Esercizi PAST Continuous Verifica PDF

Title Esercizi PAST Continuous Verifica
Author Beatrice Casalini
Course Inglese
Institution Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM
Pages 25
File Size 304 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 83
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ESERCIZI PER LA PREPARAZIONE ALLA VERIFICA: PAST CONTINUOUS, PAST SIMPLE, WHILE WHEN Traduci le frasi 1. Il sole stava splendendo. [shine] 1. The Sun 2. Stavi guidando troppo veloce! [drive] 2. You too fast! 3. Ieri alle 5 stavo dormendo. [sleep] 3. Yesterday , at 5 o'clock I 4. Non stavamo guardando la TV alle 2. [watch] 4. We TV at 2 5. Mi stavi prendendo in giro? [kid] 5. me? 6. Il cane stava mangiando in silenzio. [eat] 6. The dog silently. 7. Non stavano parlando sul serio, spero! [speak]

7. I hope they


8. Jane non stava dormendo quando hai chiamato. [sleep] 8. Jane when you called.

9. Cosa stavi facendo ieri alle 3? [do] 9. What yesterday at 3? 10. Stava piovendo quando siete arrivati? [rain] 10. when you arrived? When I found her, she stop.

(to sit) at a bus

Quando l'ho incontrata, stava seduta a una fermata dell'autobus.

I stopped talking when I realized you (to listen, not).

Ho smesso di parlare quando ho capito che non stavi ascoltando.

I saw them. They

(to kiss)!

Li ho visti. Si stavano baciando!

I (to cook) hungry.

and I thought you might be

Stavo cucinando e ho pensato che potevi avere fame.

We began to rain. 

(to lie) on the grass when it

Eravamo sdraiati sull'erba quando ha iniziato a piovere.

When you called, I shower. 

Quando hai chiamato, stavo facendo la doccia.

(to take) a

Tom couldn't believe what happen).


Tom non riusciva a credere a quello che stava succedendo.

What (to look for, you) room? 

in my

Cosa stavi cercando nella mia stanza?

Man, what

(to think, I)?

Cavolo, a cosa stavo pensando (che mi è passato per la testa)?

Why not, you)? 

her (to watch,

Perché non la stavi controllando?

Completa le frasi con il verbo tra parentesi al past continuous o al past simple

Mentre mia mamma stava cucinando, io mi stavo facendo la doccia. [cook, have] 1. While my mom ,I a shower. 2. Quando sono arrivato, mio papà stava guardando la TV. [arrive, watch] 2. When I , my dad 3. Stavamo cantando ed erano le 3. [sing, be] 3. We and it 3. 4. Jake stava guidando troppo veloce, e all'improvviso ha colpito un uomo che stava attraversando la strada. [drive, hit, cross] 4. Jake too fast and suddenly he


a man who the road. 5. Ho incontrato Jane mentre stavo andando in palestra. [meet, go] 5. I Jane while I to the gym.

6. Mentre correvo non ero stanco, ma quando la gara è finita mi sono sentito molto male. [run, be, end, feel] 6. While I I tired , but when the race I very ill. 7. Ieri mi sono addormentato molto tardi e ho avuto un terribile incubo. [fall, have] 7. Yesterday I asleep very late and I a terrible nightmare

Completa le frasi

1 She ........................ (play) in the garden when suddenly it started rainin g. 2 Mark and Keith ....................... (study) at 4 o’ clock. 3 He ................ (text) a message to his friend. 4 My cat ..................... (sleep) in the basket.

5 We .................... (listen) to music. 6 The neighbors ................. (have) a party yesterday. 7 Your mother ................. (wait) for you outside the market.

8 The witness ................. (sit) when the murder happened. 9 Mary and Jason ................... (swim) in the pool.

Forma delle domande al past continuous con le seguenti parole 1 Michelle and Anne/run/in the park 2 Mark/do/his homework 3 The dog/play/its toy 4 Jason/sit/outside his house 5 Mary/watch/her favourite soap 6 Seth and his family/make/the dinner 7 She/go/to the disco? 8 That girl/go out/alone?

Metti le seguenti frasi alla forma negativa del past continuous

1 He was playing in the garden when suddenly it started raining

2 Mark and Keith were studying at 4 o’ clock

3 He was texting a message to his friend

4 My cat was sleeping in the basket

5 We were listening to music

6 The neighbors were having a party yesterday

7 Your mother was waiting for you outside the mar ket

8 The witness was sitting when the murder happen ed

9 Mary and Jason were swimming in the pool

Inserisci il tempo giusto (Simple Past o Past Progressive).

