EST 106 - Semester Project Template - (Your Name Here) PDF

Title EST 106 - Semester Project Template - (Your Name Here)
Course Design
Institution Stony Brook University
Pages 1
File Size 60.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 84
Total Views 152


Project Format...


Semester Project Template - 25% Cover Page Note: You must verify that the link you provide is clickable (blue) and works for the general public to view. Invalid links or non-public links will receive zero credit. ( No exceptions. No late submissions! This is 25% of your overall grade. Make sure you take the time to complete and check these links. A great way to make sure is to open an incognito/private window in your specific browser. This will allow you to view your link as someone would from the general public. Use the drop down menu in your browser to find the option - New Private Window (Safari and Firefox), New Incognito Window(Chrome), In Private Browsing (Internet Explorer/Edge). 10pts)

Student Name: Stony Brook ID# Digital Portfolio Link: (Google Sites, Weebly, etc) (1 pt)

Linkedin Profile Link: (1 pt) Direct Resume or CV Link: (1pts)

Related Social Media Account* (2 pts) Screencast Link§ (10pt) Additional Relevant Resources:

*This can be twitter, instagram, wordpress, blogs, etc. Any type of social media sites that you have that enhances and supports your brand. §Your screencast is a video and audio walkthrough of your digital portfolio website, resume, linkedin and overall brand. It should be posted on YouTube or it your Google Drive. On the next few pages (3-5 pages): Address the following: (9 points) ●

a statement of your career goals/intentions beyond college

an explanation of how you have cleaned up your digital footprint/established your personal brand

explanation of what social media tools best support your personal brand in your perspective field

a statement of your long-term plans to promote your brand and web presence

Include relevant links above

Once you’d completely filled this document out and checked all links to make sure they are clickable and public submit this document to SafeAssign in Blackboard....

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