Exam 2 Activity Sheet - to helpppppppppppppppppppppppp kids with the NSWERS THAT THEYNE S PDF

Title Exam 2 Activity Sheet - to helpppppppppppppppppppppppp kids with the NSWERS THAT THEYNE S
Course Anatomy phisology
Institution Florida College
Pages 16
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to helpppppppppppppppppppppppp kids with the NSWERS THAT THEYNE S...


Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet Name ________________________

Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell Chapter Content: The Microscopic World of Cells 1.Is the typical plant cell visible with the naked eye? Use Figure 4.2 of your textbook.

2.The ____________ states that all cells come from existing cells and that organisms are made of cells.

3.Complete the table that compares prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells.



Description of cells

4.A scientist discovers a cell in a sample of water from Utah’s Great Salt Lake. She discovers the cell has a cell wall, ribosomes, and a nucleoid region. Upon further microscopic observation the scientist notices the nucleoid region contains a single chromosome. Which of the following cells would it most likely be? A)



Animal cell


Plant cell



5.Complete the following table illustrating the differences between plant and animal cells.

Plant cells

Animal cells

Shared features Unique features

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet Membrane Structure 6. True or false: If false, please make it a correct statement. The plasma membrane regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell. 7.The primary molecular components of the plasma membrane are the ______________. 8.Which of the following statements best describes the structure of a cell membrane? A)

Proteins sandwiched between two layers of phospholipids


Proteins embedded in two layers of phospholipids


A layer of protein coating a layer of phospholipids


Phospholipids sandwiched between two layers of protein

9.A cell’s plasma membrane is described as being a ______________ because it is composed of a variety of molecules that are constantly in motion around each other. The Nucleus and Ribosomes: Genetic Control of the Cell 10. Complete the following table regarding the nucleus.

Nuclear envelope

Nuclear pores




11. The nuclear envelope has passages for substances moving into and out of the nucleus. These passages are called nuclear pores and they are made by proteins that are inserted into the plasma membrane that makes up the nuclear envelope. These proteins would be assembled by: A)

Free-floating ribosomes


The nucleus


Ribosomes bound to the endoplasmic reticulum


Nuclear pores

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet The Endomembrane System: Manufacturing and Distributing Cellular Products 12. List the organelles of the endomembrane system.

13. Complete the following table regarding the involvement of organelles in protein synthesis and transport.

Endoplasmic reticulum


Golgi apparatus



14. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) lacks __________, which gives it a “smooth” appearance. 15. Use Figures 4.14 (page 65 of your textbook) and 4.17 (page 67 of your textbook) to answer the following question. Place the following steps in the order in which they occur: A—Proteins are modified as they pass through the Golgi apparatus B—A vesicle from the rough ER fuses with the Golgi membrane C—A vesicle buds off from a Golgi stack D—A vesicle containing a secretory protein fuses with the cell’s plasma membrane

16. How are lysosomes different from vacuoles?

17. The process of photosynthesis occurs primarily in a plant’s leaves. Based on this information, which of the following organelles would you expect to be present in the cells of plant leaves? A)





The nucleus



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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet The Cytoskeleton: Cell Shape and Movement 18. Complete the following table regarding cellular structures.





Chapter 5: The Working Cell Some Basic Energy Concepts 1. How is energy defined?

2.Complete the table that compares kinetic to potential energy.

Kinetic energy

Potential energy

Description Example 3.The fact that energy cannot be created or destroyed is known as the principle of _____________ __________________ 4.Energy is never created or destroyed. What happened to the energy that was stored in your gas tank after your car comes to a stop as a result of running out of gas? A)

The energy was lost.


Entropy decreased in the universe.


It was converted to heat.


The car gained energy.

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet 5.Use the figure below to answer the following questions: A)

How many kilocalories does a burrito contain? _________


How many calories are in that same burrito? ___________


How long would you need to swim in order to burn the calories from that one burrito? _____________________

6.Define a calorie. ATP and Cellular Work 7.What is the relationship between ADP and ATP within a cell? 8.

A cell pumps certain ions against their concentration gradient in order to maintain gradients for those ions. Which of the three types of cellular work would this be an example of?

