Exam 2 Review - lecture heavy course PDF

Title Exam 2 Review - lecture heavy course
Author Brooklan Light
Course Survey of American History
Institution Oklahoma State University
Pages 4
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Nullification Crisis -The nullification crisis was one of the biggest problems in Jackson’s presidency. It started because of the opposition tin South Carolina to the tariffs that were placed upon some of their goods. Nullifiers thought that the federal government was overstepping their boundaries and it would strongly hurt the economy in the south so they could nullify the law. Jackson sent in troops to - The biggest crisis of Jackson's Presidency, started by South Carolina opposition to the tariffs leveled in 1828 and 1832 by Jackson supporters. "Nullifiers" thought that a state could nullify a federal law within its own borders if it so desired. When South Carolina, led by John C. Calhoun, announced its intention to nullify the tariffs in the fall of 1832, it touched off what almost developed into a civil war, as Jackson massed military resources on the state's borders. Finally resolved in the spring of 1833 when South Carolina agreed to a new fairer tariff passed by Congress. -

andrew jackson political administration and style - passion and emotion - over a protective tariff (tariff of abomination) helps northerners and hurts southerners -s. carolina nullified the federal tariff saying it didn't apply there -theory of interposition- states can nullify gov. laws but then it was decided that federal law is higher than state law so s. carolina must follow. -jackson plans to march down to s. carolina and hang John calhoon but before he can the tariff is lowered and all is well


South Carolina opposed the “tariffs of abominations” passed in 1812. South Carolina protested and said that they didn’t have to obey it. In 1832, congress passed a lower tariff than the one in 1828 even though it was still a protective tariff. The South Carolina legislature called a special convention in 1832 and voted to forbid the collection of tariffs. We ended up having the same problems. The states believe they are over the jurisdiction of the national government.


Bank War - ex of jackson's presidency result of bank war - paper money bubble species circular in 1836 just before he leave office - this pops the bubble=panic of 1837 banks all across the US fail bc they don't have enough money for all the bank notes they printed -wrecks the economy 2nd US bank tries to recharter jackson hates the US bank people are buying land with bank notes instead of specie which pisses off jackson

Compromise of 1850 - Series of legislation addressing slavery and the boundaries of territories acquired during the Mexican-American War. California was admitted as a free state, Texas received financial compensation for relinquishing claim to lands West of the Rio Grande river, the territory of New Mexico was organized with popular sovereignty, the slave trade was abolished in Washington, D.C., and the Fugitive Slave Law was passed It temporarily defused sectional tensions in the United States, postponing the secession crisis and the American Civil War. Also repealed the compromise of 1820.

Kansas-Nebraska Act -The Kansas Nebraska act took place in 1854. The significance of this act is that it repealed the Missouri compromise and would allow both Kansas and Nebraska to determine whether they would be a free or slave state by popular sovereignty (which was a vote of the people) It was also signigicant because it made the slave issue bigger and led to the creation of the republican party. -

1854 - This act repealed the Missouri Compromise and established a doctrine of congressional nonintervention in the territories. Popular sovereignty (vote of the people) would determine whether Kansas and Nebraska would be slave or free states.


• 1854 • Repealed the Missouri Compromise • Split the Louisiana Purchase into two territories and allowed settlers to accept or reject slavery by popular sovereignty. • Anti-slavery people didn’t like this because it had the possibility of spreading slavery in a place it used to not be allowed • Significant because it made the slavery issue bigger and led it’s opponents to form the Republican party (mainly consisted of the Northerners)

John Brown’s Raid - a violent abolitionist who led the Pottawatomie Massacre in Kansas, believing that God had told him to "fight fire with fire..and strike terror in the hearts of pro-slavery people;" he was hanged in 1859 after leading an unsuccessful raid of an arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia - John Brown's Raid was an event that took place in Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859. It was an attack on the federal armory lead by John Brown with the intent of starting a slave rebellion. He believed he was God's chosen

instrument to purge the land with blood. He eventually was captured after staying too long in Harpers Ferry and being trapped by the Virginian Militia and was later executed. He was viewed as a martyr by northerners and a terrorist by the South. This event increased the gap between the North and South significantly and served as a precursor to the Civil War. Black Codes - These were laws that were passed in the Southern States of the US after the Cilvil War with intentions of restricting African American’s freedom. This was significant because it occurred after the civil war had taken place and slavery had been abolished but the conditions for colored individuals were almost just as bad. This forced them to work in a labor economy with low wages and a lot of debt. - 65 and 66 restrain African American freedom – labor contracts – worker auctions Civil Rights Amendments The civil rights amendments included the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. - 13th abolished slavery - 14th All persons born or naturalized in the U.S were entitled equal rights regardless of race - 15th citizens cannot be denied the right to vote

Red Shirts - Southern democrats – took all military support

Gilded Age Term coined by Mark Twain in the late 1800s. Described the age of social upheaval and numerous reform movements such as temperance and suffrage. Critical social and economic problems were disguised by a "thin golden gilding" A term given to the period 1865-1896 by Mark Twain, indicating both the fabulous wealth and the widespread corruption of the era

Civil War - The Civil war despite what everyone believes was not solely fought to end slavery. That was part of the issue, but it was not entirely the case. The pupose of the Civil war in the south was to defend slavery but for the North/Union- it was to defend the Union and end slavery. No one realized that we were not fighting in entire opposition of the same cause. o Industry V Farming

The economies had moved from farming towards industry. A lot of people in the North worked and lived in bigger cities and held different lifestyles than those in the south. The south however still continued to maintain it’s farming society and their success and wealth was partially dependent upon slave labor. The North no longer needed slaves and this is why there was an issue. c o States Rights o Slavery ...

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