Ethical Decision-Making Assignment PDF

Title Ethical Decision-Making Assignment
Author cat kaur
Course Christian World View
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 10
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This Assignment comes with 7 cases to choose from....


Ethical Decision-Making Name: Course: CWV 101 Date: Instructor: For questions 2-6, chose from the "7 Cases" document in the topic Resources. Use critical thinking as well as support from the topic Resources to answer the following prompts. 1. Why do Christians believe that morality is absolute and objective, rather than relative and subjective? If morality is objective, where do Christians get their moral standard? Cite Chapter 7 of The Beginning of Wisdom textbook and/or topic overview. Include the resources you use on a reference page at the end of this document. Your answer in 75-100 words:

“Christians see God as a guide to avoid the pain of wrong choices and enjoy the good of right choices” (Holland & Jibben, 2020). “Christians see God as © 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

a guide to avoid the pain of wrong choices and enjoy the good of right choices” (Holland & Jibben, 2020). “Christians see God as a guide to avoid the pain of wrong choices and enjoy the good of right choices” (Holland & Jibben, 2020). “Christians see God as a guide to avoid

the pain of wrong choices and enjoy the good of right choices” (Holland & Jibben, 2020). “Christians see God as a guide to avoid the pain of wrong choices and enjoy the good of right choices” (Holland & Jibben, 2020). “Christians see God as a guide to avoid the pain of wrong

choices and enjoy the good of right choices” (Holland & Jibben, 2020) objective because the nature of God and Jesus Christ never change (Holland & Jibben, 2020). They believe that we suffer because of choices that we make are honorably wrong and need to be forgiven. Christian

standards are set by God and what is written in the Bible. It is God’s word that helps them decipher right from wrong. In their minds and hearts God is their path to avoid making wrong choices and reap the benefits of making good choices. (Holland & Jibben, 2020 Christians believe that morality is absolute and objective. Regardless of someone’s personal beliefs, it is the bible that teaches the world what is morally right or wrong. The bible teaches the truth and helps guide humanity to do what is morally correct, “Because

God created humans in his image, they have rational faculties that allow them to examine the world” (Holland & Jibben, 2020). It is God the one that can judge a person’s morality, not other humans, “Proponents of moral relativism assert that because moral values are relative in this way, it is wrong for one person to interfere in the moral lives and decisions of other people.” (Holland & Jibben, 2020).

2. Use the case you chose from the "Decision-Making Cases" document to answer the following questions to build the Christian ethical response. Use logical reasoning (general revelation). Cite Bible passages (special revelation), The Beginning of Wisdom textbook, and/or the topic overview. Include the resources you use on a reference page at the end of this document. a. Which case did you choose? Abortion b. In Chapter 2 of The Beginning of Wisdom textbook and the Topic 1 Overview, the elements of a worldview (ultimate reality, nature of the universe, humanity, knowledge, ethics, purpose) are presented. In the case you chose, which worldview element is going to be the biggest factor for determining right and wrong in the case you chose? Why? Your answer in 75-100 words:

Ephesians 1:11-12 says, “In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him

who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory” (NIV, 2011) In this case we see Ruth desiring the gift of motherhood. Having faith, she prayed for this privilege, for this miracle. A baby, new life created with great purpose and love. We see that God established a human purpose, making humanity in His image because He loved us. God is the only one that gives life and takes it away. It is He who gives breath of life and takes it, “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7 NRSV- Bible Gateway, n.d.). c. How does the Christian worldview describe the worldview element you identified? Your answer in 75-100 words: Christian Worldview knows that God is the absolute creator of it all. Humanity was made in His image because He designed us in this unique way. We learn in Genesis that we are His creation, it is not up to Ruth nor any doctor to play the role of the

creator, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NRSV- Bible Gateway, n.d.). Ruth will understand that God has a plan and a reason for it all. It is God who sent this baby to her for a reason, Ruth will realize that and keep her miracle baby. d. What are Bible passages (cite two or three) that will guide the ethics for the case you choose? How do these Bible passages apply to this case? Your answer in 75-100 words: 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless are many verses in the bible that lets us know that God is the creator of humanity and that it is only by Him that all things came to be. We see this in Ephesians 1:4-6 it says, “For he chose us in him before the creation” (NRSV- Bible Gateway, n.d.). Exodus 20:13 talks about not committing murder, an abortion is just that, deciding to end a pregnancy would be considered the same thing. e. Based on your answers to b and c, explain the Christian response to the case you chose. In other words, how might the Christian worldview resolve the issue? Your answer in 75-100 words: In the Holy Scriptcures we can see that having an abortion would go against God. Humans do not have the power to give or take a life. It is God who has the absolute power and authority to do so.

3. Your previous responses built a Christian ethical stance and provided a Christian resolution for the case. How might this Christian resolution to the issue increase human dignity and human value? Your answer in 50-75 words:

The dignity and value of every human life is essential in every

Christian society, since other rights do not exist without them. Children are given unto us as gifts from God, and we are called to care and protect them in every condition. Just like everyone, children with down syndrome are also made in the image of God Seeing this from a Christian worldview it gives dignity and value to every life ever created. The worldview that a Christian society would take is that no matter what, no matter circumstance, nor race, nor anything a life is a life. Only God has the power to give and take. This increases human dignity and value because it is God’s creation. God doesn’t see the down syndrome; God sees the beauty that He gives.

4. The Christian position that humans should flourish comes from belief in the goodness of God. How so? What are the connections between God's goodness and human flourishing? Your answer in 50-75 words: The connections are simple and powerful, we are designed with a fallen nature, but that doesn’t stop God’s plan for humanity. Humans are supposed to flourish the way God intended us to do so even after the fall of humanity. 5. Considering the Christian resolution you built for the case and everyone involved in the 6. scenario, what might be some benefits or unintended consequences that come from this resolution? What might be challenging for people to accept or do? Your answer in 75-100 words: Everything has a struggles and difficulties in life with every role we come in to. Parenting is difficult and Ruth would have to adjust to many things. Not only motherhood, but motherhood with a child with down syndrome. As parents they would have a heavier responsibility because it would require special adjustments. Getting the right education and knowledge to best fit the need would be the challenging parts of this. 7. What are some ways that Christians should be active in helping to alleviate the suffering related to this issue? Give specific examples that ordinary people can do. Your answer in 75-100 words: Christians tend to belong to a community or a church where congregation can help Ruth in many ways. We often struggle in life with many different areas and we often forget to ask for help. Anyone can be help to Ruth in this situation, prayers, being there to ask for advice, being there for Ruth as she might need someone to talk to. Feeling like Ruth has a team as backup would help her feel like she is alone.

References: Holland, R., and Jibben, J. (2014). Chapter 7: The Wisdom of Absolutes. In 993232104 767356288 A. DiVincenzo (Author), The Beginning of Wisdom: An Introduction to Christian Thought of Life. Phoenix, Arizona: Grand Canyon University. Biblegateway. (n.d.). a Searchable Online Bible in over 150 Versions and 50 languages.; BibleGateway.

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