Essay Benefits and drawbacks of both surveys and case studies PDF

Title Essay Benefits and drawbacks of both surveys and case studies
Author Yenna Hnh
Course Intro To Sociology
Institution Montgomery College
Pages 2
File Size 71.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Benefits and drawbacks  of both surveys and case  studies. Survey is gathering information about a topic from people who relevant to that topic through a series of questions. On the other hand, case study is a process of profound investigation a specific event, situation or individual based on their unique cỉcumstances. Both are research methods and have their own benefits and drawbacks. The first advantage of case study is that it’s more in depth. This study helps researcher to understand about how the situation happens from combination factors like interviewing, observation, their record. Survey is more generalized than in-depth method. Survey methodology focus on studying a sample of population instead of an individual, event or situation. The second advantage of case study is that it’s more accurate than other methods because you will be less likely to deal with other random factors that could influence the outcome. The other benefit of survey is that it brings a great amount of data to researcher. It’s also inexpensive and quick. Case study has some drawbacks such as time consuming and expensive. To study a specific individual with all aspects to find out the result, we need to put more budget and effort. Survey has some limitations like you are more likely to make mistake at drawing a good sampling and using wording effect.

1. Key ethical issues in the practice of sociological research:


Sociology is just like other sciences. When a sociologist does a research method, he or she has to obey the ethic code. The ASA is an organization of sociologists that keeping sociological studies to be ethical and effective. One of their ethical rule is that when a sociologist does a research science method that is relevant to a person, they have to get the volunteer’s informed consent and inform subjects before doing the experiment. Other than that, the researcher has to be able to stop the experiment if it contains a sign of causing dangerous outcome to the participant. The second rule is that the researcher has the responsibility to maintain participant’s personal information to be a secret. They also have to publicly post the result of the experiments and notify clearly where the budget spent on. They are not allowed to receive the financial support from any organization that could insert the conflix on their interest or opinion about the outcome of the experiments as well. The third code is that a sociologist has to perform “value neutrality” which mean he or she has to avoid of being affected by his or her judgment on the studies. Personal bias could ruin the real conclusion because the leader who doing the experiments would intentionally or desirably choose to view the outcome to be at some specific perspective that he or she wants.


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