Exam 2019, questions and answers PDF

Title Exam 2019, questions and answers
Course Community Development 
Institution Humber College
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How did the community take an asset building approach to community development?

Fill in the blank. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Assets are recognized attributes and Advantages of a community. Assets are what we want to keep, build upon and sustain for future Generations. Needs Divide While Assets PROVIDE. Recognizing common assets changes the way we think about our communities because it unites people around a POSITIVE IDENTITY and a collective cause.

Why is it important to have cinch victory? ‘cinch victory’ – actions that are doable and likely to be achieved easily in a short period of time. Assign tasks to people in the community, considering abilities, skills and interests. “Always call out the elephants in the room” Identify resources required for action. Plan for the next meeting, considering what you want the group to have achieved and report back on.



Explain in detail an activity you could facilitate to help a community identify their assets. Identifying Issues Identifying Personal and Community Strengths and Passions Community Economic Development-using skills and resources to create items to be sold



Evaluation. What is the purpose of empowerment evaluation? How would you incorporate this model in your community work? Empowerment Evaluation: Aims to assess the action’s worth while improving the community’s desire and ability to solve their own problems. Evaluating the action (project, event, initiative, etc.) Evaluating community development objectives (ie: citizen involvement, social learning, concrete benefits, etc.) Involving the people in the evaluation process



What steps could you take in order to complete a thorough evaluation? Decide you want to evaluate Evaluate in terms of objectives or goals Identify criteria that provide ways to measure your objectives Collect data on each of these indicators Use the results to adjust the program as necessary



Explain and provide examples of the 3 types of questions identified in the power points.


Example to evaluate social learning: -

I learned how to contact my MPP.

Dichotomous: Yes/No OR True/False Likert Scale: Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree Open-Ended: What did you learn about contacting your MPP?


What are the 6 steps of the review process?

Social action and feminist organizing 1.


Identify the 3 types of social action campaigns? In which type circumstances should they be implemented? Asking for In-kind donations – church basement, silent auction items, food. Be creative - Use your resources! Geographically centered fundraising could include: Garage sales, Bingo night, special events, pancake breakfasts, wine tasting book sales, movie nights, yoga Silent Auction Items - approach places who may be connected to your cause, split profits with businesses INCLUDE REWARD FUNDING! - Offer a gift / reward for their support: i.e. T-shirt, food, water bottles, coupons



Who are the Raging Grannies? What is their approach to social action? Do you believe this is a successful approach? Why / why not? Explain how it is a novelty. A group of women who go around singing about injustices to create awareness. Not sure of it’s the best approach however, has gotten some attention so I think it has been somewhat successful


Identify 5 types of committees and explain their purpose Research Public information- press release Fundraising The action committee A negotiation committee Have a strong “core” group of individuals who will act as leaders.


According to Freire, to use physical violence will only result in mirroring the oppressor


What are the core values of feminist organizing? Equality in organizing Shared leadership The value of each person in the struggle Decision making by consensus Discourse and debate Creative approaches to raising awareness Ecofeminism – Women and the environment are both objectified, controlled/seen as property and exploited. Women in the environmental movement – Language – mother nature / raping the land.





What is the purpose of a demonstration? For publicity- call attention to the group and issues For internal morale- Employment and creating success

Who is a marshal? -

Marshal- Someone who patrols around and holds safety kits, during riots and protests Keeps the march moving, they block traffic


What are the 3 core elements of social action fundraising? What is a silent auction? In-kind donation? Reward funding? other fundraising events? 1. Money 2. Belonging 3. Empowerment

What is a silent auction? -

Approach places who may be connected to your cause, split profits with businesses

In-kind donation? -

church basement, silent auction items, food

Reward funding?


offer a gift/reward for their support, e.g. t-shirt, food, water bottles, and coupons...

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