Exam, questions and answers Help PDF

Title Exam, questions and answers Help
Course Law
Institution National University of Ireland Galway
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Subject: Business law Hi, I have been practicing the exam papers from the past few years and I am having trouble with merchantable quality. I have the core textbook but the cases don’t match. I went to my local library and found another book, Business & Company Law for Irish students and this book also had different cases. Can the cases in these book be used instead to answer the question. Thank you

You can use any cases as long as they are relevant. Regards, Nicola

Subject: LW190 Tutorial question Hi Nicola, I was just practicing some problem questions and was wondering if in the 1st question of tutorial 2, is it a counter offer when Sylvia says that Andy must have the NCT renewed? Many thanks, It could be a counter offer or a request for information. As I said when I went through that question in the final lecture, sometimes the answer isn’t 100% clear so you can argue either way. It’s ok to say that there are two possible conclusions, depending on how the court would view the demand to renew the NCT. Regards, Nicola

Subject: LW190 Exam Hi Nicola, I am practicing exam papers in order to prepare for the exam, and I'm a bit worried that I won't have time to write my full answers. How many cases would you expect to have in an average answer and how long do you think a good answer should be? Thank you and regards,

You only have to answer two questions so you have an hour for each which is more than enough time to answer each question. As I explained in the last two lectures, there is no set number of cases that you must mention per answer. You may be dealing with an area of law where there are very few cases, or an area where there is an enormous amount of caselaw. What you must always do is cite as many relevant cases as possible. That could mean that you only cite one, or that you cite ten. When it’s a matter of how long your answer should be, again it depends on various factors, such as the size of your handwriting and the amount of law in that area. Two pages would be the absolute minimum. However, do not write just for the sake of filling the pages because you will only get marks for what is relevant. Regards, Nicola

Subject: LW190 Hi Nicola, I am just wondering if 'termination of contracts' is the same as 'terms of contract' and if not, what handout would I find termination of contracts? I look forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards,

"Termination of contracts” means the ways in which contracts may be ended. It has nothing to do with terms of a contract. There was no handout on termination of contracts. Regards, Nicola

Subject: Dear Nicola, I am just wondering 1) when writing an essay for the commerce law exam, say on the topic of acceptance, should an answer include all relevant cases in regards to the question? And 2) will we get out MCQ grade before the exam or at all? Kind regards, Always include all relevant cases. If you know any relevant cases which are not in the handout, include them too. Regards, Nicola

Subject: Re: 1718-LW190 Business Law 1: Class Test Hi Nicola, I was at the lecture both times when you adressed the topics that will not be examinable but I am still confused on one part and hoping you can answer my question! For capacity, I assume is it capacity of minors in handout 7 I was wondering is effects of contracts made by minors examinable or is this included in capacity? Nothing relating to minors’ capacity is examinable.

Regards, Nicola

Subject: Lw190 Hi Nicola just emailing in relation to first year law LW190 handout 9 . I am just wondering if you need to know word for word what each act states for example what the implied condition as to title. Thank you You would not need to know the exact wording as long as you know what the effect of each section is. You can explain those implied conditions in your own words. Regards, Nicola

Subject: Business Law LW190 Exam Query

Hi Nicola, In relation to citing case law, you said in a lecture during the week to cite cases relating to Irish law. Does that mean we shouldn't use (Lefkowiz v. Great Minneapolis Surplus Store) referencing case law for Invitation to treat construed as an offer as it is an American company? Or (Harvela v. Royal Trust Company of Canada) for Applications for Tenders? Thank you in advance for your time. Kind Regards,

You can use the foreign cases from the handouts. I included them because they are good illustrations of the rules that also apply to Irish law. However, as I said in class, do not use websites for law students because they tend to be from other legal jurisdictions and you have no way of knowing whether the law is the same as it is here. Regards, Nicola

Subject: LW190 Business Law Dear Nicola, I’m just wondering if you could clarify something for me regarding the exam. To obtain high marks, are the additional readings the extra cases that are in the handouts which were not covered in class or is it extra material from various books in the library? Many thanks. Kind regards,

To get high marks you would need to read the extra material listed in the further reading section at the end of each handout. Regards, Nicola...

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