Exam 2015, Questions And Answers - Case Study PDF

Title Exam 2015, Questions And Answers - Case Study
Course Information Systems Development
Institution La Trobe University
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CASE STUDY The Take –Away Food Shop SAMPLE SOLUTIONS Background – The Take –Away Food Shop1 Amanda owns a Take-Away Food Shop. She has hired three cooks, one sale/clerk, one accountant, and one delivery person. Amanda wants to build an information system to help her management for the Take-Away Food Shop. To minimize her costs she prefers to receive cash for all sales to avoid credit card processing fees, Nevertheless, she has made arrangement with her bank to process credit cards. In-house customers are charged a 5% service charge. Delivery orders are accepted only when the credit card has been validated. (She also adds a $3 delivery charge.) For sales area, the customers can place their orders on different dishes either in-house or on the internet or calls. Customers can ask for delivery or pick up after the order was successful. The clerk/system records the details of each customer and calculates the total payment. To attract loyal customers a 5% discount on the total amount payment to those who have ordered more than three times at the Take-Away shop within one month period. That is, the shop offers a VIP program. Customers can pay cash or credit card in the store. For online or phone purchases, customers must pay their orders by credit cards. However, the internet users need to have their credit card validated. Amanda has heard horror stories about people who made in huge orders and never pick them up. The call or internet orders will be sending to the kitchen staff once the credit cards have been validated and paid. The delivery person should ensure the correct address and phone number for on-time delivery. One routine may include multiple deliveries for maximum efficiency. In food preparation area, kitchen staff will process and package orders. They should ensure that food is ready on time for various types of orders: delivery, pickup and in-house. The product management is another important part of the daily business as well, e.g., price the food, prepare menus, and select extra dishes for specials of the day. The purchases of raw material inventory and enforce quality control of the kitchen work are also important to product management. Amanda would like to collect buyers information (name, address, phone, email, etc.) and their preferences such as the price range and the most popular dishes. She believes that the success of her food shop depends on good planning and a growth direction that will satisfy the customers. Amanda is sure that the neighborhood will provide enough business for her to make a good living. But is not quite sure where the bulk of the business will come from: in-house customers, takeouts, or deliveries? She want to be ready for expensing and has three choices:

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enlarge the seating area and hire more waitstaff, hire more delivery people and buy (or lease) delivery cars, or just hire more cooks and kitchen aids. To decide where the expansion should take place, she needs a simple accounting system that calculates revenue from in-house customers, takeouts, and deliveries separately. She likes to develop an information system that can manage her business to keep track of her sales and customer relations to help her decision making. You are required to develop information systems for Amanda based on the above requirement.

Requirement Gathering [15 marks] You will deliver a short document about the system requirements that can show to Amanda and her staff. You are required to: 1.

Create an owner’sview for the system that you can show it to stakeholders for feed back. You can make any reasonable assumptions if the case is not clearly mentions in some areas. [10 marks]

x Step1.Createan“owner’sview”forthenarrative.


Step 2. Identify the users of the system. 

Business Users

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Customer: Individual customer orders meal by phone or in-house online Administrative Staff/clerk: receive phone in house or on the phone & process payment Kitchen staff : Those who prepare foods Delivery person: those who send ordered meals to correct addresses

Information System Users  Customer: Individual customer orders meal online  Administrative Staff: Clerks who record information about orders and customers  Delivery person: calculate the efficient route for delivery of orders.  Accountants: Those managing payments and statistics


Step 3. What are the major functions and their related tasks?

 Product Management:  Select and formulate dishes prepared and sold by the shop (including side dishes, extras,

toppings, and so on).  Price the products.  Prepare menus—printed or for presentation online.  Select dishes that would be offered for holidays or special occasions (on request within a

practical timeframe).  Manage inventory of raw material required for dishes offered by the shop.  Provide the kitchen with clear recipes and instructions for preparing dishes.  Enforce quality control on the food prepared by the kitchen.  Online Ordering: (may be a web service page)  Present customers with an online menu from which they can choose available dishes (including

toppings, side dishes, and so on) for pickup or delivery.  Allow customer to select delivery or pickup.  Allow customer to choose method of payment (cash or credit card).  If the method of payment is credit card, provide the customer with a secure method to pay by

credit card.  Future: allow business customers to open an account for their orders. The orders are paid by

issuing statements to the business customer. Note: This functionality should also allow for offline ordering, e.g.; by phone.  Provide the customer with feedback for estimated time of delivery or pickup. Note: The customer should have the ability to order in advance, such as for a few hours or days in the future.  Online system should inform sales (immediately) and kitchen (at the right time) of the order and its specifics.  Promote the take-away shop and its products through advertisement, community relations  Sales:  Manage customer relations and every type of sales, whether online or not, for delivery or pickup

or as in-house service.  Manage coordination of orders with kitchen and delivery.

