Exam Exam 12 May 2018, questions PDF

Title Exam Exam 12 May 2018, questions
Course Organisational Behaviour
Institution University of Western Australia
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MGMT1135 SEM-1 2018


MO MOCK CK EXAM • What follows are some examples of multiple-choice organisational behaviour exam questions. Note that the final exam has 90 questions (duration: 2 hours). • All the multiple-choice questions are worth equal marks. • Each question has only one required answer: Do not give multiple answers.


A hypothesis can be defined as: a) b) c) d)


Which of the following is a weakness of experimental designs: a) b) c) d)


They cannot establish causal relationships Not all phenomena can be studied in controlled settings or manipulated They generally require a control group They cannot eliminate alternative explanations

A mediator is a variable that_____. a) b) c) d)


The process of understanding why certain phenomena occur A clearly defined strategy to evaluate a particular idea A set of propositions that describe inter-relationships among concepts A specific, testable statement explaining the conditions under which something occurs

Determines the likelihood of a sequence of events Affects the direction and/or the strength of the relationship between two variables Explains the mechanism linking the dependent variable and the independent variable All of the above

__________ can be defined as the relatively enduring pattern of thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that characterise a person, along with the psychological processes behind those characteristics. a) b) c) d)

Values Personality Motivation Perception


MGMT1135 SEM-1 2018


Which of the dimensions Hofstede used to define differences between national cultures refers to the degree to which people value relationships and show concern for others? a) b) c) d)


Power Stimulation Achievement Affiliation

The _____ effect is a phenomenon where the high expectations individuals have of themselves lead to a high level of performance. a) b) c) d)


Femininity Collectivism Short-term orientation Long-term orientation

Schwartz’s circumplex model of values includes all of the following EXCEPT: a) b) c) d)



Pygmalion Golem Galatea Maslow

When Green Corp. recently acquired Orange Corp., employees in each company began to privately complain about the behaviour and performance of employees at the other organisation. For example, Orange employees would claim that Green employees lacked customer service skills, whereas Green employees claimed that they were more responsive to customer needs. Employees would also label each other by their former colour (‘She’s a Greenie’). Which of the following theories / phenomena would be appropriate to analyse this incident? a) b) c) d)

Social identity theory Self-serving bias Tuckman’s stages of group development Attribution theory


MGMT1135 SEM-1 2018



Suppose that Rebecca, your supervisor, makes a fundamental attribution error when evaluating your job performance. Which of the following is most likely to occur? a) Rebecca would tend to give you a lower appraisal rating because she thinks your good performance is due mainly to her effective leadership over you. b) Rebecca will tend to rate you high or low on all performance dimensions based mainly on her overall impression of you. c) Rebecca would tend to give you a higher or lower appraisal rating based on what she thinks is your ability and motivation, rather than taking external factors (such as helpful colleagues) into account. d) Rebecca will likely rate you based on her initial impression of your potential ability.


How might the self-serving bias be observed in a corporate annual report? a) The report would say more about the company’s problems and less about its successes. b) The report would emphasise the role of competition, inflationary pressures and other external causes of problems in the organisation’s performance. c) The report would exclude any bad news about the organisation’s performance. d) The report would acknowledge that competition, the economy and other external factors should be credited for some of the company’s recent success.


The _________ refers to the idea that we tend to experience a mildly positive mood - rather than a neutral one - when nothing in particular is going on. a) b) c) d)


Positivity offset Golem effect Asymmetry effect Negativity bias

Employees who stay with an organisation mainly because they feel a sense of obligation to remain are likely to have: a) b) c) d)

High continuance commitment. High job satisfaction High normative commitment. All of the above.


MGMT1135 SEM-1 2018


According to Herzberg, which of the following is NOT a motivator? a) b) c) d)


Skill variety Task significance Job feedback Task identity

According to Bandura’s self-efficacy theory, the four sources of efficacy beliefs are: a) b) c) d)


Motivation Expectancy Valence Instrumentality

A job characteristic in which employees are able to complete something from beginning to end or there is a visible outcome of the work is called: a) b) c) d)


Autonomy Job security Responsibility Personal growth

In Vroom’s expectancy theory, _______ is the perceived relationship between performance and outcomes. a) b) c) d)



Enactive mastery, vicarious modelling, verbal persuasion, arousal Valence, instrumentality, expectancy and motivation Self-confidence, enactive mastery, vicarious modelling, verbal persuasion Personal ability, previous experience, mental ability and self-confidence

A British food company reduced absenteeism by giving employees with perfect attendance each month two chances (through a lottery) to win $500. This is an example of: a) b) c) d)

Tacit knowledge Behaviour modification Social learning Social loafing


MGMT1135 SEM-1 2018


When employees receive a reward that they find very undesirable, expectancy theory states that they have: a) b) c) d)


A low expectancy An inappropriate comparison other A negative valence A low instrumentality

Normal Technologies Corp. (NTC) offers superb fitness facilities, flexible work hours, a gourmet restaurant with company-subsidised meals, and a workplace with security systems for high physical safety. According to Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory, these conditions will: a) b) c) d)



Motivate all of NTC’s employees to perform their jobs better. Motivate employees whose lower-level needs have not yet been satisfied. Increase job satisfaction among employees who value those conditions. Reduce job dissatisfaction among NTC’s employees but will not motivate them in performing their jobs.

Stress is best described as: a) The physiological disorders we experience from adverse environmental conditions. b) An adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s wellbeing. c) A series of events that cause emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation towards customers. d) Environmental conditions that place a physical or emotional demand on the person.


Hindrance stressors can be defined as _________. a) Demands or circumstances that, although potentially stressful, have associated potential gains for individuals b) Demands or circumstances that tend to interfere with an individual's work achievement and have no potential gains for the individual c) The lack of freedom to control and organise one’s work d) None of the above


Which of the following is an advantage of job specialisation? a) b) c) d)

The work is less repetitive Jobs can be mastered quickly Employees are more involved with their jobs Task specialisation has no clear advantages to the organisation 5

MGMT1135 SEM-1 2018



Group polarisation occurs when: a) A decision-making team is divided with opposing views regarding the best solution to a problem. b) A team tends to make more extreme decisions than individuals making the decision alone. c) A highly cohesive team tries to maintain harmony within the group. d) A team is clearly divided into two ethnic or gender groups.


Teams engage in devil’s advocacy when they want to: a) b) c) d)


Increase the chances of group polarisation Apply brainstorming Decrease the chances of groupthink Apply the nominal group technique

In organisational behaviour, what is servant leadership? a) b) c) d)

The view that leaders serve followers, rather than vice versa The view that teams work best when there is a strong leader and subservient followers Training for employees in how to respond to requests from management Training for leaders in how to be authentic


Which of the following is NOT a distinct source of power? a) Centrality power b) Legitimate power c) Coercive power d) Expert power


Complex and ambiguous rules in resource allocation decisions cause employees affected by those decisions: a) b) c) d)


To disown their Machiavellian values To engage in more organisational politics To disband their politically motivated networks None of the above

The two main forms of conflict within organizations are: a) b) c) d)

Manifest and hidden Task-related and relationship Pooled and sequential Collaborating and competing 6

MGMT1135 SEM-1 2018


The collaborating interpersonal style of conflict has: a) b) c) d)



High assertiveness and low cooperativeness High assertiveness and high cooperativeness Low assertiveness and high cooperativeness Low assertiveness and low cooperativeness

In organisational structure, the term ‘centralisation’ refers to: a) b) c) d)

The basis on which jobs are group together The degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point The reporting relationships within a company The degree to which jobs within the organisation are standardised


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