FCS 441 Chapter 13 Practice Test PDF

Title FCS 441 Chapter 13 Practice Test
Course Family Relations
Institution Southeastern Louisiana University
Pages 6
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13 1. Judging older persons negatively despite little or no knowledge of those persons constitutes ________. ageism 2. The downtown in the economy has made __________ difficult for many people. retirement 3. On the average, menopause for women occurs around age ______. 50 4. Female menopause is the end of ________. monthly menstral periods 5. Male menopause is caused by a decline in the production of ________. androgen 6. As the life span of the general population increases, the United States is experiencing a _____________. demographic revolution 7. The positive aspects of children leaving home are suggested by the term _______. spacious nest 8. A marriage that has lasted 50 years or more is termed a ________ marriage. longevous 9. As with any major life transition, retirement takes some _________. adjustment 10. In one meaning of grandparenthood identified by Thiele and Whelan, some grandparents view their role as a _________ _____ ________. source of status 11. Middle age can be defined as D. all these 12. According to a study by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), what was the number one reason women gave for getting divorced? C. emotional/physical abuse 13. Which of the following is most likely to be true of you as you get older? C. You are likely to have fewer acute illnesses than younger persons. 14. When couples find themselves caring for aging parents, as well as their own children, they are part of what has become known as the __________ generation.

A. sandwich 15. According to the U.S. Census, which is the fastest-growing age group in U.S. population? D. 85 and older 16. What percentage of persons age 65 or older have living grandchildren? B. 75% 17. What do most current studies reveal about the term "mid-life crisis"? D. Evidence doesn't support the existence of a mid-life crisis. 18. Statistically midlife does not bring about an increase in D. all of these 19. Often adults are divided into three distinct groups: C. young-old (55-65), middle-old (65-75), and old-old (over 75). 20. The phenomenon of aging is D. all these 21. According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial challenge for middle age is B. generativity or stagnation. 22. Often with age comes greater satisfaction with D. all of these 23. "Male menopause" develops as a result of A. a decline in androgen production. 24. Female menopause includes which of the following changes? C. diminished vaginal secretions 25. Statistics show _________ life is more a time of crisis. A. early 26. People are postponing retirement because: C. Both A & B. 27. The average life expectancy for women is: D. 79 years. 28. The male hormone that declines slowly and steadily in most men until age 60 is known as B. androgen. 29. Since 1900, the average life expectancy in the United States has increased from ______ to ______.

B. 47 years; 77 years 30. Most of the people in the U.S. over age ____ own their own homes free and clear. D. 65 31. Depression in older adults is perhaps most often caused by D. life occurrences. 32. Most people in nursing homes in the United States are C. over age 85. 33. What percentage of longevous marriages are described as very unhappy? C. 20% 34. Thiele and Whelan identified meanings of grandparenthood, which may include a __________ role. A. status B. emotional self-fulfillment C. teacher D. all of these 35. Which is NOT one of the dimensions of the grandparent role: A. grandparent behavior. B. grandparent satisfaction. C. attitudes and expectations. D. all of these are dimensions of the grandparent role. 36. Approximately what percentage of adults over age 65 with long-term care needs live in a nursing home? B. 20% 37. Female menopause begins on the average at about age C. 50. 38. The percentage of White children being raised by grandparents is 5%; 15% of African American; and ______% of Latino children. B. 9 39. Elder abuse is most likely to occur out of problems arising from which generational phenomena? C. sandwich generation 40. The opposite of the spacious nest is the A. parental nest refilled. 41. Adult children who return home to their parents' house are known as:

A. boomerang kids. 42. The average life expectancy of women is about _____ years more than that of men. B. 5 43. Which is NOT a myth about old age? B. Most old people are more likely to be cared for by their families than to be in nursing homes. 44. According to the textbook, grief over the loss of a spouse can last up to ____ years. B. 2 45. Which term refers to the situation in which adult children return home to live for a while, usually to save money to move into their own apartments or homes? B. cluttered nest 46. Current statistics show that _____ of all U.S. children are parented by grandparents. C. 6.3% 47. Growing numbers of Baby Boomers over 65 will result in: C. greater social and political focus on retirement and healthcare issues. 48. A longevous marriage is one that lasts _____ years or more. B. 50 49. ____________ relationships in middle and older adulthood are a new area of research. C. Sibling 50. This term occurs when adult children who return home to live with their parents after college graduation: B. Cluttered Nest. 51. What is the average life expectancy for males and females as of the year 2003? A. 74.4/79.8 years 52. What is a common medical approach used to treat menopause that is now being scrutinized? C. hormone replacement 53. In later years, research indicates _________ are closest. C. sisters 54. Which age group was most likely to describe life as "exciting"? C. 40-49 55. In later years, research indicates _________ are the most distant. A. brothers 56. Most sibling relationships are _________ for the older adult's well-being.

A. important 57. 1 in 5 people over 65 will be _________. D. childless 58. Which of the following phenomena is affected by economic conditions? C. boomerang kids. 59. __________ is the most common form of dementia. A. Alzheimer's 60. The definition of old age is divided into three categories: A. Young-old; middle-old; old-old. 61. Health symptoms associated with old age are more likely to be the result of disease and not of normal aging. TRUE 62. Both men and women experience a decline in hormone production as they get older. TRUE 63. Many parents enjoy suddenly having an "empty nest." TRUE 64. By age 50, a man may require up to 24 hours between an orgasm and his next erection. TRUE 65. The United States is going through a demographic revolution due to the increased life span of the population. TRUE 66. African American children are more likely to be raised by their grandparents. TRUE 67. The "Baby Boomer" years are identified as the years 1955-1980. FALSE 68. It is no more likely for African American children to be raised by grandparents than children of other cultural groups. FALSE 69. The average annual income decreases after people reach age 55. TRUE 70. Both men and women experience a kind of menopause. TRUE 71. The grandparent role is usually mutually enjoyable for grandparents and their grandchildren.

TRUE 72. There is a statistical relationship between age and loneliness. FALSE 73. "Empty nest" and "spacious nest" describe the same phenomena. TRUE 74. The role of grandparents differs little between cultural groups. FALSE 75. Mid-life crisis is a common event in most marriages. FALSE 76. The vast majority of people over age 65 will spend at least part of their later years in a nursing home. FALSE 77. Senility is another term for Alzheimer's Disease. FALSE 78. Attitude has a great deal to do with how old the person is. TRUE 79. Most people find the role of grandparent to be stressful. FALSE 80. Women are more likely to assume the role of caregiver for an older parent than men. TRUE 81. Infidelity is the number one cause of divorce for middle-aged couples. FALSE 82. Women represent a larger percentage of nursing home populations than men. TRUE 83. Studies indicate that significant family conflict results when adult children move home with their parents. FALSE 84. The grieving process over the loss of a spouse can take as long as 2 years. TRUE 85. Caring for an older parent can help strengthen a parent-child relationship. TRUE...

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