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 Record sales information detail—not only for serving customers, but also for use with business

intelligence (BI) analysis reports.  Record, organize, and handle customer complaints and/or suggestions.  Record, organize, and handle problems with customers, such as invalid credit cards, absence

when food is delivered, bad attitude towards delivery personnel, and so on.  Promote the take-away shop and its products through advertisement, community relations, and

so on.  Food Preparation:  Sequence the preparation correctly: orders should not necessarily be processed in the order that

they are received as in-house service has less slack time than deliveries and some orders are for future time.  Prepare and package food.  Coordinate action with sales and delivery.  Inform Product Management of raw material consumption to prevent oversupply or undersupply.  Delivery:  Ensure that food is delivered at the right place at the right time.  If possible, plan and route multiple deliveries to maximize efficiency.  Instruct delivery staff if cash-upon-delivery is required.  Payment Processing:  Process credit card payments. Note: Explore the possibility of online payment processing, such

as PayPal, for online orders—subject to the customer choice, as many online customers may not have such accounts or may not wish to use it.  Accept and record cash payments against orders.  Accept and record (limited-time) promotional coupons that the store may issue.  Sales Accounting:  Provide regular—summary and detailed—profit and loss reports.  Provide business intelligence (BI) reports that would enable the business owner(s) to distinguish

popular and unpopular products, cyclical customer preferences, and so on.

Domain Analysis [15 marks] Step 1. What would you name the system and its subsystems? You list the names of the subsystems going to be built.

Full mark if listed over 5 subsystems The system name could be Take-away food Shop Information System and could have the following subsystems:  Food Preparation & Delivery

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Online Ordering Payment Processing Product Management Sales & Order Management Sales Accounting

Step 2. Write domain definitions and, from there, proceed to establish the domain scope for the system and each subsystem. You write down your answer in table format provided at below. [6 marks] Full mark if over 5 domains & at least 4+ items in each domain The Take away Shop Domain Scope Domain

Scope Outline

Food Preparation & Delivery

   

Process and package orders. Ensure correct timing of food preparation. Ensure on-time serving, delivery, & pickup. Route multiple deliveries for maximum efficiency.

Online Ordering

    

Enable customers to order online. Enable customers to pay online. Notify customers of order status. Notify staff of the order.

Payment Processing

 Process credit card payments.  Accept cash.  Track payments.

Product Management

      

Select & formulate the food sold by the shop. Price the food. Prepare menus (in-house, promotional & online). Select special dishes for holidays. Manage raw material inventory. Provide kitchen with recipes. Control the quality of the food prepared by the kitchen.

Sales & Order Management

     

Manage online, call-in and in-house sales orders. Organize deliveries. Record sales details. Validate VIP discount Mangecustomer’sinformation&VIPprogram Promote the shop through coupons, advertising, community relations, etc and so on.

 Sales Accounting

   

Provide on-demand profit & loss statements. Provide business intelligence (BI) analysis reports. Analyze & classify the revenue from different order styles Calculate the statistics for decision marking

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[9 marks] The take away Shop Domain Dictionary Name





Accepts and processes payments.

Credit/Debit Card


Used by the customer to make a payment for food



Person who orders food from the take away shop.

Delivery Method


The method by which the take away shop delivers food to the customer; it can be in-house(servedorpickedup),oroffsite(knownas“delivery” in general)

Delivery Staff


Personnel who deliver the food to the customer off-site


Business Rule

Reduction in combined prices charged to the customer for promotional goals



Purchase, stocking, and tracking of raw material and other items (gas, containers, garnishes, etc.) necessary for the preparation of food

Kitchen Staff


Personnel who prepare and package the order.



List of available food from the take away shop, along with prices and discounts. A menu may be electronic (for online ordering) or printed (for in-house use, promotions or special orders).



Placing, processing, and fulfillment of an order by a customer to the take away shop. Order can be given online, by phone or by the walk-in customer



Specifications of the food requested by the customer; prepared and sold by the take away shop, and paid for by the customer.



Amount received by the take away shop for the ordered food delivered to the customer. Payment may be in cash or in electronic form (e.g., credit card)

Payment Processing


Receiving, applying and recording payments for orders.

Revenue Tracking


Recording and analyzing the revenue.

Sales/revenue/ Analysis


Harvesting detailed sales data for business intelligence analysis to enhance revenue and promote the take away shop

Sales Staff


Person who manages the order cycle

Behavioral Modeling [38 marks] After completing the domain analysis, you are ready to start use case modeling. Please make sure that you use the domain concepts that you have found in the domain analysis into the behavioral modeling stage. 1.

