is a container made of stainless steel with a locking lid. Some of this product’s claims are that it is toxin free, BPA free, created sustainably and recyclable. Regarding labels, the company is certified a San Francisco Green Company, a certified B Company and a certified Green America business. This product does require lots of energy to create, but less of that than a plastic container of similar size. In terms of disposal, this product claims to be recyclable.

Overall this product is much less wasteful, when compared to regular plastic containers. I do believe that the product does live up to its claims. This company, green home, is highly certified in the field of providing environmentally sound products and I feel that this product does hold this standard. This is most definitely a smart consumer choice for people to buy. As stated earlier, this does beat the alternative of using plastic or disposable containers to package food. In addition, this product does not contain the same amount of toxins as a plastic container would (especially when storing heated food). The only thing is that this product is more expensive than other steel containers. A reason of this could be due to the sustainable methods used to produce this. If one really wanted, they should conduct a similar analysis on the other version (link below). http://www.greenhome.com/greenhome/best-sellers/stainless-steel-lockingair-tight-containers.html Part 4: Ecological Footprint

Based off of my results, below are 10 things I can do to lower my carbon footprint: 1. Take the Tri-Rail to reduce the amount of long drives I take. 2. Start collecting compost to reduce amount of waste that ends up in landfills. 3. Bring my own bags to the supermarket. 4. Purchase more goods in bulk instead of individually wrapped items. 5. Bring food in containers instead of packaging food in in foil/plastic bags. 6. Carry a bottle instead of bringing plastic bottles when I leave the house. 7. Purchase Bri...

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