Ethics and morality PDF

Title Ethics and morality
Author sergio peterz
Course Actuarial science
Institution Technical University of Kenya
Pages 6
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focuses on mandatory course of ethics and molarity ...


ETHICS Definitions  System of moral principles  Rules of conducts  Science of morals  Moral soundness  It is a code or set of principles by which members live, regulated, guided in their dealing with one another and those around them.  Ethics are positive values and attitude in society  Ethics refer what to what is morally acceptable (e.g. dress decently, eating and talking well).  It is asset of principles by which men live e.g. we talk of medical ethics meaning the code which regulates and guides the behavior of doctors in their dealing with each other and their patients. Christian ethics- We refer to the principles which prescribe the behavior of those who are Christians such as the rules for conduct which are found in the commandments.  Ethics is the nature of supreme good for persons in the society.  According to ‘Kerbg’ Ethic is the science of moral duty designed to determine the ideal human character and the ideal end of human actions.  Ethics involves standard of right and wrong.  It is about good and evil (refers to a situation that desired or preferred.  It is about perception of “ought to” and “ought not’.  Ethics is also about Egoism and Altruism. Egoism is about self or for your own benefit. Altruism- this is concern with others. What is a profession: A profession is an occupation of a special kind characterized by expertise resulting from advanced education and especial training, self determination and public recognition. As a professional, one is supposed to posses’ wide knowledge, skills and moral character that differentiate one from the general public; so professional ethics are set of rules of conduct expected from professional. Important of Professional Ethics  It acts as a guide (that show the direction one needs to take)  Bring control and order  It brings people consistently (steady & well defined pattern of doing thing)  It brings people together (professional integrity).  Standard of competency is set.  Welfare of professional is protected (with it man has no value for human life and would not serve human welfare in the long).  Standard of behavior is set and well maintained.  Discipline is enhanced.  There is high competition.  Responsibility is enhanced.  Harmony is built.  Help in balancing other values that are in conflict Importance of Ethics


Social cohesion ; It is the idea of coming together in a family, neighbor, country or Nation. People are united by common objectives and goats. Each person strives to help the other to be responsible. Each individual contribute positively in the overall welfare of those around them.


Promote justice; justice is the habit of giving others what is their due so that they can fulfill their duties and exercise their rights as person i.e.  Rights to life  Rights to cultural and moral goods  Rights to material welfare  Right to material possessions etc  Everyone should do justice to the other e.g. - Parents to their children - Hospitals to patients - Offices to their colleague - Workmates and classmates etc.


Loyalty; this is total complete commitment. It is the acceptance of commitment and ones relationship with people, institution, country, family e.t.c. It demands that every person be prepared to defend and stand for the system of values in which she or he believes in.


Truthfulness; This is a virtue of good habit of telling the truth whatever the cost; A truthful person does what he or she thinks is right regardless of the consequences that may befall him or her. A truthful person is not a afraid of calling an ice as vice and virtue a virtue.


Responsibility; It is a good habit of accepting the consequences of one’s action whether such deeds are intentional or not and regardless on how those who are around you will react or say. Such attitude is fostered so that others may benefit as much as possible from our action and also to a void suffering e.g.  Helping the aged, orphans, sick, contributing money for worthy causes such person who needs to undergo surgery and other operation etc.


Integration of society (without ethics society will collapse) Sense of security and stability. Hope is built (people develop Aims and goals. Creation of visions and missions on various tasks. Exploitation and corruptions ceases where there is ethics.