While Charlie book in the lounge.


golf, his wife


While I (travel) around Australia, (visit) many interesting places.

Completa le frasi. Decidi se utilizzare il Simple Past o il Past Progressive. 

While Steve (watch)

TV, Monica (listen) When I (walk) Avenue, I (discover) 

I (receive) I (sit) room. 

football on to the radio. down Fifth a wonderful boutique. your SMS while in the doctor’s waiting

When Ruth (be) little, she (hate) the smell of coffee. 

Forma delle domande con il past continuous 


on the computer? (to

work) 


the bike? (to

repair) 

book? (to take)


out a


to music? (to

listen) 


at a picture? (to

look) Emma and Bertha friend? (to phone) 

the girl


the window? (to

open) 


the friends

judo? (to do) home from school?

(to come) 


with the cooking? (to


1 When I met Joseph, he was on the phone. What

about? (he | talk)

2 I had an accident on my way to work.


? (you | do)

3 I saw your wife in a car last night. the car? (she | drive) 4 I was trying to get in touch with you when the Internet

stopped working. What time use)

the Internet? (you |

5 Guess what I was doing between 5 and 6 o'clock. your new bike? (you | ride) 6 I wasn't at the airport when they arrived. And why wait)

at the airport? (you | not

7 As I was coming home last night, I could hear some noise from our neighbour's house. an argument? (they | have) 8 The company was going on with the reconstruction when I was there. And what work)

on? (they |

WHICH - WHO - THAT Who: come e quando usarlo Una regola fondamentale da ricordare, per essere sicuro di

utilizzare “who” nel modo corretto, è che esso si usa solo quando ci riferiamo alle persone, mai alle cose. People who live in Italy are friendly The woman who lives next the door is a veterinarian. Nella maggior parte dei casi “who” può essere sostituito da “that”, tranne che nel seguente: quando l’obiettivo della proposizione relativa non è quello di fare una precisazione sulla persona prima menzionata, ma quello di fornire maggiori dettagli al riguardo. 

My sister Sarah, who lives in New York, is an actress. Tim, who speaks French and German, is the best applicant for the job.

Which: come e quando usarlo “Which”, a differenza di “who”, viene usato solo in

riferimento alle cose. Where is the cheese which was in the fridge? Ikea is a company which makes affordable furniture. Puó sempre essere sostituito da that, tranne in un caso dove è obbligatorio adottarlo:

quando la proposizione relativa non specifica la cosa menzionata, ma fornisce informazioni extra al riguardo. 

John told me about his new job, which he’s enjoying very much. We stayed at the Ritz Hotel, which is higly recommended. se viene preceduto da una preposizione come about, without, to, with, ecc… 

Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost. con le costruzioni: all of/ most of/ some of/ many of/both of/ each of/ none of/ neither of/ ecc…

The recruiter asked me a lot of questions, most of which I couldn’t answer.

That: come e quando usarlo “That” è un pronome relativo più trasversale,

rispetto ai due precedenti, in quanto può essere utilizzato sia in riferimento alle persone che alle cose. Per questo motivo, in molti casi può essere usato in sostituzione di “who”, se i soggetti sono degli individui, o di “which”, se sono oggetti. In genere, è il pronome relativo più usato quando si fa

riferimento alle cose. I know a lot of people that live in California. I don’t like sweets that are made with cinnamon. Questo pronome viene utilizzato anche in sostituzione a “what”, quando indica il concetto “le cose che”. What happened was only your fault. Everything that happened was only your fault (non Everything what happened…).

ESERCIZI 1. People ________ live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 2. Walden Pond, ______ was written in the mid1800s, remains a popular book among romantic and individualistic Americans. 3. She prefers to watch movies ______ make her cry.

4. He bought all the books ________ are required for the course. 5. In the crowd were several recruits _______ are regarded as excellent prospects for next year's team.

6. The police were able to find no evidence against her, _____ surprised no one who knows her well. 7. Tashonda Viereck's children, ______ all graduated from college, came home for her eightieth birthday. 8. Predictably, the students _____ did best were not the ones who stayed up all night studying. 9. She wanted to buy a scarf _______ would complement her blue eyes. 10. The answers, ________ you can find in the back of the book, are sometimes incorrect...

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