Essay computerization PDF

Title Essay computerization
Course Language Proficiency Workshop
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Pages 3
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Course day/time: Monday/12-14 BrE !!

Explore whether the digitalization will be beneficial or detrimental in America. The technological progress is the only progress in mankind which is irretrievable. All the other progresses in terms of politics, philosophy etc. can fall back into old patterns, but the technological progress continuously goes on. While in 1997 Bill Gates claimed that “the Internet is just a hype”, today, 20 years afterwards later, even a Smartphone is far more powerful and offers more functions than a computer of from the past. The digitalization or computerization, which means the integration of digital technologies into everyday life, is changing our lives in such an intense speed that people sometimes do not even realize this tremendous development. * Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of this process When talking about the integration of digital systems into daily life, it is important to consider the development, or more precisely the change of industrial markets. Today, most of the factorial products are still processed by humans, basically a the working class, but in fact, the working class will become obsolete when several digital and technological inventions will create mechanical ways to do the same job, perhaps even better than humans could do. Computerized machines or robots will be more efficient and affordable for companies due to the fact that they work more effectively. According to (Frey) and (Osborne) you don't need brackets, this development will occur in the next 20 years. However, the constellation of working conditions may will change through the technological process in such a way that millions of people in America will lose their jobs. Not only the industrial market, also the banking and service sector will be affected by the computerization. Tax consultants, bankers, account managers, officers etc. All these jobs are susceptible because of the qualities needed for this these kind of jobs. Economical

and organizational qualities, also an overview on the global market are required to be successful in it. Nevertheless, computers do work due to complex algorithms and consist of mathematical calculations, allowing them to explore information through big data. That is why this sector will probably “computerisable” (Frey; Osborne, 16). Therefore, the effects are not restricted, like it is generally assumed, to less educated people, but concern everybody equally instead. Apart from that, so called “Bioprinting” could change abilities in medicine and agriculture. Bioprinting is “a process based on additive manufacturing from materials containing living cells” (). This method, also referred as 3D-printing could reproduce human organs by combining cells, gels and fibers or at least replace a diseased tissue. According to the National Foundation for Transplants, 22 people die every day waiting for a transplant (NFA) which could be solved with a more elaborated system of 3Dprinting. This progress could likewise change our eating behavior when, for instance meet is going to be produced with this process. “Cultured meet production” as it is called is being developed as a potentially healthier and more efficient alternative to conventional meat (Tuomisto; Matteo). Both 3D-printing for medical and agricultural issues seem to be a revolutionary innovation which could, even though the development will take a lot of years, safe save many lives, bring an end to mass husbandry and even be more environmentally friendly. Apart from that, socially the digitalization will create changes in our all day lifestyle. Cars will perhaps no longer be controlled by a driver due to automation. In this case, people will not own their own cars no more. Cars will become like taxis, transporting a person to a specific place….

In Conclusion, the digitalization will affect our whole system, in all areas of fundamental importance, not only in America, but rather globally. Most of the points mentioned seem to be part of a Science-Fiction movie, they seem like fantasy. There is no guaranty guarantee that all these prognoses mentioned will occur definitely in perhaps (?) the next 20 years, but they will definitely occur in the near future. Experts are predicting in all likelihood that the progress will take place so the society need to be prepared for this

development. In this case, it will be necessary to rethink and create new models, new ways in politics, economy and education to be ready for this change. The digitalization could either cause one of the most beneficial developments of the 21 century, solving a lot of essential problems if the society and the politics is aware of it or will have catastrophic consequences like mass unemployment.

* please don't start a new line within the paragraph

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