Fair trade PDF

Title Fair trade
Course Business English 
Institution Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Pages 2
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description of what's fair trade...


Fairtrade – The Definition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLKTGWH398Q Fair trade is a worldwide movement that aims to help farmers and producers in less economically developed countries. The term fair trade means that they receive a fair price for the goods that they produce. Fair trade, defined simply, is when producers in developing countries are paid a fair price for their work, by companies in developed countries. Fair trade was created as an alternative way of doing trade. There is respect, transparency and dialogue between producers, traders and consumers. In order to be part of the Fairtrade system, traders and producers have to meet certain criteria. Goods that are produced and sold in support of these aims usually carry a fair-trade label. The label is awarded to smallholders (piccolo produttore) that work together in cooperatives or other organisations with a democratic structure and to companies who pay their workers decent wages (salario), guarantee them the right to join trade unions (sindacati), ensure health and safety standards and, if necessary, provide adequate housing. Fairtrade standards also cover terms of trade( condizioni contrattuali). Most producers have a Fairtrade price, which is the minimum that must be paid to the producers. The price ensures that producers can cover the average costs of sustainable production

How Fair Trade Works Farmers and workers in developing countries are often paid less for their goods and crops than those in more economically developed countries. People involved in the fair-trade movement help the farmers deal with big companies that buy their produce to make sure that the farmers receive a fair income plus a little bit more, an extra payment, called a “premium,” from their produce. The premium goes into a communal fund for workers and farmers, who can use it to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions. The people who promote fair trade help farmers and producers work in a sustainable way. This involves looking after the environment, using fewer chemicals, and planning for the future.

History The idea of fair trade has been around since the 1960s, but fair-trade labels were not used until 1988. Fair Trade has grown enormously since the 1980s. Later lots of charitable organisations throughout the world who share this mission, came together to create a big foundation (FLO Fairtrade Labelling Organization) whose aim is to help farmers and producers selling their goods.

Fairtrade products include tea, coffee, cotton, rice, wine, pineapples, flowers, nuts, icecream, chocolate, fruit juice, biscuits, dried fruit, cereals, honey and bananas, beauty products, footballs, handicrafts.

The advantages of fair trade     

it benefits farmers in Africa, Asia and Latin America to earn money for their family. It is eco-friendly and sustainable It helps improving conditions of developing countries The products have to reach certain standards, so they are good It helps small farmers and producers to get a spot on the market...

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