EUP Tutorial Letter 101 b PDF

Title EUP Tutorial Letter 101 b
Course Communication sciences
Institution University of South Africa
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Tutorial letter 101/1/2021 Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions

EUP1501 Semester 1 School of Computing

This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. Please register on myUnisa, activate your myLife email addresses and make sure that you have regular access to the myUnisa module website EUP1501-2021-S1, as well as your group website.

Note: This is an online module and therefore it is available on myUnisa. You do not have to wait for this Tutorial letter before you start working on the module. Please note that although EUP1501 is the Signature Module for the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, it is also taken by students from other colleges.



INTRODUCTION ____________________________________________________________________________4


HOW TO STUDY ONLINE _____________________________________________________________________4


STUDY MATERIAL THAT WILL POSTED TO YOU ___________________________________________________4


RESOURCES ________________________________________________________________________________4 4.1

Recommended books ____________________________________________________________________4


Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves) ___________________________________________________________4


Library services and resources _____________________________________________________________5


STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES - GENERAL ________________________________________________________5


CONTACT DETAILS __________________________________________________________________________5 6.1

The EUP1501 Module Team _______________________________________________________________5


Teaching Assistant ______________________________________________________________________5


School of Computing ____________________________________________________________________6


University _____________________________________________________________________________6


OVERVIEW OF EUP1501 ______________________________________________________________________6 7.1

Purpose of the module ___________________________________________________________________6


Outcomes for the module ________________________________________________________________ 7


Signature Module _______________________________________________________________________7


Teaching Assistants _____________________________________________________________________8


Prescribed books _______________________________________________________________________8


What you need to do to successfully complete this module _____________________________________9


myUnisa and EUP1501 _______________________________________________________________________ 9 8.1

Joining myUnisa ________________________________________________________________________9


Lessons on myUnisa _____________________________________________________________________9


myUnisa Tools_________________________________________________________________________10


myUnisa – EUP1501 Master site __________________________________________________________10


myUnisa – Teaching Assistant group site ___________________________________________________11


myITLab (Pearson’s Higher Education) and EUP1501 ____________________________________________11 9.1

System requirements for myitlab for office 2116 _____________________________________________11


myITLab eTextbook ____________________________________________________________________11


Bookshelf ____________________________________________________________________________11


Joining myITLab _______________________________________________________________________11



10.1 The purpose of Assessments in EUP1501 ___________________________________________________12 2

EUP1501/101/1/2021 10.2 Specific assessment contexts _____________________________________________________________12 10.3 General assignment numbers ____________________________________________________________ 12 10.4 Unique assignment numbers _____________________________________________________________13 10.5

Due dates for assignments ______________________________________________________________13


Assessment plan ______________________________________________________________________13

10.7 Calculation of your Year Mark (YM), Exam Mark EM) and Final Mark (FM) ________________________13 10.8 Submission of assignments ______________________________________________________________13 10.9 Formative assessments (Assignments) _____________________________________________________14 10.10

Summative Assessment (Portfolio / Final Exam Paper/ Non venue based exam) _________________14


OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ____________________________________________________________15


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS____________________________________________________________15


CONCLUSION ___________________________________________________________________________16



TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS ____________________________________________________17


EUP1501/101/1/2021 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Student Welcome to EUP1501 – Ethical Information and Communications Technologies for Development Solutions. Because this is a fully online module, you will need to use myUnisa to study and complete the learning activities for this module. Visit the website for EUP1501 on myUnisa frequently. The website for your module is EUP1501-21-S1. Owing to the nature of this module, you can read about the module and find your study material online. Go to the website at and log in using your student number and password. You will see [EUP1501-21-S1] in the row of modules displayed in the orange blocks at the top of the webpage. Select the More tab if you cannot find the module you require in the blocks displayed. Then click on the module you want to open. 2. HOW TO STUDY ONLINE Studying fully online modules differs completely from studying some of your other modules at Unisa. All your study material and learning activities for online modules are designed to be delivered online on myUnisa. • •

All your assignments must be submitted online . This means that you do all your activities and submit all your assignments on myUnisa. In other words, you may NOT post your assignments to Unisa using the South African Post Office. All communication between you and the University happens online. The EUP academic team and your teaching assistants will communicate to you by email and sms, as well as using the Announcements, the Discussion Forums and the Questions and Answers tools.

