Essay 2 Birthday party PDF

Title Essay 2 Birthday party
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Planning a birthday party...


Matheri 1 Muchai Matheri Alex Kurian English 1301 9 October 2018 How to Organize a Birthday Party Imagine you are hosting a birthday party and you will be relied on how it is going to carry out, but you do not know how to start planning it. Hopefully, this step by step process will be able to guide you on how to organize one. Organizing a successful birthday party requires the following steps. First, is to decide the budget you will have for the party. Having a budget will let you stick to the amount of money you want to spend since a party can consume a great amount of money. A budget of $200-$400 is reasonable for a birthday party. Determine the amount of money, you spend on a specific area such as foods and entertainment because you do not want to overspend on one area and hardly spend much for the other. Spending too much can lead to debt while spending too little will not be enough for the setup of the party. Once you have decided on the budget, the next step is to know the type of party that you are going to host for the birthday person. In this step, you will have to take into consideration of what type of party, the birthday person would want. If it’s a surprise party, you must know whether he or she likes surprises. However, this step will be talking about a party that has the birthday person involved and knows how the party would be like. Knowing whether he or she wants a large party or small gatherings with close friends is to plan for a venue, which is why it is important to take into consideration of the birthday person. Before considering the number of people that can attend, you should create a guest list to ensure you will remember all the guests that will receive invitations. Therefore, it

Matheri 2 helps you to know how many people are going to come and help you decide whether it should be in a house or in a venue. Create a backup plan, in case the venue is not prepared properly, so that there is an alternative location and have a system to notifying guests about it (“How to Plan a Birthday Party”). After, you should decide when and how long the party will be. If it is a child’s party, you should host it late morning or early afternoon because children will have more energy to enjoy in the daytime. For adults, it should be hosted late evening since children will most likely be tired and essentially go to bed early at night while they stay up late in celebration. The party should start being planned four weeks prior to it because waiting last minute to plan would likely cause disorganization, or it can end up being cancelled. Next, is deciding whether you want a theme for the party. A child’s party should have appropriate child friendly themes such as movies for children or a carnival while an adult’s party can be a casino theme or an adult movie. Once the theme has been decided upon, then you can send out invitations to the guest list. It is best to send out to people 3-4 weeks in advance of the party to give enough time for guests to plan for it. It will also give them time to purchase a gift. Be sure to include RSVP information to find out whether a guest will be able to attend or not. Try to contact some invited guests to help with the setup, food, decorations and funding. It will be a burden to handle all the obligations for organizing a party by yourself. Invitations should provide the starting and ending time of the party with the address of location. The next step is creating a plan for the food and beverages. Decide the type of food and drinks that will flow with the theme. Know whether any of the guests have food allergies and if so make sure you have provided options that are safe to eat or let them know they can bring their own food. Make sure that they will be enough food for all guests, based on how long the party

Matheri 3 will last. A party that lasts about two or three hours might only require refreshments and desserts while one lasting half a day will need meals. Meanwhile, you get to also plan one of the most important parts of a birthday, the cake. So, know which type of cake you will buy or bake depending on your budget. If the party is going to be held at a restaurant, then there would be no need to plan here because the restaurant will take care of it. Then, start setting up the decorations. If you have a theme already, then all you need to do is get decorations that match the theme. Acknowledge whether the birthday person likes a lot of decorations such as balloons and confetti or not interested in them (“How to Plan a Birthday Party”). Lastly, is to choose entertainment options for the birthday party. There are different types of entertainment depending on the type of party, which goes back to whether it is child’s or adult’s party. Both can have music playing in the background that is enjoyable for the birthday person but also appropriate. If there are many children, then there should not be a lot of inappropriate songs playing in the party. For a child’s party, an entertainer, such as a clown or magician, can be hired if it is in the budget. Overall, these steps should help you have an idea of how to organize a birthday party especially on the budget, type of party and how many guests will arrive. If you are struggling with some of steps, ask for help from others, who are available, that can assist you in it. Applying these steps will make the party go through smoothly and be fun. Remember that this is a party and you will be able to enjoy yourself which will be worthwhile.

Matheri 4

Works Cited

wikiHow. “How to Plan a Birthday Party.” WikiHow, WikiHow, 3 Aug. 2018,

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