FCS 441 Chapter 5 Practice Test PDF

Title FCS 441 Chapter 5 Practice Test
Course Family Relations
Institution Southeastern Louisiana University
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Chapter 5 1. (p. 137)

The more one knows about another person, the more possibilities there are for __________________ and ___________________. disagreement; dislike Olson - Chapter 05 #1

2. (p. 137)

Couples who do not have conflicts tend not to ____________________ issues. resolve Olson - Chapter 05 #2

3. (p. 141)

____________ positions in any of Lerner's categories will cause relational problems. Extreme or Dominant Olson - Chapter 05 #3

4. (p. 143)

Regarding fair fighting, Crosby observed that we can interact in a straightforward manner when we really believe that our partner will not _________________ us or take advantage of our __________________. abandon; vulnerability Olson - Chapter 05 #4

5. (p. 143)

In negotiating from the "adult position," Crosby suggests that we listen ____________, respond _____________, and work with the other person to find an _____________ solution carefully; rationally; acceptable Olson - Chapter 05 #5

6. (p. 145)

In conflict, accusations tend to invite more _________________ or ________________. accusations; withdrawal Olson - Chapter 05 #6

7. (p. 145)

Often people do not directly _____________ what they really want because they fear ________________. say; rejection Olson - Chapter 05 #7

8. (p. 146)

In an argument, it's often as helpful to laugh as to ____________; and probably better to laugh than to ___________. cry; yell Olson - Chapter 05 #8

9. (p. 148)

Kilmann and Thomas's conflict resolution model is based on the belief that each style of conflict management is based on two partially ________________ goals—concern for ______________ and concern for the ______________. competing; self; other Olson - Chapter 05 #9

10. (p. 152)

Change is rarely ___________, and it is rare for any person to completely live up to any ____________. smooth; agreement Olson - Chapter 05 #10

11. (p. 131)

In intimate human relationships, conflict is A. inevitable B. abnormal C. predictable D. none of these Olson - Chapter 05 #11

12. (p. 133)

In the diagram of a hierarchy of conflict reported in our textbook A. expression of feelings follows decision making. B. need for decision precedes discussion of ideas. C. problem solving follows decision making. D. crisis precedes need for decision. Olson - Chapter 05 #12

13. (p. 133)

As the hierarchy of conflicts proceeds from the lower levels to the higher levels, the need for making a decision A. decreases. B. stays the same. C. increases. D. none of these, since discussion is irrelevant to conflict resolution Olson - Chapter 05 #13

14. (p. 133)

Which phase is NOT part of the conflict resolution process described by our textbook authors? A. decision-making phase B. problem-solving phase C. consequence-reduction phase D. crisis-resolution phase Olson - Chapter 05 #14

15. (p. 134)

Concerning negative emotions such as anger, bitterness, and resentment, most couples

A. fear them and hope they will disappear. B. do not suppress them. C. learn how to deal with them effectively. D. none of these Olson - Chapter 05 #15

16. (p. 134)

According to our textbook authors, what is the predominant reason for suppressing negative emotions? A. physiological B. psychological C. ethological D. neurological Olson - Chapter 05 #16

17. (p. 134)

The traditional taboo against anger includes all EXCEPT which one of the following? A. Nice people do not show anger. B. Anger indicates something is wrong with the relationship. C. Happy couples should not have conflict. D. Individuals should not deny their genuine feelings. Olson - Chapter 05 #17

18. (p. 135)

Rollo May says that A. to suppress aggression is to repress love. B. love and hate are polar opposites. C. feelings of love do not follow admissions of hatred. D. negative feelings are hostile to a relationship. Olson - Chapter 05 #18

19. (p. 136)

Bill Borcherdt, discussed in our textbook, identifies which emotion as the most harmful? A. jealousy B. bitterness C. anger D. resentment Olson - Chapter 05 #19

20. (p. 136)

Which statement is the LEAST likely to be true? A. Expressions of anger can cause guilt feelings. B. Expressions of anger can delude us into thinking we are doing something constructive about our problems. C. Expressions of anger tend to make us feel more positive about ourselves. D. Expressions of anger allow people to substitute feelings of superiority for feelings of hurt or rejection. Olson - Chapter 05 #20