3. STUDY MATERIAL THAT WILL POSTED TO YOU The Department of Despatch at UNISA should supply you with the following physical study materials: •

For this module, you will only receive (this) Tutorial letter 101 in printed format. This Tutorial letter 101 is also available on myUNISA.

Please note that you should NOT be dependent upon this ‘physical study material’ (Tutorial Letter 101). Since all study materials should be available online, on your module websites on myUNISA or the master site EUP1501-21-S1 (click on Official Study Material). Do not wait for this ‘physical study material’ to arrive before you start working on the module. 4. RESOURCES 4.1

Recommended books There are no recommended books for this module.


Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves) There are no e-Reserves for this module. 4

EUP1501/101/1/2021 4.3

Library services and resources The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources: for detailed Library information go to


Microsoft Office 2116/365, go to myUnisa and then News and Events and then Announcements. Search ‘Microsoft Office 2116/365, for information on how to install, etc.

5. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES - GENERAL The Study @ Unisa brochure is available on myUnisa: This brochure has all the tips and information you need to succeed at distance learning and, specifically, at Unisa. 6. CONTACT DETAILS 6.1

The EUP1501 Module Team

The primary lecturer for this module is Mr. Kokisa Phorah. He may have an academic team of secondary lecturers. For this module, all communication to the EUP1501 Module Team should be directed to either of the following e-mail addresses: [email protected]

This is EUP1501 general enquiry email address

[email protected]

This is for myITLab queries only. Important: If it is a technical problem then please email Pearson’s Technical support desk [email protected]

We prefer emails as a way to communicate with the EUP1501 support team, but if you cannot, then you may telephone the following numbers between 08:00 and 16:00 weekdays only. Telephone: (011) 670 9140 or (011) 670 9142. Please take note that we do not allow walk-in students. Walk-in students are students that visit us at our offices at Unisa’s Science Campus (Florida Roodepoort) and expect service. If you would like to see anyone of us then please make an appointment via email to one of the email addresses above. Your appointment has to be confirmed before you visit us at our offices. 6.2

Teaching Assistant

Your primary point of contact in this module will be through your Teaching Assistants (TA). When you are assigned to your myUnisa group, you will be provided with your Teaching Assistant’s name and informed that you can contact her/him via the myUnisa group website. You will be notified either by a sms or an email to your myLife email account. Please make sure you activate your myLife email account and check it regularly. 5

EUP1501/101/1/2021 Teaching Assistants are experienced end-user computing professionals – they will usually respond to your question/s in about two working days. You can ask your TA all kinds of questions – but only about EUP1501 academic challenges! Please take note that teaching assistants are not allowed to give you their personal email addresses and / or telephone numbers. You may only communicate with them via the myUnisa Discussions forums or the Questions and Answers tool on myUnisa. 6.3

School of Computing

The tutorial letter named ‘COSALL’ will be made available to you via Additional Resources – myUnisa – EUP Master Site. This tutorial letter contains contact detail of the School and Lecturers. For general School of Computing enquiries, you may call (011) 670 9210. 6.4


6.4.1 Centralised toll-free number – 0800 00 1870 6.4.2 Website: 6.4.3 E-mail: [email protected] The following departments must be contacted for different enquiries: Directorate/ Business Unit Student Admissions and Registrations Student Assessment Administration Despatch Finance ICT

Description of enquiry Applications and registrations Assignments

Short SMS E-mail address code 43578 [email protected] 43584

Study material Student accounts myUNISA myLife e-mail account

43579 31954 43582

For assignments: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Whether you are contacting your Teaching Assistant, the EUP Module Team, the School of Computing or the University, please make sure to include your student number and the number of your assigned group e.g. (EUP1501-21-xxxT) in your e-mail subject - it is almost impossible or it may cause delay to assist you if these are not available. 7. OVERVIEW OF EUP1501 7.1

Purpose of the module

The module EUP1501: Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions looks at the study of how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be used ethically to find solutions in development areas. We believe that the knowledge, skills and values presented in this module will benefit you as a student at UNISA, in your career and in your personal life – it will enable you to participate as a computer literate member of your community. As a student you will be able to present critical arguments around ICTs for development, while appreciating ethical dimensions within an information society in relation to Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights, privacy, control, conduct and expectations. In addition, students should be able to demonstrate capabilities related to engaging with textual and numerical data to present information in various formats, as well as their ability to maintain efficient, organised and 6

