Ethics Awareness Inventory Paper psych 660 PDF

Title Ethics Awareness Inventory Paper psych 660
Author carie dearing
Course Ethics And Professional Issues
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 6
File Size 91 KB
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Ethics Awareness Inventory Paper Carie Dearing PSYCH/660 November 12, 2018 Dr. Barb French




Ethics Awareness Inventory Paper There is a code of ethics that are put into place for people who work in the psychology field to follow. This does not only include psychologists but all professionals who work within this field. What this code of ethics does is help in the decision making field and also how they assist others and do their job. The following paper will discuss personal ethical perspective and the importance of it, the relationship between both personally and professional ethics in psychology, how more ethical professional behavior is dictated by the APA decision making process. It will also include EAI results and how my results relate to the concept of and enforceable standards. Personal Ethical Perspective There is an ethical standard that we all follow at one time or another. Depending on the person and how they are such as their character, personality and, morals can depend on how their ethical perspective is. In everyday living we will at some point follow ethics whether it be in our professional life or our personal life. When you think about ethics and the perspective of them it comes down to decision making that one will make. There are a set of morals and values that one must follow when making a decision and this will especially go into play when you are making a decision regarding another person. When one has a personal ethical perspective they would follow the morals of what is right from what is wrong. This is not to say that all people have the same morals and one may think something is wrong when another does not. When it has to do with personal ethical perspective it can be influenced by many things in one’s life. This can include the culture that they are brought up in, what religion they follow, among other things. In order for one to know what their personal ethical perspective is they can always take an ethical awareness inventory which will give them a good perspective to follow. Not everyone



has perfect ethics and this is okay as they can be improved if the person is willing to improve them (Fisher, 2013). A personal ethical perspective can be different for each individual but it all boils down to what is morally right and what is morally wrong. While not everyone is perfect there is an opportunity for some to change if it is needed. While a person’s environment and culture may play a large role in it to begin with there is a set of ethics that one must follow in order to make a decision when it has to do with another person. Personal ethics also can affect the individual as it is a standard that is set in order for the person to make decisions that will affect only their life as well. Personal and Professional Ethics in Psychology As there are two different set of ethics that one must follow as one being their personal ethics that is where they follow in their everyday personal life and then there is the professional set of ethics that one must follow in their professional life. There are times when the two can interact with each other. And then there are times when the two may conflict with one another. With there being the two different set of ethics the ones that you use in your personal life would have to do with decisions that you may make about yourself or your family. These would probably follow the guidelines of what you feel is morally right and wrong and could be based by the way that you may have been raised. You then have the professional ethics in psychology that you must follow in order to do your job. This would stem from what is required in the profession for which you may work. At this point the profession of psychology the ethics and decision making that one may make would be effecting others such as coworkers or clients. When it has to do with clients there is a standard for which one must follow which can include the ethics of confidentiality among other things.



APA Decision Making Process The way that the APA decision making process helps in facilitating more ethical professional behavior is that it sets a guideline or a set of standards that one must go by when they are working in the psychology profession. Before any decisions are made by a professional they must first consider the code of ethics and work their way from that to making their decision. While they may use this as a foundation in order to help in building their decision making they must also take into consideration on what the morals of the dilemma may be and work from there. This is very important when it is in the profession and field of psychology. When one in this field uses the APA decision making process it can be used fully or it can even be used partially. One does not have to follow it completely they can actually use bits and pieces from it breaking it down. But it should always be used as the foundation of the decision making process (American Psychological Association, 2015). EAI Results Most Closely Aligned = Character Least Closely Aligned = Equity After taking the Ethics Awareness Inventory it gave the results that I was closely aligned with character and least aligned with equity. When looking at the chart of results the most and least have the same exact number beside them which was a 24. According to this my ethical perspective is based on what is good to be rather then what is good to do. From the results it states that one should make decisions based on good solid ethical foundations. The results were not so much as to what was expected and were sort of surprising.



Concept of and Enforceable Standards This part of the Ethics Awareness Inventory and how my results relate to the concept of and enforceable standards are that it states that a large part of ethical decision making will involve integrity, values, honesty and wisdom. It stated with the results that more then what the organization has as compliance may not be enough for what is expected. The words that are used can show of the profound impact the ethics and decision making will have in my profession. The goal to all would be to have all morals and ethics to be put into place prior to starting a profession within the psychology field. The results from the Ethics Awareness Inventory relate to the concept of and enforceable standards as it shows that there is character and integrity to do the right thing when it comes to others. Conclusion All in all one should put ethical standards and decision making into all of their lives whether it be personal or professional. While there is a set code of ethics that one must go by in their professional life in the psychology field it is best if they follow them for their clients and other professionals that they may work with. The Ethics Awareness Inventory was interesting to say the least in the results and gave a good understanding on where one would stand when it has to do with ethics.


References American Psychological Association. (2015). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct 2010 Amendments. Retrieved from American Psychological Association: Fisher, C. B. (2013). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


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