(p. 136)

Which of the following statements is a misconception about anger? A. Anger is self-created. B. In the long run, anger tends to push partners apart. C. Venting of feelings tends to bring out those same feelings in others. D. Weak and inferior people do not counterattack when they are attacked. Olson - Chapter 05 #21

22. (p. 137)

In The Intimate Enemy, Bach and Wyden contend that verbal conflict is A. undesirable, but potentially constructive. B. unacceptable. C. highly desirable, and even constructive. D. unacceptable and unconstructive. Olson - Chapter 05 #22

23. (p. 137)

According to Mace, what are the two dynamic forces in every marriage? A. love and anger B. separateness and togetherness C. marriage and divorce D. individuality and dependence Olson - Chapter 05 #23

24. (p. 139)

Which of the following is one of Harriet Lerner's styles of anger management, reported in our textbook? A. underachiever B. overachiever C. underpursuer D. none of these Olson - Chapter 05 #24

25. (p. 139)

Lerner's pursuers tend to A. be unable to deal with feelings. B. seek greater togetherness in a relationship. C. try to change other people. D. take charge and give advice. Olson - Chapter 05 #25

26. (p. 140)

Lerner's overfunctioners want A. more space. B. more feelings. C. more flexibility. D. more structure. Olson - Chapter 05 #26

27. (p. 140)

Pursuers and distancers have difficulty finding a balance between

A. separateness and togetherness. B. flexibility and structure. C. irresponsibility and reliability. D. none of these Olson - Chapter 05 #27

28. (p. 141)

Except for housework and child care, U.S. society encourages women to be A. pursuers and underfunctioners. B. distancers and underfunctioners. C. distancers and overfunctioners. D. pursuers and overfunctioners. Olson - Chapter 05 #28

29. (p. 141)

U.S. society encourages men to be A. pursuers and underfunctioners. B. distancers and underfunctioners. C. distancers and overfunctioners. D. pursuers and overfunctioners. Olson - Chapter 05 #29

30. (p. 136)

According to research reported in our textbook, the basic tasks of living together A. create the most conflict. B. are the least problematic. C. become less conflicted over time. D. are so easily harmonized that more attention can be given to the really difficult areas of the relationship. Olson - Chapter 05 #30

31. (p. 143)

Crosby believes that couples should commit to negotiating from the A. Parent position. B. Child position. C. Adult position. D. Partner position. Olson - Chapter 05 #31

32. (p. 144)

Ultimatums leave little room for negotiation by putting A. the receiver in the Child position and the sender in the Adult position. B. the receiver in the Parent position and the sender in the Child position. C. the receiver in the Adult position and the sender in the Child position. D. the receiver in the Child position and the sender in the Parent position. Olson - Chapter 05 #32

33. (p. 143)

The goal of fair fighting is to A. be competitive.

B. have one mostly win and the other lose just a little. C. have a clear winner and a clear loser. D. preserve and enhance relationships. Olson - Chapter 05 #33

34. (p. 145)

Which type of statement is most helpful for resolving conflict? A. a "you" statement B. a "we" statement C. an "I" statement D. a "they" statement Olson - Chapter 05 #34

35. (p. 145)

Which of the following often results when sex is used to try to smooth over a disagreement? A. the underlying issue is resolved B. an immediate decision is reached C. resentment D. the immediate issue is resolved Olson - Chapter 05 #35

36. (p. 137)

The growing edge is: A. a balance of separateness and togetherness. B. the point in a marriage when couples communicate best. C. when couples have learned how to fight fairly. D. none of these Olson - Chapter 05 #36

37. (p. 145)

Active listeners A. change the subject if they think a conflict might be arising. B. restate the message in their own words. C. send a new message that obviously builds on the previous message. D. use "down time" in the conversation for other mental tasks. Olson - Chapter 05 #37

38. (p. 145)

Which of the following does active listening NOT accomplish? A. It forces the listener to listen. B. It speeds up reaction time. C. It keeps the discussion calmer. D. It aids in understanding of the messages. Olson - Chapter 05 #38

39. (p. 146)

Constructive arguments focus on A. the future. B. the past. C. the present.

