Evidence 2 Ventajas y Desventajas de la Tecnología PDF

Title Evidence 2 Ventajas y Desventajas de la Tecnología
Author Ruth Mata
Course Inglés
Institution Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Pages 3
File Size 136.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 13
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Ventajas y desventajas de la tecnlogía, resumen en inglés, con introducción y conclusión...


Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Facultad de Ciencias Químicas Ingeniero Industrial Administrador

Competencia Comunicativa en Inglés

Essay about Technology.

Professor: Aurora Leticia Leal Marquez. Group: 05



Arellano Ramirez Monika Dariana


Estrada Acosta Valeria San Juanita


Lara Perez Mario


Oviedo Lugo Sofia Lizeth


Rayas Rodriguez Dara Mayeli


Rodriguez Mata Ruth Aide


Cd. Universitaria a Sábado 16 de Octubre del 2021

Introduction Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a world without technology, it has become more and more useful day by day and has applications in a lot of areas that in 30 years ago would have been crazy to even think about. We know the concept of technology as the set of knowledge, instruments and technical resources or procedures applied to satisfy human needs in order to make our life a lot easier. Through the history, the man have transform their environment to improve their quality of life and the technology is one answer to this desire Now in our daily life we are surrounded by technology, it is common to see wi-fi incorporated in almost everything, for example cars, lights, speakers, etc. There are a lot of great things that technology has helped us to accomplish but do they have a dark side? Not everything is completely a hundred percent great for us, and technology is not the exception. Body As we have told, the technology have changed the way we were working some years ago, they have help us to connect between each other, some of the most clearly advantages are that when we apply the technology the efficiency improves, we become more productive, the communication is much better, we can work in different places, this has taken such an important role in these years because of the pandemic, we can work or study in our homes, in any part of the globe. Technology has been a great help in areas such as education, heath, economy, government, and many others. But as we know everything have two sides and technology is not the exception, because it can have some disadvantages as well for example they can carry a lot of mental health problems as anxiety, depression who now they are very common in our generation, also obesity, social isolation, addictions devivated of the serotonin and dopamine they spread in our brain when we use them. At the same time that they help us to be more connected and have access to all the information of the world in our hands in seconds, we have become useless in some ways, now we can't remember directions or phone numbers. Today we want everything to be fast, we consume a lot of content in minutes and this repercute our brains. Conclusion To finalize this essay we can say that technology can cut both ways, it has a lot of pros but they also have a lot of cons that can be dangerous to our health. It is important to regulate their use and at some point take a break from it. We need to regulate our use and not substitute our social needs, we need to be connected to people and nature. We don't say that they are completely bad for us, instead we think we need to take the advantages it give to us and be careful with our dependence on it, be alert when they are becoming dangerous to us, do not wait it become an addiction and take our distance for the time we think would be convenient.

Bibliography A. (2021, 8 agosto). 43 Amazing Pros & Cons Of Technology You Have To Know. Recuperado de https://environmental-conscience.com/technology-pros-cons/ Roldán, P. N. (2021). Tecnología. Economipedia. Recuperado 14 de octubre de 2021, de https://economipedia.com/definiciones/tecnologia.html...

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