Exam q and a - Exam questions and answers to help you improve PDF

Title Exam q and a - Exam questions and answers to help you improve
Course Integrating Business Perspectives
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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Exam questions and answers to help you improve...


Aut 2020 - 26100 Integrating Business Perspectives Exam

Dear IBPers Over the last few days we’ve been fielding queries regarding the timings and format of the IBP exam. We have in-fact covered these issues extensively in the weekly lectures over the last 3 or 4 weeks. However, for those of you that were not at the lectures or did not listen to the recordings you might find the following information useful. Regards Steve, Sam and the IBP teaching team

I’m not sure what the date of my exam is? For information on the timing of your exam you should follow information sent out by the university. You can access information from the university on the exams (incl. timetables, applying for special consideration etc.) at the following link https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/managing-your-course/classes-and-assessment/exams I’m not sure what equipment I will need for my IBP and other exams? Information on resources can be




assessment/exams What form will the IBP exam take? The IBP exam will be a take-home exam. Does that mean that the IBP exam is not invigilated? Yes, the IBP exam is not invigilated. What is my IBP exam worth? The exam is worth 30% of your overall subject mark. The exam is made up of two questions no. 1) Focussed on broad themes and issues from lectures, readings etc. (marked out of 20), and no. 2) Focussed on skills you have developed this semester (marked out of 10). Further details on these questions and how to prepare is provided later in this document. If it’s a take-home exam, does that mean it is open book? Yes the IBP exam is open book. How long will I have to complete the take-home exam? You will have 24 hours to finalise your answers in the IBP exam from the start date (time) advised by the university. How much of that 24 hour period is it expected that I spend on the exam? At the end of the day that is up to you. We do not expect, however, that you will spend more than 2 hours actually writing your answers. Our recommendation is that ASAP after the exam begins you download the question sheet from UTS Online and save a copy. We would then suggest that you spend time planning your response and then start writing at a time that is convenient to you.

Aut 2020 - 26100 Integrating Business Perspectives Exam If I log into UTS Online to download the exam questions, do I have to stay online for the whole 24 hour period? No you don’t. You can log onto the system as many times as you want over the course of the exam. You will prepare your answers in a word doc. And then upload when you are ready. Am I required to complete this exam individually? Yes. This is an individual assessment. You should not discuss any aspect of the exam with any other IBP students. There should be no discussions on UTS Online, Teams, and other social media platforms or in person. As the exam cover sheet on UTS Online makes clear there are significant misconduct penalties for any student(s) found to have cheated. Staff may also request after the exam that students undertake an oral test to ensure they have completed the work on their own and to assess their knowledge of the answers they have submitted. The best way to ensure you do not run into problems is to prepare thoroughly and complete the work individually to the absolute best of your abilities. I’m not sure if I can complete my exam at home due to family pressures or similar, what can I do? While most people will complete their exam from home we do appreciate that this may not always be possible. If you intend to complete your exam on campus it is your responsibility to make sure that you attend campus before the exam and determine the rules and procedures governing access on the day of the exam. I’m not sure where I go to find the exam paper? You will be able to access the IBP exam paper through UTS Online. This is very easy if you follow these steps Go to the IBP page on UTS Online – Click on ‘Assignment Information’ link – Click on the folder marked ‘26100 Takehome Examination AUT 2020’ folder (see print screens below).

Assignment Information

Aut 2020 - 26100 Integrating Business Perspectives Exam

Note: This is what the folder labelled ‘26100 Takehome Examination AUT 2020’ looks like. We have made the folder visible on UTS Online so you can check where it is but the content is invisible to students until the 24 hour exam period commences.