9. Phosphorylation is the process by which a phosphate group is added to a molecule. The phosphorylation of ADP creates _____________. 10. A molecule that speeds up chemical reactions is a(n) _______________. 11. The amount of energy needed to perform a chemical reaction is the _______________________. A)

Activation energy


Substrate energy


Active site


Inhibition site

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet

12. The relationship between an enzyme’s active site and its substrate is most like which of the following? A)

A comb and hair


A car and a driver


A scarf and a hand


A key and a lock

13. Enzyme activity can be inhibited. Describe two ways in which enzymes can be inhibited. How are they similar? How are they different? Membrane Function Complete the following questions as you read the fifth chapter content—Membrane Function: 14. List four functions that membrane proteins can perform for a cell. A)




15. Match the following terms with their description: passive transport, diffusion, active transport, concentration gradient, solute, and osmosis. A)

Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane: ______________


Movement across a cell membrane that requires no energy from a cell: _______


Movement of a substance from high to low concentration: ____________


When there exists a difference in the amount of a substance across a distance: _____ ___________


A substance dissolved in a solution: __________

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet 16.A cell is placed into a beaker containing a 3% sucrose solution. The cell contains a 5% sucrose solution. Use an arrow to illustrate the direction in which water will diffuse in the figure below. Assume the cell’s membrane is permeable to water, but not permeable to the sucrose.

17. Complete the table that compares terms associated with tonicity.

Isotonic solution Each to…


Hypotonic solution

Hypertonic solution


Effect on a plant cell if placed in a… Effect on an animal cell if placed in a…

18. In contrast to passive transport, active transport pumps a substance ____________ its gradient

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet

Chapter 8: Cellular Reproduction: Cells from Cells 1. This diagram represents one cell dividing to give rise to two new daughter cells. Each new daughter cell will be ____________ to each other and the parent cell.

2.Which of the following is a function of cell division? A)

Growth of the organism


Asexual reproduction in certain organisms


Replacement of lost cells


All of the above are functions of cell division

3. Complete the table that compares asexual and sexual reproduction.

Asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction

Requires egg and sperm? Involves meiosis? Requires one parent? Produces genetically identical offspring? Produces genetically different offspring?

4.Gametes are sex cells that include egg and sperm. What is true about the number of chromosomes in gametes versus the parent cells that gave rise to them? Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. 32

Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet

The Cell Cycle and Mitosis 5.Inside the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell you will find DNA associated with proteins. This combination of protein and DNA is known as _________ . A)

A centromere




Sister chromatids


A gene

6. What are the proteins called that associate with DNA to form chromatin?

7.List two critical functions served by histones.

Use the following figure to answer questions 8–11.

8.How many chromosomes are in this cell?

9. How many chromatids are in this cell?

10. Have the chromosomes in this cell been duplicated? Briefly defend your answer either way.

11. How many pairs of homologous chromosomes are in this cell?

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet 12. Complete the following table comparing interphase with mitotic phase.


Mitotic phase

Chromosomes are condensed Cell is performing normal functions Chromosome duplication occurs Cell is actively dividing Sister chromatids are evenly distributed into two daughter cells

13. Place the following stages of mitosis in the correct order: metaphase, prophase, telophase, and anaphase.

14. How does cytokinesis differ from mitosis?

15. A drug is known to freeze microtubules in place after they have fully formed. Which stage of cell division would most likely be affected? What critical process would be inhibited?


A shallow groove in the cell known as a(n) __________ indicates that cytokinesis has begun.

17. An adult human cardiac muscle cell does not undergo cell division. As such, this type of cell A)

Does not need to replicate its DNA.


Does not need to leave G1.


Is never found in G2.


All of the above are correct statements regarding an adult human cardiac muscle cell.

18. True or false: The spread of cancer cells from their original site is called metastasis. If false, make it

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet a correct statement.

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet Complete the Venn diagram that compares benign and malignant tumors.

Meiosis, the Basis of Sexual Reproduction 19. __________ will contain the same genes at the same locations. A)

Sex chromosomes






Homologous chromosomes

20. Determine whether each of the following cells is haploid or diploid. A)

An egg: ________


A cell from your liver: ______


A zygote: _________


A sperm: __________


A muscle cell from your heart: __________

21. A cell has 22 autosomes and an X chromosome. A)

The cell could be a human sperm.


The cell is a human somate.


The cell could be a human egg.


A and C are both possible.

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet 22. Complete the following table that compares mitosis with meiosis.



Rounds of DNA replication Rounds of cell division Separation of sister chromatids? Separation of homologous chromosomes? Result (number of cells and haploid or diploid) Uses

23. Meiosis is necessary to maintain an organism’s proper diploid number across generations. What would happen to an organism’s total number of chromosomes every generation if mitosis produced gametes?

24. Has the homologous pair of chromosomes pictured to the right undergone crossing over? Explain your answer either way.

25. Could a normal gamete still be produced even if a nondisjunction event occurred? Briefly explain your answer either way.

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Chapter 4, 5, 8 Activity Sheet Table 8.1 on page 140 of your textbook displays information regarding sex chromosome abnormalities in humans. Why does the XYY situation have to be the result of nondisjunction in the sperm formation?

Sex Chromosomes XXY




XO 27. A person with Klinefelter’s syndrome has how many total chromosomes? A)


B) 47

C) 45

D) 23

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