F19 PSY505 Course outline 2019 0711 PDF

Title F19 PSY505 Course outline 2019 0711
Author Beatrice Yu
Course Social Psychology
Institution Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Pages 10
File Size 332.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 99
Total Views 141


Course Outline...


HONG KONG SHUE YAN UNIVERSITY Department of Counselling and Psychology Master of Social Sciences in Psychology " Course Title"

Social Psychology "

Course Code"

PSY 505 " 1"

Year of Study"

" Number of Credits"

3 credits "

Duration in Weeks"

15 weeks "

Contact Hours Per Week"

1:1 " Dr. Jason Chow Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2806 8044

Course Instructor"

Course Tutor"

" I.!

" "

General Course Aims

This course introduces key social psychological theories and research relating to the societal context; their relevance to daily life; and how to acquire social psychological knowledge through scientific investigation. The course begins with a general introduction to social psychology and its methodology, and then proceeds to interesting psychological phenomena and application to the real world. The course will encourage a critical analysis of the controversial issues in social psychology. " II.! Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) " At the completion of the course, it is anticipated that students will be able to:" 1.! identify the key features of social psychology" 2.! apply social psychological theories and research to understand human interaction" 3.! evaluate key theoretical approaches to social psychology" 4.! evaluate broad and controversial issues in social psychology, for example, the replication crisis and the effect of social media on emotional well-being" 5.! evaluate the quality of social psychological studies" 6.! identify the ethical issues, which arise from experiments in social psychology." " " " 1"

" III.!

Tentative Course Schedule


" Week"





" Chapter" Ch.1, 2 and assigned readings




Research in Social Psychology and the replication crisis

1,4, 6



Social Cognition: How Do We Think About Ch. 3 the Social World?

1, 3, 5, 6



Social Perception: Perceiving and

Ch. 4

1, 3, 5, 6

Understanding Others # Submission of group list and preferred topics 4.


Attitudes: Evaluating and Responding to the Ch. 6 & 7 Social World

2, 3, 4, 6


3/10/2019 Reading Week 1


10/10/2019 Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination

Ch. 13

2, 3, 4, 6


17/10/2019 Close Relationships and Love # Quiz 1 (Topic 1-5)

Ch. 10

2, 3, 4, 6


24/10/2019 Conformity and Obedience

Ch. 8

2, 3, 4, 6


31/10/2019 Aggression

Ch. 12

2, 3, 4, 6




14/11/2019 Groups and Individuals


21/11/2019 A guide to dealing with adversity and achieving a happy life # Quiz 2 (Lecture 6-9)


28/11/2019 Presentation Seminar 1




Presentation Seminar 2



12/12/2019 Summary

Reading Week 2 Ch. 9 Assigned readings

2, 3, 4, 6 1,2,3,4,5,6





Teaching and Learning Activities

The course comprises lectures, web learning modules, and assessments. Students’ interests in social interactions in general and problems arising from application of the theories in particular will be addressed through online discussion, guided self-directed projects, and written assignments." " Learning outcome in this course is mainly measured in terms of" 1.! the competence in applying relevant explanatory constructs and theories in social psychology to explain and predict common social behaviors 2.! the competence in understanding and evaluating social psychological research." " V.! Assessment Assessment Tasks

Intended Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6



Participation (Both lecture and online discussion forum)


Group presentation

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

20 %


Group written report

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

35 %



1, 2, 3, 4, 6

40 %

Total :



a.!Participation (5%)" " Students are expected to come to lectures and tutorials on time and be prepared to interact with the material and actively participate in the discussion. In order to make the most out of the learning experience, it is imperative that students are not only present at each class meeting, but are alert, attentive, and ready to learn, participate and contribute. Students are required to read (before class) any texts that are assigned for that week." " Grade descriptors" Parameters:" -! ! Attendance: 60%" -! ! Participation: 40% Descriptors Attend 90% or more of lectures and tutorials. Frequently contributes to ongoing discussion with high quality and insightful content and participates actively in tutorials. The student’s absence from class is acutely felt and substantially diminishes the interactivity of the class. Attend at least 80% or more of lectures and tutorials. Contributes to ongoing discussion with quality and relevant content, and participate noticeably in tutorials. The student’s absence from class is easily felt and diminishes the interactivity of the class. Attend at least 70% or more of lectures and tutorials. Sometimes contributes to ongoing discussion, and participates sporadically in tutorials. Quality of content is 3"

Grades A/A-



not always relevant or insightful. The student’s absence from class is not necessarily felt. Attend 60% or more of lectures and tutorials. Does not contribute to ongoing discussion unless called upon, and participation in tutorials is passive. The student’s absence from class is not noticed and has no effect on the interactivity of the class. Attends less than 60% of lectures and tutorials. No engagement in class. No ability to contribute.