What will I find on the day when I open the 26100 Takehome Examination – Aut 2020 folder? You will find a document for download, which contains exam instructions and exam questions. You will also find a Turnitin submission link just like you have used for your earlier assessments. Is there anything I need to know about submitting my exam answers through Turnitin? The most important thing to remember is that to avoid submitting at the last moment. You can submit your answers at any point in the 24 hour exam period but please leave sufficient time for file upload. Late submissions will not be allowed. You will also only be allowed to submit once and you will not be able to access similarity reports. Make sure that you keep a copy of the digital receipt that will be provided to you when submitting. This is your proof that the exam was completed on time. If I run into problems during the exam who should I contact? Questions relating to the exam should be












([email protected]) between the hours of 7am and 10pm Sydney time during the exam. Stephen will not be able to advise you on how you should approach the preparation of an exam answer (this is up to you). He is more than happy to assist, however, should any technical or procedural issues occur.

Aut 2020 - 26100 Integrating Business Perspectives Exam Who will mark my exam? Your exam will be marked by your IBP tutor using a marking guide that will be prepared by the subject coordinator. Are there any sample exams available? There are no practice questions available. In the recorded lectures from last semester you will find some old exam questions from previous semesters. Please do not take these questions as being indicative of style, however, as the format of the exam has changed to take home this semester. We have also avoided providing practice questions because we don’t want to imply that certain topics are definitely going to be canvassed in the exam and others aren’t. After the exam when will exam marks be published? Exam marks will not be published as separate items in grade centre. You will receive your exam marks as part of your final subject scores when these are released by the university. What type of questions are in the exam? The IBP exam is made up of two extended response questions (maximum length of allowed answers is 500 words – ref lists not included in word length). 

One question relates to broad themes and issues from the recorded lecture program and readings. When answering this question it is entirely possible that you will be asked to discuss a concept or idea in relation to a real world business or your group project. Make sure you take good high level notes that will enable you to find the material you need to craft your answer. This question will be marked out of 20.

The other question investigates the skills you have learned throughout the subject. To prepare for this question please pay careful attention to the work you have been doing in your tutorials (make sure you look at the notes in the tutorial ppt files for additional information on some of the topics discussed). Remember to reflect critically on what worked and what didn’t when planning your answer. This question will be marked out of 10. Separately, this second question will also be assessed for English language. However, this will have no impact on the score you receive. The English language assessment is used by the university as a mechanism to (a) track how you have progressed since the OPELA at the start of the session, and (b) recommend additional language support to those who need further development.

How will these questions be marked? Is there a marking rubric? There is no marking rubric but we would suggest that you consider the following when structuring your answers:

Aut 2020 - 26100 Integrating Business Perspectives Exam 

Make sure you engage with each part of the question. If there is a concept referred to in the question, then it should be a part of your answer.

If the question requires an example (real world business or related to your group project etc.) then make sure that there is sufficient detail given to allow your reader to understand it.

Make sure you read the linking words in the question carefully. Common linking words in exams can include list, explain, reflect, discuss and describe etc. Each of these words implies a different expectation on the part of the assessor and you should consider what you are being asked to do carefully before commencing writing.

Remember that as this is a take-home exam that there is an expectation that your answers will display a high level of critical reasoning, as well as demonstrate the ability to link materials from different parts of the subject (lectures, readings etc.)

I’m looking at my list of required readings in the subject outline and there is a lot to read and memorise over the period leading up to the exams. How should I approach reviewing this material? We would begin to answer this by saying that we would hope you have been doing the reading progressively for all your subjects during the semester. This is far less stressful than having to cram all reading into the final week or so of semester. Remember that as this is an open book exam there is no need to memorise. Equally, however, you want to give yourself time to reflect on the issues that a reading raises and to ensure that you have good high level notes that will allow you to craft your answer. Always reflect carefully on why you were given a reading – to explain a core concept or theory, to give you real world examples etc. When I’m writing my answers do I need to reference? You will not be expected to conduct any additional research for this exam. You have everything you need in the lecture slides, lecture recordings, tutorial slides and work that you completed for your group project. However, if you do wish to include a reference to someone else’s work in either of your answers then please include an in-text reference and follow good academic practices. Referencing is, however, not compulsory. How should I label the file with my exam answers that I upload onto Turnitin? It is very important that files are labelled using the format in the exam cover sheet (which you will have access to on the day of your exam). The requested format is - EXAM_subject number_student number EXAM_54000_12345678

End of Document. Good Luck for the Exam!!!


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