Identify stakeholders of the whole system. You need to list them in a table format and include the description. [3 marks]

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The Take away Shop Stakeholders & Actors Name


Product Manager

Prepares menu, manages purchasing and inventory of raw materials, prepares recipes for everyday & holidays, and maintains quality assurance for preparing and delivering of products


Places order online, by phone, or in -house, for takeout, delivery or in-house service; pays for the food with cash or credit card; provides feedback on products and services.


Coordinates orders, preparation, and delivery of products; records sales and manages customer relationship including complaints; handles promotion and advertising.

Delivery Staff

Delivers food, plans for optimized delivery routing*, and receives payment upon delivering food

Accounting Staff

Processes credit card, records cash payments, handles promotional coupons; periodically prepares sales, expenses, and revenue reports

Administrative Staff

Handles issues and customer complaints & feedback


Prepares and packages food

* Make a list of all the use cases for one of subsystems

x Process Orders (online, call-in, in-house) x Process Payments. x Record Sales Details x Organize deliveries. You are required to use the above basic use cases identifying/deriving more use cases in the subsystem of Sales & Order Management System. Summarise all use cases of Sales & Order Management System into the following table. [6 marks] Write a short, informal, scenario for each use case. Include not only the normal flow, but alternates, exceptions and sub-flows as well. (Hint: Do this only where applicable: do not force it.) The Take away Shop Order & Sales Management: Use Case Summary ID 100


Description Sales staff receives orders placed by customers online, by callin, or in-house. Once the order is placed, the salesperson, validate the order one by one according to the menu; then

Actors Sales Staff

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assigns an order number and a code that distinguishes the type of orders in term of in-house, take-out or delivery. He/she then sends the coded and numbered orders to the kitchen. For delivery orders, he/she records delivery address with the order number. 140

Process Payments

Sales staff records cash payment. If the customer pays with credit card, the salesperson has to validate the credit card. If not valid, the online order is canceled and the customer is notified. If credit card is valid, it is charged for the price of order. The salesperson tracks payments by type of service and payment.

Sales Staff


Record Sales Details

Sales staff record and separate sales by days of the week and types of products sold and provide business intelligence reports that would enable the business owner(s) to distinguish popular and unpopular products, cyclical customer preferences, and so on.

Sales Staff

Customer information is also managed for VIP discount qualification 170

Organize delivery

Sale staff once has received the notification from kitchen staff that the meals are ready to deliver. The sale staff inform the delivery person

Administrative Staff

The name of the customer and address of the customer and the required time schedule will be passed on to delivery person’shand.


Create a context diagram for the Sales & Order Management System. [5 marks]


CSE2ISD Sample Solutions

Use Case:

Process Order

ID: Scope:





Primary Actor: Supporting Actors: Stakeholders: Generalization: Include:

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Order & Sales Management

Sales Staff receives orders placed by a customer (call-in or in-house). Sales Staff validates the availabilityofitemsontheorder,chargescustomer’screditcard *, and sends the order to the kitchen. If order is for delivery, Sales Staff records delivery address on the order. Sales Staff

   

System (Sales) Customer Kitchen Staff: Must prepare food on time and package it correctly. Service Staff: Must serve (or deliver) the order.

 510: Charge Credit Card.

Extend: Precondition: Trigger: Normal Flow:

Customer wants to place an order. 1. Customer selects an item and quantity. 2. Sales Staff picks the order item from an on-screen menu and verifies that the item is available. Î 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Loop: Repeat 1 through 2 until all items are validated and recorded. Sales Staff totals the price for all items. Sales Stuff applies discount and promotional deductions (if applicable). Sales Staff applies sales tax. Sales Staff records service type and the time when the order should be ready. Sales Staff records credit card information.

8. Sales Staff commits the order to the system 9. System charges credit card. (Include 510: Charge Credit Card.) 10. System places the order in kitchen queue to be processed according to schedule. 11. System places the order in service queue (for serving in-house, delivery or pickup.) 12. System prints two copies of the order for the sales staff. (One copy for the signature if credit card is used; the second for the customer to keep.) Sub-Flows:


Service types are as follows:

 Delivery  In-House  Pick-up

12.1. Copies of the order must include:

      Alternate Flow/ Exceptions:

Order Items, quantities and item prices Applicable sales tax Total Date & Time Payment method with partial credit card info (for security) Service Method & scheduled time (if not in-house or immediate)


Item is not available. Sales Staff notifies the customer to select another item


Item is not available and customer does not want the entire order. Sales Staff cancels the

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