EUP1501/101/1/2021 secure electronic working environments by managing digital files, systems and application software. The following table provides you with a quick overview of the module, the different Lessons, what content will be discussed in each, and how the two e-textbooks will position the tasks into different contexts - the one as a influencing member in our society where you will use Information Communication Technologies in a variety of ethical ways in a developmental manner to solve solutions, and the other, in a work-based scenario where you are required to show computer competencies in a variety of situations (like using a word processor, a presentation or a spreadsheet). Lesson 1 2 3 4


Applications (myITLab) Creating Documents with Microsoft Office Word 2116 Getting Started with Microsoft Edge Getting Started with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2116 Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data with Microsoft Office Excel 2116 VitalSource e-textbook

Content and/or context (myUnisa) Understanding Development Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Development ICT4D Applications in Core Sectors of Development Ethics, Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights Lessons on myUnisa – Four chapters of an e-text licensed under Creative Commons.

Some general assistance is available if you choose to work at a UNISA Regional Learning Centre where computing facilities are available. Please keep in mind that, if you want to successfully complete this module, you need to work consistently through the module, using a computer to learn or any internet-enabled device, exercise and improve your knowledge, skills and values! 7.2

Outcomes for the module

Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to show evidence of mastering the following outcomes: • Specific outcome 1: Present critical arguments around ICTs for development. • Specific outcome 2: Appreciate ethical dimensions within an information society in relation to privacy, rights, property, control, conduct and expectations. • Specific outcome 3: Demonstrate capabilities related to engaging with textual and numerical data to present information in various formats. • Specific outcome 4: Maintain efficient, organised and secure electronic working 7.3

Signature Module

What is a Signature Module? Signature Modules especially developed at UNISA, are taught fully online and have the support of Teaching Assistants to help the students in small groups. EUP1501 is the Signature Module for the College of Science, Engineering and Technology and as such is meant to represent a particular discipline and distinct character values that the College believes is relevant and important for their graduating students to study. However, the fact that this module forms part of 99 different qualifications, including many students from other colleges, was taken into account in the selection and presentation of content and learning activities offered in this module. 7


This is a Unisa signature module, which is important for your qualification, as it orientates you to societal issues. It is set on NQF level 5 - the first higher education level in your degree, diploma or certificate. This is a 12-credit module, which means that an average student will require about 121 hours to complete it. You will be exploring the discipline of Computer and Information Sciences, and more specifically, the field of Data Entry and Microcomputer Applications. This module is presented in English only as this is the predominant language in this field of study. 7.4

Teaching Assistants

EUP1501 is one of the largest modules being offered at UNISA: There were approx. 5000 students registered for the first semester of 2019 for this module. We know that especially when there are so many students; it might feel like you get lost in this crowd. One of the advantages of the Signature Modules is that they are designed so that you work in much smaller groups. As students register for the Signature Module – EUP1501, you will be divided into small groups of not more than 50 students each, with a Teaching Assistant (TA) – an ‘electronic’ tutor – allocated to facilitate the group. This means that the Teaching Assistant will help to guide you through the module, provide you with assistance on your assignments and mark most of your assignments. Please take note that you will be grouped to a Teaching Assistant once we have 210 students or more. ICT systems cannot group students t o Teaching Assistants until there are at least 210 students. Remember it is 210 students per Teaching Tssistant. 7.5

Prescribed books

Since this module is taught fully online, there are no traditional ‘paper’ prescribed textbooks. There is however, the following prescribed e-textbooks available online.


The more practical part of the module related to Applications is supported by this e-textbook from Pearson Education, a presentation per chapter, as well as student videos and simulation exercises that mimic the practical learning environments. Apart from the simulation exercises, all of the above are not only available online on myITLab, but are also available offline in the form of a VitalSource BookShelf App mentioned below.

Your prescribed e-textbook is called ‘VitalSource’. This online book is available on myUnisa. Go to the master site EUP1501-21-S1 and then go click on VitalSource eBook found on left menu.

The VitalSource e-textbook is also accessible/available offline on the VitalSource mobile application called “BookShelf”. See more information on the Bookshelf app below.


EUP1501/101/1/2021 myUnisa

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The learning content and/or context appears in four chapters of an etext that is licensed under Creative Commons. As Open Educational Resources (OER), these are freely available and placed appropriately within each Lesson on myUNISA. The Lessons tool (Four Chapters) in your myUnisa groupsite or module si...

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