Exercise 3 - SWOT analysis for the Tesla company, here we can see the strengths, weaknesses, PDF

Title Exercise 3 - SWOT analysis for the Tesla company, here we can see the strengths, weaknesses,
Course Introduction To Business
Institution Savannah College of Art and Design
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SWOT analysis for the Tesla company, here we can see the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the company has. ...



Exercise 3 SWOT Analysis


Exercise 3 Strengths


Unique Position in the Auto Market1

Tesla has high prices7

Strong Brand

Limited market presence- most of

Quality product – Tesla keeps

their revenue comes from the United

improving their cars constantly and

States and some from China.8

making them better for a lower cost. 2

Limited supply chain9

Sales Growth in the last few years

High expenditures for the charging

Innovative Brand (Tesla updates their software constantly) 3

stations 

Tesla spends more money than what

Successful dual motor in Model S

it actually wins every year, which is

They have created new businesses

why they’ve had to sell their shares10

such as Tesla Energy4 

Supercharge stations

Annual growth rate of 5.4% annually5

They created a “green movement”

Because they invest constantly they have debt11

which influenced governments to purchase more fuel-efficient cars.6

1 Dalvagas, Iason. "SWOT Analysis: Tesla Motors, Inc." Value Line - The Most Trusted Name in Investment Research. 2 Kissinger, Daniel. "Tesla Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations." Panmore Institute. February 02, 2018 3 Ibid 4 Washburn, Chris. “Major Case Analysis: Tesla Motors”. 5 Dalvagas, Iason. "SWOT Analysis: Tesla Motors, Inc." Value Line - The Most Trusted Name in Investment Research. 6 Ibid 7 Kissinger, Daniel. "Tesla Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations." Panmore Institute. February 02, 2018 8 Ibid 9 Washburn, Chris. “Major Case Analysis: Tesla Motors”. 10 Dalvagas, Iason. "SWOT Analysis: Tesla Motors, Inc." Value Line - The Most Trusted Name in Investment Research. 11 Ibid


Exercise 3 Opportunities 


Tesla newer car Model 3 – It’s a much

manufacturers 16

lower priced fully electric car12 

Cost- Reduction Initiative – With

Auto manufacturers – tesla’s biggest competitors are normal cars17

Musk’s secret master with three steps

Competition from other electric car

to bring an affordable electric car13

Fluctuation in material prices18

Global sales expansion – Tesla has

Dealership regulations – Tesla sales

slowly stated to expand to other parts

their cars to costumers without a

of the word.14


Business diversification 15

Low gas prices20

Product Innovations

Funding – Tesla might have problems funding their ambitious projects, they are currently working on Model 321


12 Ibid 13 Ibid 14 Kissinger, Daniel. "Tesla Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations." Panmore Institute. February 02, 2018 15 Ibid 16 Ibid 17 Dalvagas, Iason. "SWOT Analysis: Tesla Motors, Inc." Value Line - The Most Trusted Name in Investment Research. 18 Washburn, Chris. “Major Case Analysis: Tesla Motors”. 19 Kissinger, Daniel. "Tesla Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations." Panmore Institute. February 02, 2018 20 Washburn, Chris. “Major Case Analysis: Tesla Motors”. 21 Dalvagas, Iason. "SWOT Analysis: Tesla Motors, Inc." Value Line - The Most Trusted Name in Investment Research.


Exercise 3 Tesla’s main strength is its innovative brand.22 They also have the strength to remain in business for so many years, but as identified Tesla has a few issues that the company has to address to be able to improve its profitability, especially because Tesla has invested more than what they have made profit. Tesla is a company that it’s not afraid of taking risks, this can be as much good as it is bad because if things don’t go as planned the company could end up in bankruptcy. Tesla has a lot of strengths that they seem to be using to their advantage, like the supercharge stations because possible costumers take this into consideration, before buying an electric car. Also, Tesla’s way of advertising themselves is by creating “green movements” I believe this is very intelligent because it makes their target audience conscious about the problems and how by buying an electric car we can slowly fix the problems.23 It is also known that one of the biggest weakness that Tesla has it’s the price of their cars, because there’s companies like Nissan and Chevy who have electric cars, but they are noticeably cheaper.24 However, Tesla has started the production on Model 3, which is a more affordable option when looking for Tesla cars. Tesla is currently going through production difficulties for Model 3, this situation could be really bad for the company.25 Tesla has been investing in construction of their new factory in Nevada and Tesla’s cash flow has been low, because of this Tesla has been forced to raise more debt and sale more shares.

22 Kissinger, Daniel. "Tesla Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations." Panmore Institute. February 02, 2018 23 Dalvagas, Iason. "SWOT Analysis: Tesla Motors, Inc." Value Line - The Most Trusted Name in Investment Research. 24 Kissinger, Daniel. "Tesla Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations." Panmore Institute. February 02, 2018 25 Dalvagas, Iason. "SWOT Analysis: Tesla Motors, Inc." Value Line - The Most Trusted Name in Investment Research.


Exercise 3 Tesla has many opportunities to grow as a company, to my belief they have slowly started to take advantage of their opportunities. I believe their biggest opportunity is global sales expansion, Tesla is only sold in specifically parts of the world but most of their sales are from the United States. Another major opportunity is the Model 3, this car is being sold for $35,000, this will give Tesla a huge advantage.26 Because currently the only thing that stops possible costumers from buying Tesla cars is the price, this will also help Tesla have an advantage to attain a larger market share in the US Automobile Manufacturing Industry. Some say that the biggest threat for Tesla is other electric cars manufacturers, but Tesla’s biggest threat is fuel cars manufacturers, because even though Tesla are trying to make it possible for people to change to electric cars there are a lot of people that aren’t convinced by electric cars.27 Another threat is the fact that tesla spends more money than it wins, even though Tesla made $1.5 billions in 2016 but the amount that they spend of the project is much more than what Tesla wins.

26 Dalvagas, Iason. "SWOT Analysis: Tesla Motors, Inc." Value Line - The Most Trusted Name in Investment Research. 27 Washburn, Chris. “Major Case Analysis: Tesla Motors”....

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