" c. Group Presentation (20%) and Group Written Report (35%) The seminar presentation is made up of:" (1)!a group presentation and (2)!a group written report of the presentation topic. - Group Presentation (20%)" " Students are required to form a group of 2 or 3 students, then select a topic from a list of 9 issues and read the corresponding source article (The list of presentation topics and the corresponding source articles can be found at the last two pages of the course outline). You need to submit your group list and topic to the tutor by the 3rd lecture. Students are expected to take sides on the different views on a prevalent issue in social psychology and present their own views in class after critically evaluating the existing opinions." Remember there is no absolute answer to these questions, what you need to do is to review the existing evidence carefully, pick a stance that you find more convincing and try to convince the audience why your position is better than others." " For the seminar presentation, students should see it as a formal presentation in a professional academic conference. The presenters need to briefly explain the issue, evaluate the existing opinions and support their position with relevant scientific evidence and logical analyses during the presentation. The presentation will last around 40 minutes (plus a 5 mins Q & A). It is expected that students can read beyond the source article and explore the topic with the assistance of the lecturer and the tutor. The skill of efficient and extensive literature review, critical thinking, and the ability to present one’s views effectively, concisely and creatively will be the keys of a good presentation." " Note: Any information shown in the presentation that does not originate from the students’ original opinion or thought must be accompanied by an APA-style in-text citation at the bottom of the same slide that corresponds to a References slide (last slide). Grade descriptors Parameters:" -!Understanding of the different opinions regarding the issue (40%)" -!Critical, logical analysis of the existing evidence (30%)" -!Clarity of stance and arguments (20%)" -!Presentation skill and audience engagement (10%) 4"


" Descriptors"

" Information is rich and accurate. The chosen mode of delivery ensures that the audience finds the concepts clearly articulated and easy to comprehend. Use of APA style for in-text/slide citations and References are consistent and largely error free." " Able to cover all the core concepts with adequate elaboration. The audience finds the presentation comprehensible and clear. Use of APA style for in-text/slide citations and References are consistent and moderately error free." " Only manages to cover most of the core concepts without adequate elaboration. The audience is left with gaps in knowledge. Use of APA style for in-text/slide citations and References are inconsistent, prone to error or absent." " Not all core concepts are covered, and there is a general lack of elaboration. The audience is unable to grasp the central themes of the presentation. Use of APA style for in-text/slide citations and References are non-existent or sketchy at best." " No coverage of core concepts. Does not contribute to student learning. No use of APA style. No use of references."

Grades" " A/A-"

" B+/B"

" B-/C+"

" C/D"

" F"

" " - Group written report (35%) Based on the same topic that you have chosen for your group presentation, you are required to write a group short review paper (not exceeding 2,500 words, excluding references). In your paper you are expected to: 1.! Identify the issues in discussion, and precisely illustrate the essence of the paradigm or concept" being studied in the source article; 2.! Present clear arguments, with substantiated evidence drawn from the assigned readings, external source, mini survey/studies/observation conducted by students, and/or personal experience about the validity of the thesis and anti-thesis of the topic at hand;" 3.! Draw a conclusion of your own, based on the evidence presented." " Assignment parameters:" - Not exceeding 2,500 words" - The title page must contain the full name (English and Chinese) and the student’s ID number!!! Please print the total word count (besides cover page and References) at the end of your paper, e.g. total words = 1,843." Grades descriptors:" Parameters: - Depth of understanding of the issue as reflected by the literature review (35%) - Critical discussion of the issue at hand on theoretical or other local empirical studies, personal and/or practice experiences (35%) - Organization and clarity of writing (20%) -!APA Style (10%)



" Descriptors"




" Accurate conceptualization of the issue. Reflects mastery of subject matter and associated literature. Excellent critical analysis demonstrates ability to evaluate the logic/evidence of different positions. Points/ideas are fully elaborated and connected. Writing is clear and easy to understand."


Reflects basic understanding of the associated literature. Reflects effort to do literature review, but important work related to the question is omitted. Logical flows of the argument are reasonable, yet at least 1 logical f laws/ambiguity is detected. Writing is generally clear and easy to understand although there are 1-2 spots that are hard to follow/not fully elaborated. "


Show major misunderstandings of the issues in discussion. Insufficient literature review, many important works are omitted. Writing is unclear, 3- 5 spots are hard to follow/ not fully elaborated."

B-/C+" " C/D"

A clear stance cannot be found in the paper. Only rely on lecture materials, no effort to read beyond the source article. Simply using lay arguments to support the research questions. Writing is unclear, 6 to 10 spots are hard to follow/not fully elaborated" "

" The conceptualization of the issue is obviously logically flawed. No effort to do literature review is shown. No effort to understand the source article. Many logical flaws and misunderstanding are detected in the report. Writing is messy. The whole report is difficulty to follow."


The soft copy of the group written reports should be submitted to us at or before 11:59 pm of 19 th Dec, 2019 (HK Time). You need to submit a softcopy of your report via MOODLE. Late submission will subject to mark penalty (See below). " d.

