ETHICS -Is a moral principle of doing what DOCX

Title ETHICS -Is a moral principle of doing what
Author Princess Sevilla
Pages 5
File Size 28.6 KB
File Type DOCX
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ETHICS – Is a moral principle of doing what is right 6. Choose. Make a decision. Summon the will and avoiding what is wrong. to do the right thing even if it is hard and – Ethical norms and the questions of good seemingly counter-intuitive. and evil arise when people need to act 7. Monitor and Modif...


ETHICS – Is a moral principle of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong. – Ethical norms and the questons of good and evil arise when people need to act as free persons. – It has something to do with realizing the fullest potental as free persons actng in the world and doing right for others. – It is a mater of living well thru the habitual practce of virtue which essentally translates into having a virtuous or excellent character. MORAL ACT – It is an act that will beneft the humanity. – Most of the tmee we act based on how we feel. We have the capacity to refexively examine a situaton before proceeding to act with respect to how we feel. – Feelings with reason are blind. SEVEN-STEP MORAL REASONING 1. Stop and Think. Take a moment to think about the situaton itself. This involves step- back form the situaton to make sure that you do not act out of impulse. 2. Clarify goals. Clarify your short-term and long-term goals. You must determine if you are willing sacrifce your more important life goals to achieve your short-term goals. And you have to think about the long-term consequence of revenge on your character in the long run. 3. Determine facts. Make sure that you gather enough informaton before you make a choice. 4. Develop optons. Try to come up with alternatve optons to exhaust all possible courses of acton. 5. Consider consequences. Filter your choices and separate the ethical from unethical choices. 6. Choose. Make a decision. Summon the will to do the right thing even if it is hard and seemingly counter-intuitve. 7. Monitor and Modify. Monitor what happens afer your decision and have enough humility to modify your acton or behavior as necessary. MORAL COURAGE – is the result of a morally developed will. – A virtue that enables one to be ethical not just in thought bute more importantlye in deed. PERSONHOOD – it is a human being himself/herself who gives meaning and receives signifcance from the acts that he/she executes. HUMAN ACTS – are actons that fow from the personhood of the human being. GAWA (actonn – refers to the acton that is oriented toward a partcular end. GAWI (inclinatonn – refers to a free kind of work. Also kinds of acts that people are used to accomplish. KAGAWIAN or habituaton – it reveals the truth about himself/herself. ETHOS – a Greek word for Ethicse it means custome characteristce or habitual way of doing thingse or acton that is properly derived from one's character. MOS or MORIS – the adjectve of Moral is equivalent to ethos. Self-realizaton and Self-fourishing there is an implied necessity to understand what he/she is actually aiming for his/her life. Self-actualizaton is not atained through theory but by practcee character is a product of practce. ARISTOTLE – Is a Greek philosopher who wrote Nicomachean Ethics. Aristotle and Plato believe that the ultmate purpose cannot be...

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