D. the future and the past, but not the present. Olson - Chapter 05 #39

40. (p. 146)

Constructive arguments A. leap from one relevant topic to another. B. stay focused on the current topic. C. bring up the past, as necessary. D. decide which person is to blame for the problem, and then construct a plan to deal with the problem constructively. Olson - Chapter 05 #40

41. (p. 146)

"Time-outs" and "fouls" are A. useful tools when verbal interchanges get too intense. B. indicators that a fight is progressing well and should not be interrupted at this point. C. images from the competitive world of athletics and have no place in a cooperative relationship. D. dirty fighting techniques. Olson - Chapter 05 #41

42. (p. 146)

Which of the following usually helps in a conflict situation? A. sarcastic humor B. laughing at your partner C. the couple stepping back for a new perspective and a laugh at themselves D. no laughter, because conflict is not a laughing matter Olson - Chapter 05 #42

43. (p. 147)

Constructive approaches to resolving conflict include A. bringing up old issues. B. expressing predominantly negative feelings. C. focusing on issues instead of people. D. emphasizing differences. Olson - Chapter 05 #43

44. (p. 146)

Incongruity humor A. puts others down. B. blames others. C. exposes things that do not logically fit together. D. is a valuable tool used primarily in the court system. Olson - Chapter 05 #44

45. (p. 147)

Closure A. is a term that refers to the initiation of an issue.

B. should be gained as soon as possible or practical to do so. C. decreases bonding and respect in the relationship. D. encourages the dragging out of the argument. Olson - Chapter 05 #45

46. (p. 154)

Constructive conflict resolution results in A. increased intimacy. B. a winner and a loser. C. accentuated differences. D. blame being unilaterally assigned and accepted. Olson - Chapter 05 #46

47. (p. 147)

Learning to deal with conflict effectively A. is an area most therapists have avoided with their clients. B. is counterproductive to harmonious family life. C. is one of the most important efforts necessary for strong relationships. D. does not pay benefits worth the required changes. Olson - Chapter 05 #47

48. (p. 147)

Kilmann and Thomas's conflict resolution model does NOT identify which of the following styles? A. competing B. avoiding C. martyr D. accommodating Olson - Chapter 05 #48

49. (p. 148)

Which is NOT a dimension in Kilmann and Thomas's model for conflict resolution? A. concern for self B. concern for other C. concern for relationship D. concern for cooperation Olson - Chapter 05 #49

50. (p. 149)

People whose style of conflict management is accommodating tend to A. be aggressive and uncooperative. B. have a great deal of concern for the other person. C. be passive. D. be nonassertive, but cooperative. Olson - Chapter 05 #50

51. (p. 148)

Which statement would be MOST representative of the collaboration style of conflict management? A. "Once I get wound up in a heated discussion, I find it difficult to stop."

B. "In disagreements, you have to give a little to get a little." C. "In a conflict, I assert myself and I also advocate for the other person." D. "I like the excitement of winning a conflict." Olson - Chapter 05 #51

52. (p. 149)

Which statement identifies a disadvantage for people who prefer compromise as a conflict management style? A. They might use their strength to manipulate others. B. It reinforces the notion that conflict is bad and should be avoided at all costs. C. It sacrifices genuine dialogue. D. A compromise solution may not be the best one for all involved. Olson - Chapter 05 #52

53. (p. 148)

Generally speaking, which of the following styles of conflict takes the most time to reach a solution? A. competitive style B. collaborative style C. compromise style D. comprehensive style Olson - Chapter 05 #53

54. (p. 149)

Identify the true statement: A. One style of conflict management is superior to all the others. B. Only one style of conflict management has no disadvantages. C. When it is followed carefully, there is one simple way to resolve all human conflicts. D. Every conflict situation must be approached with caution and thoughtfulness. Olson - Chapter 05 #54

55. (p. 149)

People in conflict must consider (149) A. the personalities of those involved. B. the merits of the argument. C. the level of investment each has in continuing the relationship. D. all of these Olson - Chapter 05 #55

56. (p. 150)