Vices Assignment; identify them in a society and explain their consequences. There will be a lot of insecurity if there is no ethics. Aimlessness, hopelessness, exploitation, unnecessary killings etc. How are values acquired, sustained and developed? 1. Family

2. Peer group - Recognition - To fit - Acceptance - To belong 3. Society- Mass media film, literature technological advancement, mobile internet etc. In society, we have - Check and balance - Rule of law - Punishment reward - Judiciary - Church - Elders - Traditional benefits and beliefs N: B sustains the good values/traits and discards the irrelevant ones and live well with others in the society. Q. What is the significance of values to: (1) individual (11) society Society – It becomes an admirable place to live in because it knows what is best for its people. It’s cohesive and values acquired are beneficial to all. Society is therefore able to develop economically politically, socially, spiritual and culturally. Individual- Knows he virtues and vices and will emphasize on the virtues only because he knows the benefit it will bring to him and society. Ethics-refers to custom that are expected to be upheld by a man in a given set up. Ethic systems – relates to what men should do in order to uphold some dignity in society. An ethical action can be good or bad. Ethics covers the following;  Professional ethics  Religious ethics  Philosophical ethics Religious ethics – ethics that signifies a general way of life (pattern of life) e.g. It is an ethical for a catholic priest to marry, drink, fight, cheat etc. Philosophical ethics- An acquired way of life and rules of conduct by law what does the law says? Can’t have 2 jobs.


Rules of conduct or the moral code expected from a professional.

IMPORTANCE OF P. ETHICS 1) Help the professional to achieve their goals and values while avoiding anything that may endanger those values 2) Help in balancing other values that are in conflict. 3) Ensure that work is directed towards worthwhile goals and that the welfare of professional is protected (without it, man as no value for human life and would not serve human welfare in the long). 4) Professional integrity 5) Competition 6) Define what should be done and what shouldn’t (guide)

PRINCIPLE OF ETHICS 1) Objectivity: These are the goals an organization possess. These must be known by all workers 2) Integrity: Competence should be known workers should do jobs they are qualified for. 3) Respect of life and integrity – One’s performance shouldn’t go beyond his/her score. This covers ones welfare, comfort, security. Working environment should be human enough (sensitive). 4) Protection of workers from harm and dangers This justifies insurance covers, right equipment for the workers or employees, medical, sick leaves 5) Preservation of confidentiality pertaining to the workers and the work Keeps secret of the work and individuals within the working place 6) Honesty and accountability-organization shouldn’t dissociate itself from the workers. Workers should work honestly, responsibly and accountable. Shouldn’t engage in ideals that may embarrass the organization e.g. 7) Upholding professional role

One should misuse his specialized knowledge skills, authority or role for personal gainopotism unfair methods of operations that may seem crude enough to discredit ones professional should be avoided. 8) Truthfulness in money handling or other sensitive issues- people should uphold their integrity because it gives credit to ones record and company too. 9) Avoid distortion of information pertaining to work (workmates and organization). 10) Relevant authorities should be consulted to incase of clarification, amendment etc. 11) Standing committee members should interpret and enforce the codes of ethics all members should understand the rationale behind them, it and their implication. 12) Freedom to the professional and its practice should be safe-guarded and the workers granted the privilege to enjoy his freedom. However his freedom shouldn’t endanger that of others in such a way that it ‘holds them at ransom’. 13) There should be provision as well as requirement for workers to be commitment to work. These guarantee ones satisfaction at work- is very vital meaning that a satisfied worker will contribute greatly in the organization. THREE BRANCHES OF ETHICS 1. Ethics in work-place Here, look at several practices that often involve Question of ethics e.g. blaming and taking advantage of an innocent worker, leaking confidential information, falsifying report. Managers should set the ethical tone for company. Employees must develop conscience and apply personal values and moral to events e.g. should judge rightly on issues. 2. Education profession  

Here the educator believes in the work and dignity of each human being, recognizes the importance of truth, devotion to duty, and the nature of democratic principles.  Also protection of freedom to learn and teach and guarantee equal educational opportunity to all.  Educator also accepts the responsibility to adhere to the highest ethical standards . The code of ethics of the education profession indicates the aspiration of all the educators and provides standard by which to judge conduct. What are the principles of education profession?  Commitment to the students  Commitment to the profession

Class assignment: Q1: Examine the concept of professional ethics and explain its importance in an organization (10mks)

Q2: Describe five environmental issues and suggest possible measures to conserve them. (10mks)...

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