EPID exam notes TAKE IN PDF

Title EPID exam notes TAKE IN
Author Cecilia Nguyen
Course Epidemiology and Biostatistics 481
Institution Curtin University
Pages 1
File Size 126.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Epidemiology: study of distribution and determinants of disease (health related states/events) in specified populations and the application pf this study to control health problems 3 Common Comparisons: 1) Comparing diseased w/ not diseased (comparing cases w/ controls -> case control studies) 2) Comparing not diseased w/ risk factor to fully not diseased (smokers vs non-smokers) 3) Experiment to manipulate an exposure whether it results in different outcomes for experiment and control group (experimental/intervention studies)  Study designs asses value of evidence Evidence Based Health Care (5 Steps): -Uncertainty to answerable q’s - Find best available evidence - Appraise evidence (validity, reliability, relevance + applicability) - Apply evidence in practice - Evaluate Def: combined research evidence, clinical experience + patient preference Standard error is std of sampling distribution Small skewness std error: skewness similar across few samples in populatn Large skewness std error: skewness varies significantly from few samples in populatn

same for kurtosis std error

Graphs for CATEGORICAL data: bar, pie Graphs for CONTINUOUS data: histogram, box plot, polygon

stem + leaf plot, frequency

Prevalence: proportion of current cases in populatn at given time = # cases in population at given time Incidence: new cases during specific time period divide by total Total population that of same disease-free personattime observation in population at risk time = # of new events Total event-free person-time of observatn in pop at risk

 Conceive, design, conduct, analyse and use study Observational designs: Intervention/experi - Randomised design - Cross-sectional - Non-randomised or Quasi- Ecological/correlational experimental design - Cohort - Case control

Inferential statistics: 95% CI, p value, pearson’s correlation coefficient ‘r’, r2, relative risk, odds ratio E.g. Total of 225 people w/ lung cancer (cases) and 833 people w/out lung cancer (controls) selected. Data showed 176 cases and 85 controls reported exposed to asbestos in past. Calculate odds ratio. Draw 2x2 table. Cases










Odds cases = exposed cases / non-exposed cases = 176 / 49 Odds controls= exposed controls / non-exposed cont. = 85 / 748 Odds ratio = odds cases / odds controls = (176/49) / (85/748) = 31.61 Interpretation: those w/ lung cancer were 31.61 times more likely to be exposed to asbestos than d= .20 small those w/out. IF calculated odds of EXPOSURE than d= .50 med same result but asbestos instead. d= .80 large

Type 1 error reject Ho when shouldn’t have; depends on level of significance (set at 5% or 1/20) False (+) = correct null hypothesis rejected Type 2 error accept Ho when shouldn’t have; depends on power of study (set at 80%) Higher power= lower chance making type 2 error False (-) = null hypothesis incorrect but not rejected Reliability/precision= lack random error Validity/accuracy= lack systematic error or bias...

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