Identify the correct order for successful conflict resolution: A. decide how to negotiate, clarify issue, identify alternatives, find out what each person wants. B. find out what each person wants, decide how to negotiate, identify alternatives, solidify agreements. C. clarify the issue, identify alternatives, solidify agreements, review, and renegotiate. D. identify alternatives, decide how to negotiate, find out what each person wants, solidify agreements. Olson - Chapter 05 #56

57. (p. 150)

Which technique can help minimize misunderstanding? A. The offended partner takes responsibility for personal reflection on the issue and on his or her feelings about the issue. B. Both individuals should try to understand fully what the other is saying. C. The offender is responsible for keeping the discussion focused. D. The offended partner takes responsibility for personal reflection and the offender takes responsibility for keeping the discussion focused. Olson - Chapter 05 #57

58. (p. 151)

Which of the following is NOT a recognized strategy for negotiating differences? A. quid pro quo B. quid pro quid C. agreeing to disagree D. Quidditch Olson - Chapter 05 #58

59. (p. 151)

Which strategy of negotiating differences works especially well when one partner is asking the other to change? A. quid pro quo B. quid pro quid C. agreeing to disagree D. Quidditch Olson - Chapter 05 #59

60. (p. 144)

Which of the following do our textbook authors recommend for solidifying an agreement? A. Write down all agreements in simple and clear language and post them as reminders. B. Get things wrapped up—even if there are upset feelings—because it will hasten improved relations. C. Agree to review the situation only if things degenerate. D. Try not to use threats, unless you must in order to expedite healing the relationship. Olson - Chapter 05 #60

61. (p. 131)

The more intimate the relationship, the greater the chances for interpersonal conflict. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #61

62. (p. 132)

According to our textbook authors, anger is not a major problem in intimate relationships FALSE Olson - Chapter 05 #62

63. (p. 133)

The hierarchy of conflict model illustrates the importance of early decision making in preventing

problems and crisis. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #63

64. (p. 137)

The "growing edge" is a comfortable balance between separateness and togetherness in a relationship. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #64

65. (p. 142)

There are big differences between conflict and support behaviors between heterosexual, gay, and lesbian couples. FALSE Olson - Chapter 05 #65

66. (p. 136)

Anger is like a double-edged sword in that it affects others as well as the self. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #66

67. (p. 136)

Firm and assertive statements do little to assist people in dealing with their anger. FALSE Olson - Chapter 05 #67

68. (p. 138)

Anger is seen as an enemy, not as a friend, in mature marriages. FALSE Olson - Chapter 05 #68

69. (p. 137)

Most anger is directed toward strangers. FALSE Olson - Chapter 05 #69

70. (p. 140)

A couple where one person is an overfunctioner and the other is an underfuctioner is often seen as a complementary couple where each satisfactorily meets the needs of the other. FALSE Olson - Chapter 05 #70

71. (p. 138)

The dance of anger is a metaphor that describes how humans relate to each other. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #71

72. Couples who know how to "fight" properly tend to stay together. (137) TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #72

73. (p. 138)

A common divorce scenario is less likely to be heated conflict, than it is to be a gradual loss of

closeness. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #73

74. (p. 141)

According to Lerner's research, people of either gender are good at blaming--but women do it more conspicuously than men. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #74

75. (p. 142)

A recent study (Julien et al., 2003), discussed by our textbook authors, found that there was no difference in the level of conflict behaviors among heterosexual, gay, or lesbian couples. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #75

76. (p. 137)

The main issue with anger and conflict in intimate relationships is how to fight fairly and constructively. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #76

77. (p. 143)

When family therapists talk about fair fighting, they are talking about verbal interchanges that are serious business and should be treated with caution. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #77

78. (p. 144)

As conflict increases, people often do not say what they really mean. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #78

79. (p. 145)

"I" statements tend to be signals of attack that invite defensiveness. FALSE Olson - Chapter 05 #79

80. (p. 146)

The "silent treatment" is a form of psychological torture that emotionally shuts the other out. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #80

81. (p. 135)

Indifference is the opposite of anger and love and hate. TRUE Olson - Chapter 05 #81

82. (p. 146)

In a fair fight, the most relevant question is "Where have we been?"

FALSE Olson - Chapter 05 #82

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