Quizzes (40%)

" The quizzes will be based on class lectures and readings. Each quiz (20% each) will consist of 40 Multiple Choices questions. The first (Topic 1- 5) and second quiz (Topic 6- 9) will be scheduled on 17/10/2019 and 21/11/2019 respectively. Please refer to the Overall Grading Rubrics." " " Overall Grading (letter grade also applicable to final exam)" " " " Descriptors" Grades" " " " A/A-" Excellent Student demonstrates above average critical thinking, initiative and mastery of the course material. Punctual attendance and submission of homework. Full / Very participation in class discussions. Evidences original and critical thought in good" group presentation, written assignments and class discussion. All submitted work adheres fully to APA style formatting."





Student demonstrates a good understanding of the course material and meet all course requirements. Good interpretation of the material in written and presentation formats. Students show initiative in the learning environment. All submitted work adheres to a large degree to APA style formatting."



Student demonstrates a basic understanding of the course material. There is room for improvement in expression – written and oral. All submitted work mostly adheres to APA style formatting."

B-/C+" Satisfactory"





" C/D"

Student demonstrates difficulty understanding the course material. Limited skill in expression – written and oral. Students do not show initiative in the learning environment. Submitted work complies with APA style formatting less than half of the time." " The student fails to understand the concept and fails to execute and/or complete the minimum requirements in written and presentation formats. APA style formatting is not applied consistently if at all." " VI.!


" F"


Readings for the course

a.! Principle Textbook" Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., Akert, R. M., & Sommers, S. R. (2019). Social psychology (13th Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education Inc." " b.! Supplementary readings" Kassin, S., Fein, S., & Markus, H. R. (2011). Social Psychology. (8th ed.) New York: Houghton Mifflin." " c. Recommended Readings for Writing" 1. American Psychological Association (2010) Publication manual of the American" Psychological Association (6th ed.) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. " 2.! Mitchell, M. L., Jolley, J. M., & O'Shea (2007) Writing for Psychology (2nd ed) Belmont," CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning" " d.! Top journals recommended for literature review " Empirical" P฀! Journal of Personality and Social Psychology" P฀! Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin" P฀! Personality and Social Psychology Science" P฀! Journal of Experimental Social Psychology" P฀! British Journal of Social Psychology" P฀! European Journal of Social Psychology" P฀! Advances in Experimental Social Psychology" P฀! Psychological Science" P฀! Journal of Applied Psychology" 7"

P฀! Self and Identity" P฀! Personality and Individual Differences" P฀! Social Cognition" " Review" P฀! P฀! P฀! P฀! P฀! P฀! """

Psychological Bulletin Psychological Review American Psychologists" Current Directions in Psychological Science" Perspectives in Psychological Science" Personality and Social Psychology Review"

" " VII.! Course Administrative Policies

a.! Academic Honesty " Although we encourage you to share your ideas and learn collaboratively with your classmates, never show them any of your written work, both drafts or completed assignments. Written work by others, whether published or unpublished, may only be used in your assignments with proper acknowledgement and citations. Plagiarism is passing off the ideas or words of another as one’s own. Realize that you must give another credit, by citing the source, for ideas you use in your papers that are not your own, even if you are not quoting the source. Your assignments will be electronically scanned for plagiarized materials against a database of articles, books, webpages, and student assignments. The minimum penalty for an assignment that contains plagiarized materials will be a zero mark for that given assignment. Such penalty also applies to self-plagiarism (Using materials submitted for another course without proper acknowledgement will also fall under this category). The Department keeps a record of confirmed plagiarism cases. A second attempt in any course will result to zero mark for the whole course and will be reported to higher authority for consideration of possible disciplinary actions." " b.! Penalty for Late Submissions of Written Assignments Penalty will be given for all late submissions for whatever reasons. 10% of the final score of a given assignment will be deducted for each 12 hours’ post-deadline (i.e., you will lose all the marks for a given assignment if you submit it late for 5 calendar days). Special approval will not be normally granted unless it is fully supported by legitimate documents. Unforeseen technical failure is not a legitimate excuse for late submission, unless the Moodle server has been affected." " " c.! Group Assignments As group assignments are meant to be completed by a group, medical conditions of any single member do not warrant an extension of the deadline. You take both individual and collective responsibility for your group’s submissions. If you suspect that your group project contains plagiarized materials, consult in confidence the lecturer of the course for advice before the misbehavior is discovered." "


VIII.! Class Feedback I invite you to offer feedback about any aspect of the course via email, online discussion forum in Moodle or individual meeting. You may also suggest future discussion topics or to ask questions that you thought of after class or did not have an opportunity to ask during class. We will also conduct a class feedback survey on the 5th lecture." Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries and suggestions about the course content and format. " IX.! Online Discussion Forum To make full use of our internet platform to stimulate intellectual discussion and experience sharing, discussion forums will be created to encourage online discussion of certain interesting topics. Students can feel free to raise new topic/question for our forums. Please feel free to share your views, personal experiences or your observation so that we can learn from each other. There are no strict requirements on the format or style of posting in the forum. The only requirement is to respect each other – you can disagree with others’ opinions, but no personal attack is allowed.



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